Matt Lauer: The Latest Man To Fall


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Lauer had a button under his desk that locked the door without getting up..... very rapey
He greeted some employees in his office with his member out
He left a box of sex toys around the show to give as gifts and gave women explicit instructions
One staffer says she remembers having sex in his office as she passed out and woke up in the care of a nurse
He threatened co-workers after consensual sex
He sent inappropriate texts
He made everything about sex and looks and played F, Marry Kill at all times
On the road he made staffers come to his room at all times of night for menial tasks

Everything is about sex, except the actual sex which is about power and Lauer wielded the most power at NBC....... this was not flirting or acceptable in any manner........ he is a creepy perverted bully and deserves everything he gets

My understanding of the button is that it is to keep people out, not in. It's a security device as he was someone who had threats against him. It's apparently not that uncommon for people in that situation. His use of the button went beyond it's intended purpose, however. But it should not prevent someone from leaving the room.


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Dag, you're blowing all my stereotypes out of the water. I had always raised my little sister to be weary of the "guy friends" who settle for friendship when they're obviously attracted to you. Those always seemed like the Dateline ID weirdos who will eventually flip out, etc. You're obv not, and more guys I assumed were legit have turned weird; Louis CK was mine. Still love em, but was a "noooooo, o for real?" moment; I just never heard of that fetish bf tbh.

Having a group of friends that were girls was awesome.

I learned so much from them, but mostly just how to be comfortable when talking to women.

If I hadn't have done it, I don't think I could have landed my wife.

I loved Louis CK. One of my favorite comedians. But with the new revelations, he just seems like a huge fraud now.

It sucks.


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My understanding of the button is that it is to keep people out, not in. It's a security device as he was someone who had threats against him. It's apparently not that uncommon for people in that situation. His use of the button went beyond it's intended purpose, however. But it should not prevent someone from leaving the room.
Child please....... His office was in a secluded area and he wanted extra privacy when doing dirt


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If there's a pattern, I have no sympathy for the offender. Nearly all accused had a strategy to do what they do and keep it secret. I was definitely shocked about some, like Charlie Rose or the elder George Bush. If you aren't a guy who would force himself on a woman, I think it's easy to hear these stories second- or third-hand and just brush them off as crazy rare events and not really do anything to help.

There should be shades of grey though, and the current environment doesn't want to believe such things. There are activities getting called harassment that are (to me) mostly not. For instance...

That just seems like a 40-something guy crashing and burning while seeing if a younger woman was open to a relationship. His friend was acting as the wingman. Hoffman asked. She declined. He left to go buy clothes. Plenty of fish. That's his life as Dustin Hoffman. He didn't force himself on her. He didn't work to destroy her career. This woman had a Hoffman story and she saw an opportunity to tell it in the current frenzy.

I also see a difference between a Weinstein move of cornering a woman alone, positioning himself between the woman and the lone exit, exposing his little Weinstein, and ruining a perfectly good house plant vs the Louie CK stories which seem similar on the surface.

Weinstein clearly would work to prevent someone from working again. He was vindictive. He was verbally and, in some cases, physically threatening. He had a methodology in his predation as well as in covering his tracks.

In Louie CK's case, he's just pathetic and he's been pretty clear about that fact in his stand-up. His whole act is the discord between our external or aspirational life vs internal thoughts. He didn't destroy anyone's career or prevent them from working. He shouldn't have done what he did. He's clearly got some problems. But...(shrug)...he's funny.


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Can you tap her on the backside?? Can you ask her for a date? Can you flirt with her? I never pulled my Johnson out..:)hahhaah...But I did touch a few backsides over the years!! Where does this uptight BS end. Its becoming too much!! Come on. People have to be human after all. A nice backside needs touchin..hahahahah

If that’s the case, you would be fine with a homosexual dude touching your ***, right? People have to be human after all.


Stop chasing
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Having a group of friends that were girls was awesome.

I learned so much from them, but mostly just how to be comfortable when talking to women.

If I hadn't have done it, I don't think I could have landed my wife.

I loved Louis CK. One of my favorite comedians. But with the new revelations, he just seems like a huge fraud now.

It sucks.
Big respect there on meeting your wife that route Nova; the more I learn the less I know type of thing as I'm getting older. Appreciate the insight. I still respect his comedy bc he's really more of a nihilist if he's anything (Carlin) but a big hypocrite in terms of his supposed feminist takes he would posture to make cultural statements that will now appear hollow. He's been an open sexual deviant throughout his career; fridge sketch/9/11 joke/etc. Doesn't make it right by any means and deserved to be called out.
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“This is really weird to me. I’m an attorney, and I’ve worked in the offices of some of the biggest law firms in the US. We deal with some REALLY sensitive materials from our clients, and highly confidential teleconferences. I have literally never seen someone with a self-closing/locking button on their door.”


"We Are Penn State"
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“This is really weird to me. I’m an attorney, and I’ve worked in the offices of some of the biggest law firms in the US. We deal with some REALLY sensitive materials from our clients, and highly confidential teleconferences. I have literally never seen someone with a self-closing/locking button on their door.”
Not on their door, but under his desk. Weird indeed. Imagine what the women felt like that couldn't get out of his office. That's frightening.


"We Are Penn State"
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Can you tap her on the backside?? Can you ask her for a date? Can you flirt with her? I never pulled my Johnson out..:)hahhaah...But I did touch a few backsides over the years!! Where does this uptight BS end. Its becoming too much!! Come on. People have to be human after all. A nice backside needs touchin..hahahahah
Sadly Hale, those days are long gone. Just like kids can call the cops if their parents hit them. A sad world we live in now. But if ya see me walking by, I won't mind a small backside touchin from ya.


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Sadly Hale, those days are long gone. Just like kids can call the cops if their parents hit them. A sad world we live in now. But if ya see me walking by, I won't mind a small backside touch from ya.
It just makes me sick to see what sheep people have become. Where is the humanity in all this BS. What are we becoming. I would be delighted to get close to you. Heck, life is short!!


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If that’s the case, you would be fine with a homosexual dude touching your ***, right? People have to be human after all.
I don't enjoy the fruits that much. :). But, l wouldn't have a problem with them touching each other!!


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“This is really weird to me. I’m an attorney, and I’ve worked in the offices of some of the biggest law firms in the US. We deal with some REALLY sensitive materials from our clients, and highly confidential teleconferences. I have literally never seen someone with a self-closing/locking button on their door.”

That means nothing. Who cares what a lawyer knows about?

Maybe look at the quotes about the NBC offices and how others had the same device including women. It was not a Lauer thing to have one. It was his use of it that was unique.


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My understanding of the button is that it is to keep people out, not in. It's a security device as he was someone who had threats against him. It's apparently not that uncommon for people in that situation. His use of the button went beyond it's intended purpose, however. But it should not prevent someone from leaving the room.

his office was on one of the top floors of a pretty secure building. And there is no indications that any other offices in that area had that same little addition. Big difference between that and other offices


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Will the future be a lesbian dominated society that subjugates men for use purely as sperm donors?