Maybe this is the best thing that could have happened to EE

Fair enough, but one learned his lesson and the other didnt. Kabeesh?
Exactly. One guy stopped his ish and kept his name out of ish-all.
One guy keeps getting himself in the middle of ish-all.

Time for a fundamental change. I know it's hard- I RAILED and RAILED back in the early millennium and all it got me was more trouble.
Took me 13 years to get my passport back. 8 years to get my Driver's License. My wife has had to drive me around for the past 5 years. I couldn't cross borders for 2 years, I couldn't get on a plane for 3 years!
What's funny is what people are doing now, in what was my field of work, is what's encouraged. ENCOURAGED!!!

I lost years... sorry. Sorry. Still emotional. I never hurt anyone and I got hammered into submission. This guy...

Get back on the path. You want to be a free spirit? There's still a way, but you can't be blatant and gross about it (the word gross actually works).

I would wish him luck, but I think I'm a bad omen so I want him to make his own luck, which is years and years of responsibility and being a Good Guy in all public scenarios.
Fair enough, but one learned his lesson and the other didnt. Kabeesh?

When I see actual evidence of Zeke being anything more than a lively party animal, I won't condemn him. I don't buy into the media hero and villain narratives they love to push, never have.

As of right now, Zeke has yet to ever be arrested and has been caught to get with wild girls and maybe did some crazy drugs in college. That's where it ends for me. I don't have time to sit around worrying about adult football players doing adult things - I have a full head of hair and i want to keep it that way as long as possible without stressing over nonsense media clickbait.

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