Twitter: McCarthy to Sean Lee “If you’re dumb enough to get into coaching, we should definitely talk.”


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McC has made the kind of money he's made and can call considering coaching a dumb move? What a dumb statement. Lots of smart people haven't knocked down the dough he has in his career.

I guess he though he was being clever and cute and he might look like Jackie Vernon but he's not a funny guy.

With Sean Lee's football intelligence, he might be able to make better money with fewer hours as a commentator/analyst as opposed to less money and insane hours as a coach. Maybe that's what MM meant. Look at Romo. Great football intelligence and is killing it as a commentator and analyst.

Also, unlike our robotic previous head coach, MM seems to have a sense of humor. Maybe it was tongue-in-cheek.


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let me repeat that for you: ENTITLED
This is an idiotic take.

Sean Lee worked his butt of to be a pro football player. Everyone, except maybe you, know he is the ultimate student of the game. In all likely hood, he would be a hard working and outstanding football coach because of his work ethic and football IQ. Players are hired to be coaches all the time after they retire.

Terrible example of entitlement.


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Dallas never learns!! No more coaches in training for the coaching staff!!!!!


Junior College Transfer
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This is an idiotic take.

Sean Lee worked his butt of to be a pro football player. Everyone, except maybe you, know he is the ultimate student of the game. In all likely hood, he would be a hard working and outstanding football coach because of his work ethic and football IQ. Players are hired to be coaches all the time after they retire.

Terrible example of entitlement.

Terrible defense of an entitled, privileged has been player who could not cut it as a reliable pro player and, presumably, assumes he can just become a coach and go to the front of the line.

You have no awareness of of a thousand other coaches who know 10x what Leech knows and who have worked their butts off from entry level jobs. And for what? To step aside for an entitled pro player who needs a paycheck and doesn't mind climbing over the backs of established coaches.

The good ol' boys process is, in your mind, a great hiring mechanism.
The Rooney rule, in concept, was enacted to counter your vision of entitlement and privilege.


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Terrible defense of an entitled, privileged has been player who could not cut it as a reliable pro player and, presumably, assumes he can just become a coach and go to the front of the line.

You have no awareness of of a thousand other coaches who know 10x what Leech knows and who have worked their butts off from entry level jobs. And for what? To step aside for an entitled pro player who needs a paycheck and doesn't mind climbing over the backs of established coaches.

The good ol' boys process is, in your mind, a great hiring mechanism.
The Rooney rule, in concept, was enacted to counter your vision of entitlement and privilege.
Wow, the hate you have for one guy! Relax, he’s no threat to Affirmative Action, Captain SJW!


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Terrible defense of an entitled, privileged has been player who could not cut it as a reliable pro player and, presumably, assumes he can just become a coach and go to the front of the line.

You have no awareness of of a thousand other coaches who know 10x what Leech knows and who have worked their butts off from entry level jobs. And for what? To step aside for an entitled pro player who needs a paycheck and doesn't mind climbing over the backs of established coaches.

The good ol' boys process is, in your mind, a great hiring mechanism.
The Rooney rule, in concept, was enacted to counter your vision of entitlement and privilege.

I’m sure you feel the same way about Todd Bowles, Byron Leftwich and Eric Bienemy, right? After all- they are just entitled players who needed to get paid, right?


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Right, but I was addressing the foolishness surrounding your hero Leech.
Who cares what you were addressing? This is a forum for Dallas Cowboy fans. Anyone making up hateful stupid nicknames for good players who are decent people, aren’t real fans.


Junior College Transfer
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Who cares what you were addressing? This is a forum for Dallas Cowboy fans. Anyone making up hateful stupid nicknames for good players who are decent people, aren’t real fans.
YOU CARE. Being butt hurt over your fragile hero doesn't make you correct.
You worry about others on other teams. I'll address Cowboys.
Other than that how has your hero Leech worked out?
Yeah, look all flustered and lost. Like Sean....


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YOU CARE. Being butt hurt over your fragile hero doesn't make you correct.
You worry about others on other teams. I'll address Cowboys.
Other than that how has your hero Leech worked out?
Yeah, look all flustered and lost. Like Sean....

I care when people calling themselves Cowboy fans erroneously label good players because they have some kind of bias built on a foundation of imagined slights and social “justice”. “Leech”? How cute. Sean Lee knows more about football than you and I and most of the posters here combined, and is a tireless worker with integrity. Is he a hero compared to veterans, cops, firefighters, good teachers or healthcare frontliners? Hell no, but I’ll take him any day over 90% of today’s strutting, dancing, self serving and entitled player.

You don’t REALLY seem to care about what’s right or if the Cowboys win. You seem to care most about massaging your ego and “winning” an online debate with a stranger. Having the last word is moot if you don’t change any opinions. So go ahead, respond with something “clever” and righteous, and prove my point!


Junior College Transfer
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I care when people calling themselves Cowboy fans erroneously label good players because they have some kind of bias built on a foundation of imagined slights and social “justice”. “Leech”? How cute. Sean Lee knows more about football than you and I and most of the posters here combined, and is a tireless worker with integrity. Is he a hero compared to veterans, cops, firefighters, good teachers or healthcare frontliners? Hell no, but I’ll take him any day over 90% of today’s strutting, dancing, self serving and entitled player.

You don’t REALLY seem to care about what’s right or if the Cowboys win. You seem to care most about massaging your ego and “winning” an online debate with a stranger. Having the last word is moot if you don’t change any opinions. So go ahead, respond with something “clever” and righteous, and prove my point!

Who are these strutting, dancing players?
You are unraveling and it is not pretty, proud lad, what you are intimating.


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Why would anyone think mac's comments should be taken literally? Living in bubbles is bad for mental health.


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Who are these strutting, dancing players?
You are unraveling and it is not pretty, proud lad, what you are intimating.

#1)Thanks for proving my point!
#2)As I’ve already said, MOST of today’s players have to strut and dance every time they successfully do their job, playing ball for ridiculous amounts of money.
3)Yeah, I’M unraveling, just because I don’t back down from your nonsense. Plus, I think most reasonable posters think YOU’RE the nutball, not me.


Junior College Transfer
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#1)Thanks for proving my point!
#2)As I’ve already said, MOST of today’s players have to strut and dance every time they successfully do their job, playing ball for ridiculous amounts of money.
3)Yeah, I’M unraveling, just because I don’t back down from your nonsense. Plus, I think most reasonable posters think YOU’RE the nutball, not me.

Your defense of a broken down, entitled, privileged and befuddled athlete is endearing.:oops:
But what you keep implying is an ugly, stereotypical trope that you are so embarrassed by that you don't dare elaborate.:omg:
C'mon, which players "strut" and "dance" as opposed to the noble, boy next door, inept Leech?:angry:
Why are you so upset at a moniker when you are thinking fat darker thoughts?
Out with it!!!!


Junior College Transfer
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With Sean Lee's football intelligence, he might be able to make better money with fewer hours as a commentator/analyst as opposed to less money and insane hours as a coach. Maybe that's what MM meant. Look at Romo. Great football intelligence and is killing it as a commentator and analyst.

Also, unlike our robotic previous head coach, MM seems to have a sense of humor. Maybe it was tongue-in-cheek.

Poor, slow-talking, dimwitted Sean Lee as a commentator/analyst?
No. Not for this viewer...

Look, Sean Leech is no Tony Romo, neither in former player production, personability, attractiveness, articulateness, likability or innate intelligence readily communicated to the viewer.

Leech, if he goes to work as an NFL coach, would be a sympathy hire and possibly get any pro team in trouble re the Rooney Rule, in practice or in spirit.
And to see that hang-dog mug of Lee on camera trying to put words together would set sports broadcasting back 50 years.
Don't give Sean high hopes.:oops:
Let him be a junior high coach, then JC or college before we anoint him the next Ernie Stautner.:muttley:


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Your defense of a broken down, entitled, privileged and befuddled athlete is endearing.:oops:
But what you keep implying is an ugly, stereotypical trope that you are so embarrassed by that you don't dare elaborate.:omg:
C'mon, which players "strut" and "dance" as opposed to the noble, boy next door, inept Leech?:angry:
Why are you so upset at a moniker when you are thinking fat darker thoughts?
Out with it!!!!

Tell me, what am I implying?