Mazi's allergic to milk

Not you, too. I've come to expect this kind of comment from some, but you're staff. Be better than resorting to name-calling.
It's funny that certain staff members are 100% part of the "problem" (if you want to call it that) and a couple in particular are always part of the "back and forth"
My friend's wife had one...she was in the car behind him. She was too late.
That's horrible. Sorry to hear. My daughter had a few close friends in school (mostly when younger) with life threatening allergies. It's scary
Sure, this first tome in his entire life he has drank milk. Any one believes this fake story I got some. You know rest. He is allergic to putting in the work needed to be the level he was drafted to be. If jimmy was running this team. Mazi would be on the next bus home
It had to be a pretty serious reaction for him to spend a night in hospital. He mentioned some breathing techniques. That tells me it's possible he started hyperventilating which could lead to panic attacks if you are not careful. I have an uncle that happens to quite a bit. Either way, glad to see he's feeling better.
You really believe his story.
I wouldn’t call it an allergy but if I drink cows milk I’ll be on the toilet all night long.
Sometimes people become allergic to something later on in life that they were never allergic to before. Or the opposite.

My ex wife within the last 2 years, is allergic to quite a few things she had ate all her life.

Cheese and butter, but can drink certain types of milk. Shrimp also, within the past year. Certain types of nuts as well. Cashews being one of them, but can eat other types.
Yeah. There have been instances a newly developed allergies in people who received the Covid vaccine. When was his last booster.? Has your ex wife been vaccinated and boosted?
when I was a baby I was allergic to MOST milk, and formula. Only thing I could hold down was Goats Milk. I was hospitalized because of it my Mom says. The weird thing with Mazi is his age and hes just now realizing this? lol I am confused. Or did he think he could handle it? Its never a good thing to roll the dice when dealing with allergies like Peanuts or Milk. Bad things happen.
When I was in Rwanda years ago. They made this banging cheese out of goats milk.

As somebody who is lactose intolerant it was best of both worlds. Tasted great and no stomach pains from it.
I feel like you are of the belief that Mazi will never be performing surgery or splitting atoms.
I wouldn't even mow my lawn.....he'd probably get caught under the mower
I wouldn’t call it an allergy but if I drink cows milk I’ll be on the toilet all night long.
Lactose intolerant?

Those folks have the gift of lighting up a room for hours just by eating a pint of ice cream

I'd like to be lactose intolerant and have tourretes just for a week.....just a week and no further
I feel like the most likely explanation is it was an ingredient in a food he ate which he was unaware of somehow. Or he was given something he was told was almond milk or some substitute, but it got mistakenly switched up somehow.

These things can happen.

Or it’s like an episode of Murder She Wrote. Like the time that guy got poisoned with the apple. Mazi’s would be assassin was using his allergy against him!
Lactose intolerant?

Those folks have the gift of lighting up a room for hours just by eating a pint of ice cream

I'd like to be lactose intolerant and have tourretes just for a week.....just a week and no further
Yes that is me 100%. The lactase pills help. But it’s still not perfect.
when I was a baby I was allergic to MOST milk, and formula. Only thing I could hold down was Goats Milk. I was hospitalized because of it my Mom says. The weird thing with Mazi is his age and hes just now realizing this? lol I am confused. Or did he think he could handle it? Its never a good thing to roll the dice when dealing with allergies like Peanuts or Milk. Bad things happen.
I can't drink cow's milk so I keep my own dairy goat herd. Been drinking raw goat's milk for the better part of 50 years.

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