Maybe Its A Culture Problem, Not Neccessarily Playcalling

We know why the team lost last year with those loser QB's... maybe be should let Dak get more than one game into his NFL career before we categorize him with Weeden and Cassell and say the team can't win with him.

Just curious but who here has done that? Maybe I missed it.
Now I know this Dodger guy is yet another worthless Joe Fan blaming a long line of failed head coaches.

I guess it makes those people feel better about the situation.

Yes, don't discuss the issue at hand and attack the poster instead. Lame tactic man.

And I've been called a lot of things but "Joe Fan" or homer or someone blinded by rose colored glasses isn't one of them.

I understand the limitations all coaches face here. But they took the job and I would assume they took the job with an idea of how to coach under those circumstances. I assume my HC understands clock management. I assume my HC will run one more play with a TO in his pocket to get his kicker into better FG position rather than running 30 seconds off the clock and asking your kicker to kick a 50 plus yarder which he misses.

You can excuse these basic coaching traits and qualities, but I won't. the HC is still responsible for these on-field decisions.
Now I know this Dodger guy is yet another worthless Joe Fan blaming a long line of failed head coaches.

I guess it makes those people feel better about the situation.

Well in fairness, you're point might be stronger if the failed coaches Jones has hired have gone on to be successful head coaches elsewhere. Except none did. Gailey was a bust and got fired in Buffalo. No one deemed either Campo or Phillips worthy of being a head coach. Houston had him as an interim and never gave him a chance at the full time head gig.

Your logic is that because so many coaches failed that means Jerry handcuffs them and makes them losers. The more logical conclusion is that Jerry just hires bad head coaches. And Garrett seems to be trending that way too.
The ONLY constant is Garrett. Romo was out for the year and the team tanked last year. There's a reason Weeden, Cassell and Dak had similar style of games despite being three different quarterbacks. That's what was called for them. Weeden won with the Texans and threw a huge pass for a touchdown against us in preseason. After the game, Garrett says, we took what the defense gave us. That just shows a level of conservatism in a game plan designed for every QB not named Romo... and it's a losing gameplan. We lost, what 14 games with this gameplan? The one year we have a solid year is the year Murray has a historic season at the RB position and Romo has one of his best years as well.
I don't give anyone a pass because I dislike the GM. I give all coaches, and I mean A.L.L., a pass when they have to work under Jerry's heavy hand and flawed football operations. If you're set up to fail and you fail that doesn't reflect on you.

Let me follow-up with another question. If you give A.L.L. coaches a pass when they have to work under a flawed football operation, then why not do the same for the players? Are they not set up to fail as well under this structure? Do they not work under the same structure and even one notch below the coach on the food chain whom you give a pass to? So by your logic, since the structure is flawed and it sets people up for failure, that shouldn't reflect on those people. And yet, you have some very strong (often negative) opinions when it comes to the players.
This thread can go on for 100 more pages and nothing will be resolved. Not one of us or any or in the media really knows the dynamic between Booger & Son and Garrett. Other than we know that Son wanted him to come back to the Cowboys and Booger was willing to hire him without a title and actually consider starting him off as the HC. And at one time Garrett was a red hot commodity and in demand in ATL, BAL and DET. And considering his resume and lack of experience and success, that was eyeopening to say the least.

The other thing we know is the draft has gotten better and we show signs of returning to that offense of the 90's but is that Garrett's influence, McClay's or Son's, who openly admitted to not giving the QB adequate protection in the past?

We really have no idea of Booger's involvement with game plans, personnel or anything else that would fall into the HC's responsibilities. We only get glimpses but not one GM makes statements about injuries and players as he does. On other teams, do you ever see the owner or GM making these announcements? And more than once his mouth has gotten him in hot water with players regarding injuries and his assessment of their availability. HC's know to tread lightly in that area.

I am not a Garrett fan and really never have been because I've not seen him succeed on the ladder up to HC but from what I've seen a strong HC that wants to run his own ship will not work here. Before Broaddus worked for the team and still had his contacts at VR, he openly talked on Galloway's show about Booger and his depression when Parcells came in and took all of the exposure away form him. His family was concerned for his health. Booger's desire to be a celebrity is the driving force of his personality and any HC that would tread in that area would not be welcomed. Just look at the HC's he's allowed on the team.

We have little hope, that's why I just accept Garrett for what he is and if he's in anyway responsible for the improvement on the OL, that's a bonus. But make no mistake about it, the number 1 job of the Dallas Cowboys' Head Coach is to not upstage the Dallas Cowboys General Manager. As long as that is the primary requirement of the job, a guy like Garrett, that understands how to deal with Booger, this is the best we're going to get.

The comparisons to Crazy Al are ridiculous, he was a true football man. While he was a maverick, like Booger, the comparisons stop there until he started to slide mentally. Then, he looked like Booger. Davis made bad decisions but he didn't try to spin them or sell the fans, he just forged ahead and he didn't seek the spotlight, it sought him. Booger is like that aging actress trying to remain relevant and hungering for what she will never have again. The more he seeks the spotlight, the more he shows he's learned very little from owning this team for 27 years. And that begins with hiring the right guy to lead his team.

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