Mazi's allergic to milk

Only an insult if you take it that way or if it was meant that way....there are a lot worse things being spewed around here. Haters and Homers are generic terms. IMO
Frankly, I don't think "worse things being spewed" is justification for using a negative term to refer to other members, especially by a member of the staff.
k......soooo, Mazi, what happened? OBVIOUSLY, you don't know how. Be smarter man.
I can’t speak for him but my son is allergic to milk….its not the milk that’s the problem it’s the food that contains milk but not sure if that’s what happened

Cowboys DT Mazi Smith said his allergic reaction was to some milk he drank. He’s had allergic reactions before, so he knew how to handle the situation. “I’m a big guy, I eat a lot of food. I know the ropes when it comes to having an allergic reaction. You can’t panic.”

Smith said he’s feeling better now. He expects to practice the rest of the week. “Business as usual.”



From sleep apnoe to milk allergy. What crap is next they will try to tell us?
Jesus, poor guy had something scary happen and our fan base is just raking him over the coals. Some of you people need to reevaluate why your lives suck so much that you need to pile on every member of this team for everything.

Cowboys DT Mazi Smith said his allergic reaction was to some milk he drank. He’s had allergic reactions before, so he knew how to handle the situation. “I’m a big guy, I eat a lot of food. I know the ropes when it comes to having an allergic reaction. You can’t panic.”

Smith said he’s feeling better now. He expects to practice the rest of the week. “Business as usual.”

Cow milk is meant for a calf not a human.

Speaking from experience, that's much tougher to avoid. Did you know that even something as simple as baking soda can be contaminated with peanuts? It also is one that's often life-threatening.
considering Mazi himself said it was milk, kind of makes this source look rather suspect...
Well, the second tweet said that it was something in the milk. It seems likely that he got some flavored milk product and didn't notice it had peanuts in it or cross-contamination.
No Clue. Maybe it was a nut based milk :huh:
Could be. Although there's not a peanut milk that I can think of, a lot of tree nut milks (like almond milk) have peanut warnings on them because the facility where they are made also produces peanut products.
Mazi,.. get well,... get better , return back ..bad luck medical setback for sure, but frankly i'm glad to turn and depend
on others in the trenches,.. while you try to finally establish yourself and live up to 1st rd billing.

thank goodness for the Jordan Phillip as i'm worried that with Mazi, it's always gonna be something or another with him.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to understand.

I mean milk is not easily confused with most other drinks and if he's only allergic to some but not all milk, maybe just avoid milk during the season all together.
Dear Leader and handsome CZers:

Let us not forget to remember that these are big, largely uneducated lads who cashed in on our need for gladiators.

We expect too much intellect from these land movers.
If we need smart men then hire Walter Pidgeon.

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