Maurice Clarrett

cobra said:
Hmm. A guy who has a Nate sig not being opposed to Clarrett.

Guess some people just don't understand character.


You got me all figured dont you. I guess I will just play the stero-typical role you probably already got me down as whenever I come across one of your posts in this forum.

- Mike G.
Aikmaniac said:
slick, I don't think those guys had character issues at all. Clarett should be smarter than that.

you guys are ridiculous. First bagging on Onterrio, now Clarett. They don't have to go home right after practice and working out and just study the playbook all night. They are young guys, and they want to go out and have fun. More power to them. Does it really bother you guys so much as to what a Denver Bronco's player is doing?
DanTanna said:

I want to be the BEST

:mad: I pity the fool who messes with Nate's sig.

- Mike G.
Billy Bullocks said:
you guys are ridiculous. First bagging on Onterrio, now Clarett. They don't have to go home right after practice and working out and just study the playbook all night. They are young guys, and they want to go out and have fun. More power to them. Does it really bother you guys so much as to what a Denver Bronco's player is doing?
No way you can defend Onterrio who should also be called "The Whiz Kid" and the "The Whiz-ard of Oz." Dude is trying to beat a drug test and wants to pass it off on some cuz' Come on, that's hilarious....
Woody'sGirl said:
No way you can defend Onterrio who should also be called "The Whiz Kid" and the "The Whiz-ard of Oz." Dude is trying to beat a drug test and wants to pass it off on some cuz' Come on, that's hilarious....
That there is funny.....I don't care who you are :D
Yeagermeister said:
That there is funny.....I don't care who you are :D
Yeah I admit I lifted that from this NY Daily News article...:D

I wanted to post it, but I thought it might be a bit much for the board.
Woody'sGirl said:
No way you can defend Onterrio who should also be called "The Whiz Kid" and the "The Whiz-ard of Oz." Dude is trying to beat a drug test and wants to pass it off on some cuz' Come on, that's hilarious....

Onterrio is fair game. Incomprehensible that someone with formal education would take a "whiz-inator" on an airplane in this day and time. Just as bad as Damon Stoudamire being caught with reefer on a flight or better yet the time rent-a-cops found a pound of marijuana on his counter after his home alarm went off.

Can't defend these guys for their stupidity!
Billy Bullocks said:
you guys are ridiculous. First bagging on Onterrio, now Clarett. They don't have to go home right after practice and working out and just study the playbook all night. They are young guys, and they want to go out and have fun. More power to them. Does it really bother you guys so much as to what a Denver Bronco's player is doing?

The world is full of the sanctimonious. For some reason it makes them feel better to criticize the actions of others. Sad thing is you dont find character in yourself by not finding it in others.

Sad, really.
cobra said:
Hmm. A guy who has a Nate sig not being opposed to Clarrett.

Guess some people just don't understand character.

This character issue is getting completely misconstrued.

I would bet that some of the very judgmental around here would probably turn their noses up at Newton, Michael Irvin and Charles Haley right about now.

Say what you want about what they did off the field, on the field, they were about as character as you can get.
Nors said:
Clarret+Big $ will equal problems.

Book it!

Clarett + No $ equal problems. That book has already been reshelved.
you guys are straight up haters. OK, granted you can take shots at Onterrio, but what exactly was MC doing wrong here? Have you just been rooting against him since the alegations at OSU surfaced or what? The kid did about 1 stupid thing while at OSU, but of course the NCAA, the biggest hypocrites in the world, make a big deal out of it, and now Clarett is the bad guy. Now he can't go to a nightclub with getting the intraweb insane.

You guys are all champions of hinsight, might I add..
Billy Bullocks said:
you guys are straight up haters. OK, granted you can take shots at Onterrio, but what exactly was MC doing wrong here? Have you just been rooting against him since the alegations at OSU surfaced or what? The kid did about 1 stupid thing while at OSU, but of course the NCAA, the biggest hypocrites in the world, make a big deal out of it, and now Clarett is the bad guy. Now he can't go to a nightclub with getting the intraweb insane.

You guys are all champions of hinsight, might I add..

He can go to all the night clubs he wants. I could really care less about Clarett. Last I heard, he was a Bronco. You might ask their fans what they think of the guy.
Alexander said:
I would bet that some of the very judgmental around here would probably turn their noses up at Newton, Michael Irvin and Charles Haley right about now.

Nate never caused a problem while he was on the field, and for that, I would have no reason to criticize him. If he was doing during his career, the stuff he was doing after it that got him in trouble, then I would have to demanded that he be cut.

Irvin was a great football player. But I wouldn't put him in the Hall of Fame because of his behavior. I will never forgive him for being the primary example of the Criminal Cowboys.

Haley? Haley was never a problem. He was mean, but he had good character.

It doesn't matter if the player is the best player at his position in the league. I don't want a punk wearing the Star.

If you don't care about winning with pride and honor, and you only care about winning, then maybe you don't care that complete worthless pieces of crap are on your team as long as they are producing. So you can go get T.O., Clarrett, Quincy, etc. Get your whole team of thugs. Grab those guys who should be in prison instead of a football field. I hope you win. Me? I'd rather lose every game of the year with character football players than to have a playoff caliber team of thuggish punks.

The Cowboys are my team. The players on the team are lucky to be on it. They should be proud and act accordingly. I don't want anyone on my team that has no character, no matter how good they are. What you support reflects on you as a person; what you esteem and hold dear says a lot about the nature of your values.

You, the Madden/fantasy generation, can love the punks because they might put up stats. You guys are fans of players, not teams.

So screw the punks, and for those of you who want punks on our team because they might contribute, you deserve to have an embarrassing team.
cobra said:
Nate never caused a problem while he was on the field, and for that, I would have no reason to criticize him. If he was doing during his career, the stuff he was doing after it that got him in trouble, then I would have to demanded that he be cut.

Irvin was a great football player. But I wouldn't put him in the Hall of Fame because of his behavior. I will never forgive him for being the primary example of the Criminal Cowboys.

Haley? Haley was never a problem. He was mean, but he had good character.

It doesn't matter if the player is the best player at his position in the league. I don't want a punk wearing the Star.

If you don't care about winning with pride and honor, and you only care about winning, then maybe you don't care that complete worthless pieces of crap are on your team as long as they are producing. So you can go get T.O., Clarrett, Quincy, etc. Get your whole team of thugs. Grab those guys who should be in prison instead of a football field. I hope you win. Me? I'd rather lose every game of the year with character football players than to have a playoff caliber team of thuggish punks.

The Cowboys are my team. The players on the team are lucky to be on it. They should be proud and act accordingly. I don't want anyone on my team that has no character, no matter how good they are. What you support reflects on you as a person; what you esteem and hold dear says a lot about the nature of your values.

You, the Madden/fantasy generation, can love the punks because they might put up stats. You guys are fans of players, not teams.

So screw the punks, and for those of you who want punks on our team because they might contribute, you deserve to have an embarrassing team.

This has got to be the dumbest post I have ever seen.

You obviously dont know much about the history of the Dallas Cowboys...

You need to go do some research on what some of the Cowboys back in the day were doing...Drugs, Cheatin on their wives, fraud, going to door to knocking on people's houses because they were too drunk to know any better, flashing little kids at parks, Cheating on each others wives, selling drugs, breaking into houses, suicide, child molestation, and course my favorite, slappin highschool kids around when they have the nerve to drive careless on the same road as you.

Do I need to continue....

Yeah, those were the good old days :rolleyes: .

The crap the Cowboys of today have done pales in comparison to what some of the Boys of yester-year did.

cobra said:
Haley? Haley was never a problem. He was mean, but he had good character.

This quote right here takes the freakin cake!!! Do you know why we got Charles Haley? He more than wore out his welcome in San Francisco. He was doing things like....I wont even mention some of things he was doing, but you obviously need to go do some research.

I love the Dallas Cowboys. Hell I had no choice I am from here :cool: . But I dont view these guys as super men. These guys make mistakes and as long as they are able to turn their life around and try to do some good, I am all for them.

Gotta love the "Cast the first stone because I am sinless" Generation.

...I think I will go PM Juke99 and ask for an "All Criminal" Signature just to p*ss you off :p: .

- Mike G.
mickgreen58 said:
This has got to be the dumbest post I have ever seen.

You obviously dont know much about the history of the Dallas Cowboys...

You need to go do some research on what some of the Cowboys back in the day were doing...Drugs, Cheatin on their wives, fraud, going to door to knocking on people's houses because they were too drunk to know any better, flashing little kids at parks, Cheating on each others wives, selling drugs, breaking into houses, suicide, child molestation, and course my favorite, slappin highschool kids around when they have the nerve to drive careless on the same road as you.

Do I need to continue....

Yeah, those were the good old days :rolleyes: .

The crap the Cowboys of today have done pales in comparison to what some of the Boys of yester-year did.

This quote right here takes the freakin cake!!! Do you know why we got Charles Haley? He more than wore out his welcome in San Francisco. He was doing things like....I wont even mention some of things he was doing, but you obviously need to go do some research.

I love the Dallas Cowboys. Hell I had no choice I am from here :cool: . But I dont view these guys as super men. These guys make mistakes and as long as they are able to turn their life around and try to do some good, I am all for them.

Gotta love the "Cast the first stone because I am sinless" Generation.

...I think I will go PM Juke99 and ask for an "All Criminal" Signature just to p*ss you off :p: .

- Mike G.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I'll take it one step further and say that this topic has got to be the dumbest topic ever.

Some guys on this board absolutely kill me and are a main reason why most of us continue to search for a board free from idiots. That would be the perfect board though and we all know there is no such thing as perfection. Oh wait a minute, my mistake, all these guys that are passing judgement on guys like Clarett must be perfect in every way.

Some guys simply search for news and then rush here as fast as there little fingers can type and try to be the first to get the news that Maurice Clarett was spotted in a nightclud in LV. OMG lets lock the guy up and throw away the key. I mean what the hell is this young man thinking, going to a nightclub given that he actually lied to campus police in the past and sued the NFL to enter at an earlier age. I for one am shocked that this nightclub would even allow such a criminal in it's establishment.

You guys need to get over it and quit trying to pad your post counts by posting lame *** crap such as this. He is a Denver Bronco, not a Dallas Cowboy and the last I checked this was a Cowboys thread.
move it to the NFL zone.

Clarett has brought this on himself.
Billy Bullocks said:
you guys are straight up haters. OK, granted you can take shots at Onterrio, but what exactly was MC doing wrong here? Have you just been rooting against him since the alegations at OSU surfaced or what? The kid did about 1 stupid thing while at OSU, but of course the NCAA, the biggest hypocrites in the world, make a big deal out of it, and now Clarett is the bad guy. Now he can't go to a nightclub with getting the intraweb insane.

You guys are all champions of hinsight, might I add..

Fo shizzy my nizzy.
mickgreen58 said:
This has got to be the dumbest post I have ever seen.

You obviously dont know much about the history of the Dallas Cowboys...

You need to go do some research on what some of the Cowboys back in the day were doing...Drugs, Cheatin on their wives, fraud, going to door to knocking on people's houses because they were too drunk to know any better, flashing little kids at parks, Cheating on each others wives, selling drugs, breaking into houses, suicide, child molestation, and course my favorite, slappin highschool kids around when they have the nerve to drive careless on the same road as you.

Do I need to continue....

Yeah, those were the good old days :rolleyes: .

The crap the Cowboys of today have done pales in comparison to what some of the Boys of yester-year did.

This quote right here takes the freakin cake!!! Do you know why we got Charles Haley? He more than wore out his welcome in San Francisco. He was doing things like....I wont even mention some of things he was doing, but you obviously need to go do some research.

I love the Dallas Cowboys. Hell I had no choice I am from here :cool: . But I dont view these guys as super men. These guys make mistakes and as long as they are able to turn their life around and try to do some good, I am all for them.

Gotta love the "Cast the first stone because I am sinless" Generation.

...I think I will go PM Juke99 and ask for an "All Criminal" Signature just to p*ss you off :p: .

- Mike G.

I agree Mick, I admire you for seeing good in someone who everyone likes to put a label on ... as if they have never done anything wrong.

Props bro.
Waffle said:
He can go to all the night clubs he wants. I could really care less about Clarett. Last I heard, he was a Bronco. You might ask their fans what they think of the guy.
One of my friends is a Bronco fan and she hates that they picked him.

The reason I didn't want him as a Cowboy is that he only played one season and couldn't stay healthy for that. I don't see that changing in the NFL.

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