McFadden Campaign Starting off Strong!

iceberg;1635184 said:
maybe put draft threads in the draft forum?

This relates pretty directly to the Cowboys.

If you don't like the thread, it's pretty easy to ignore it. The thread title is not misleading, this thread is clearly about McFadden. In many McFadden threads, you've been known to pitch a fit, when you could simply ignore it.

Maybe stop the *****ing, and let the moderators do the moderating? If it needs to be in the draft forum, I'm sure that's where it will go. Cleveland looked awful yesterday. If you can't see why that fueled people's #1 hopes, you're just blind.
superpunk;1635210 said:
This relates pretty directly to the Cowboys.

If you don't like the thread, it's pretty easy to ignore it. The thread title is not misleading, this thread is clearly about McFadden. In many McFadden threads, you've been known to pitch a fit, when you could simply ignore it.

Maybe stop the *****ing, and let the moderators do the moderating? If it needs to be in the draft forum, I'm sure that's where it will go. Cleveland looked awful yesterday. If you can't see why that fueled people's #1 hopes, you're just blind.

then why have a draft forum? you want me to stop *****ing about their hoping but in the end, hey - "it's a forum and all have a right to talk about their opinions!"

we either all have that right or we don't. which is it? you like to lay the smackdown yourself at times and hell, you're whining about me now. if my whining about someone else makes you whine about me - how come only *i* need to alter my behavior? you can take your own advice and ignore me too, can you?"

huh huh can't you can't you?

and if you can't see why talking about a #1 pick after 1 game is premature, you're just blind. : ) sound familiar?

it's gonna be a long season and it's gonna get very old seeing people spend that #1 pick 10+ times a week. if my reaction to it bothers you, follow your own advice and ignore me.
iceberg;1635231 said:
then why have a draft forum? you want me to stop *****ing about their hoping but in the end, hey - "it's a forum and all have a right to talk about their opinions!"

we either all have that right or we don't. which is it? you like to lay the smackdown yourself at times and hell, you're whining about me now. if my whining about someone else makes you whine about me - how come only *i* need to alter my behavior? you can take your own advice and ignore me too, can you?"

huh huh can't you can't you?

and if you can't see why talking about a #1 pick after 1 game is premature, you're just blind. : ) sound familiar?

it's gonna be a long season and it's gonna get very old seeing people spend that #1 pick 10+ times a week. if my reaction to it bothers you, follow your own advice and ignore me.

It's like you and bbgun are the same poster sometimes. Except you're more childish.

I've seen you do this in many threads, on many subjects. I decided to speak up. Sorry that chaps your hide. It's a forum - if I walk into a McFadden thread - I expect to see McFadden posts. Not iceberg crying about McFadden threads.
superpunk;1635244 said:
It's like you and bbgun are the same poster sometimes. Except you're more childish.

I've seen you do this in many threads, on many subjects. I decided to speak up. Sorry that chaps your hide. It's a forum - if I walk into a McFadden thread - I expect to see McFadden posts. Not iceberg crying about McFadden threads.

then i'd adjust my expectations.

and good - i never wanted to grow up anyway. seen enough adults in my time to know i never wanted to be one. but hey - insult away. this child can take it. feel free to ignore me and then you won't see it, will you?
iceberg;1635172 said:
is tiresome and i just get bored/aggrevated with a blow by blow to fantasyland given there's a whole year to play and 1 play doesn't make or break where we'll fall in the draft and which pick we'll get.

Yes it does, especially if that one play results in Cleveland losing and thus making them more likely to have the worst record in the NFL.

I for one like looking ahead to the future to at least get an idea of who could be a Cowboy some day. Think about it like this: It sure beats talking about how badly Roy got abused in coverage every week.

I do agree with you about the draft forum point though.
Deep_Freeze;1635082 said:
Rather see us take the best available player that high, and not someone to fill a need.

We need to fill some of those needs in free agency, and get the best possible playmakers in the draft.

exactly, do what we can in free agency, even if it means grabbing a RB, and go BPA, throughout the draft.

Although, I'm less inclined to spend a high pick on a NT, maybe Glenn Dorsey, outside of him, I'll pass.
iceberg;1635172 said:
i'm just wondering how many people are going to build up mcfadden and make him a "must have" long before we know if it's true. then if we don't take him, sign turner and work on the sieve of a secondary, how many will hate jones because they didn't take their favorite player they fell in love with long ago?

then they come back in here saying jones is a fool for passing up on mcfadden because you picked him a year ago. back when our needs for a year from now are not known. : )

yes, it is to each their own but i wish draft talk would stay in the draft forum and i'd promise to stay out of there cause of my own stance on it. but having to wade through


is tiresome and i just get bored/aggrevated with a blow by blow to fantasyland given there's a whole year to play and 1 play doesn't make or break where we'll fall in the draft and which pick we'll get.

if we're a game or two away from the end of the season "projections" make a lot more sense and *to me* that's when it gets fun. projecting that now just seems to be a setup to disappointment cause your "fantasy" didn't pan out.

My Fantasy actually involves me and Fergie with no McFadden in site (it would probably be a better Fantasy if she could knowledgably discuss this topic at some point, but I digress). I could care less what the best option is at the pick, but McFadden is currently "Superman in Cleats", so that was the tag. I do plan on following the Browns this season, though, because it is yet another reason for me to watch football and I can never have too many of those. I just usually ignore when others post things that I find irrelevant, but we all come to the site for different reasons. Having said that, the knowledge of your being annoyed about a post in a discussion forum does add some entertainment value to an otherwise dreary South Texas day, so thanks for that.:D
iceberg;1635249 said:
then i'd adjust my expectations.

Done. It's unfortunate that I come into a McFadden thread and instead of expecting McFadden talk I have to expect whining, but it is what it is, I guess. :rolleyes:
iceberg;1635155 said:
probably. but how can you tell 1 side to quit talking because it's a free country, freedom of speech and so forth?

i don't usually say "STOP IT NOW!" in as much as "geez this gets old and is useless". they get old by doing it, i get old by whining about about, then we spin off to constitutional rights around it - and in the end the draft is still a long way away and making a pick *now* is just kinda stupid. silly. setting yourself up for disappointment.

you pick the term but with so much unknown if you really wanna talk draft, use the draft zone *now* and i'll stay out of there cause of all the premature-donna who wanna draft someone today before we've even gotten really into the season at all.

I still don't know what's wrong with being excited about having the possiblity of getting the number 1 pick. I know you are playing thread police here, lol, but I knew I would see you in this thread even before I opened it.

The potential to be good this year, plus have a great pick next year should be something exciting to talk about. Who knows who we will get, but excitement about the pick and posts about it shouldn't be a bad thing.
jdub2k4;1635255 said:
Yes it does, especially if that one play results in Cleveland losing and thus making them more likely to have the worst record in the NFL.

I for like looking ahead to the future to at least get an idea of who could be a Cowboy some day. Think about it like this: It sure beats talking about how badly Roy got abused in coverage every week.

I do agree with you about the draft forum point though.

but what if 2 plays later he throws a 70 yard TD? are we now picking 10th with their pick? looking ahead to who *could* be a cowboy *is* fun. but when the thread is "mcfadden is a cowboy because frye sucked today!" to me isn't the same.

i'd love to get into some possibilities where we leave the door open, not direct activities to 1 player.

we could need a DT now.
we could need some CB help now.
RB could be filled with Turner if we so chose.
barber is stepping up and jones is falling back. maybe barber can be "the man".
is WR still an issue? doesn't look like it *right now*.

i'd love to talk about the CBs to keep an eye out on, and some NT's who are 1st round worthy and may go in the top 10. that's a big difference than

frye sucks we'll get mcfadden. that ignores an entire year taking place before we know how mcfadden, the cowboys or any other college player does.

you'd see me all into the 1st type of threads in a "positive" way. i'd love to talk CBs and know who to keep an eye on all year long. same for the other positions we have needs for coming up. but we're going to have a lot of needs and they're likely to change through the year so spending the pick before we get it on a player we may not need or want - 'eh, i just don't get it totally.

i see the speculation and like i said, i'd love to speculate some too. but not play by play as if the ultimate deciding factor but moreover game by game how are some of the real possibilities looking?

it just seems people are on a mcfadden or bust trip and no, i don't get that.
Deep_Freeze;1635278 said:
I still don't know what's wrong with being excited about having the possiblity of getting the number 1 pick. I know you are playing thread police here, lol, but I knew I would see you in this thread even before I opened it.

The potential to be good this year, plus have a great pick next year should be something exciting to talk about. Who knows who we will get, but excitement about the pick and posts about it shouldn't be a bad thing.

and like i just said, talking about who are real options are vs. "mcfadden or bust" are different topics *to me* and maybe only to me. i *am* excited about that pick and when it makes sense to spend it, let's go.

in the meantime it's more fun to talk over all positions of potential need and like i've said - learn more about several options.

not a "mcfadden campaign starting off strong!" as if that's the only measure of success that can come out of having clevelands pick.

maybe i am raining too hard on people's parade and i appreciate the way you and some others have approached me about it - noted and i'll work on it cause no, i don't want to me mr negative 2 years in a row - esp after our OL is FINALLY getting somewhere. : )

so thank you for taking the time to politely point out how i'm coming across. i *do* appreciate it.
dallasfan;1635265 said:
exactly, do what we can in free agency, even if it means grabbing a RB, and go BPA, throughout the draft.

Although, I'm less inclined to spend a high pick on a NT, maybe Glenn Dorsey, outside of him, I'll pass.

where does dorsey play? agreed he'd have to be a stud to go high but with newmans injury i could also see CB up on the list. not sure who will be a FA next year but i'd like to get a starting CB who doesn't need a 10 yard cushion, ya know? : )

i follow the BPA approach to a point. that's where trading down comes into play to try and get them at the right area but it can also backfire and someone else trades up and around you or just picks him.

i don't think WR will be a huge "must fill" in this next draft. a lot though depends on TO and his health. looks good and hopefully we'll get a few more years out of him but with the depth we have there barring more injuries i'd not put it at round 1 right now.

CB, NT, possible OL if we lose flo - could be positions of need and hey, start throwing out top players at these positions and let's talk someone other than that arkansas dude. : ) or roy getting beat in coverage.
iceberg;1635290 said:
and like i just said, talking about who are real options are vs. "mcfadden or bust" are different topics *to me* and maybe only to me. i *am* excited about that pick and when it makes sense to spend it, let's go.

in the meantime it's more fun to talk over all positions of potential need and like i've said - learn more about several options.

not a "mcfadden campaign starting off strong!" as if that's the only measure of success that can come out of having clevelands pick.

maybe i am raining too hard on people's parade and i appreciate the way you and some others have approached me about it - noted and i'll work on it cause no, i don't want to me mr negative 2 years in a row - esp after our OL is FINALLY getting somewhere. : )

so thank you for taking the time to politely point out how i'm coming across. i *do* appreciate it.

Its cool man, I know what you are saying. I really don't care who we get, I just want whoever is the best available at whereever we pick. That said, getting the number 1 pick would be a great thing, something a team in our position rarely has the opportunity to get.

McFadden has a rough season ahead with his team, which isn't as good as last year with a tougher schedule. We don't know who will be the top prospect, but it is sure fun to think that we have a chance to get them.

Like I said earlier, I'm not into going into a draft looking for a particular position, just sets you up for failure, unless of course you do have a top 3 pick, then you can plan your free agency around that. We will have needs, tell Jerrah to get the wallet out and fill some of them in free agency.
Deep_Freeze;1635333 said:
Its cool man, I know what you are saying. I really don't care who we get, I just want whoever is the best available at whereever we pick. That said, getting the number 1 pick would be a great thing, something a team in our position rarely has the opportunity to get.

McFadden has a rough season ahead with his team, which isn't as good as last year with a tougher schedule. We don't know who will be the top prospect, but it is sure fun to think that we have a chance to get them.

Like I said earlier, I'm not into going into a draft looking for a particular position, just sets you up for failure, unless of course you do have a top 3 pick, then you can plan your free agency around that. We will have needs, tell Jerrah to get the wallet out and fill some of them in free agency.

and that's my main point. look at the title of this thread and that's exactly what is being done. mcfadden or bust. if we wind up not getting mcfadden all the people who targeted him now will likely be disappointed cause they did in fact spend a lot of time hoping and directing activities to where it could be a possibility vs. waiting and seeing how things pan out.

people spending the pick now frustrate me like i probably frustrate them in my replies. but hey - i'll have a smoke, chill out and like i said, i'll work on it.
iceberg;1635307 said:
where does dorsey play?

DT for LSU

iceberg;1635307 said:
agreed he'd have to be a stud to go high but with newmans injury i could also see CB up on the list. not sure who will be a FA next year but i'd like to get a starting CB who doesn't need a 10 yard cushion, ya know? : )

CB is definately an option, but good ones can be had latter. We don't need one, nor do I think one will be available in the top 5.

iceberg;1635307 said:
i don't think WR will be a huge "must fill" in this next draft. a lot though depends on TO and his health. looks good and hopefully we'll get a few more years out of him but with the depth we have there barring more injuries i'd not put it at round 1 right now.

WR isn't a huge need, before this season I had a feeling this was Glenn's last season in Dallas. Crayton will be a decent #2, but I wouldn't mind adding Early Doucet, or another WR with deep speed. But I'd be more inclined to draft a CB here. If Malcom Jenkins comes out, I'd be willing to trade up for him.

iceberg;1635307 said:
CB, NT, possible OL if we lose flo - could be positions of need and hey, start throwing out top players at these positions and let's talk someone other than that arkansas dude. : ) or roy getting beat in coverage.

I think the O-line will be fine, It's CB I'm worried about. Reeves is a decent option now, but I hope we can get a young corner in 08', and hopefully a young WR in round 2 and NT in round 3. And ofcourse that Arkansas dude with the top pick :)
dallasfan;1635374 said:
DT for LSU

CB is definately an option, but good ones can be had latter. We don't need one, nor do I think one will be available in the top 5.

WR isn't a huge need, before this season I had a feeling this was Glenn's last season in Dallas. Crayton will be a decent #2, but I wouldn't mind adding Early Doucet, or another WR with deep speed. But I'd be more inclined to draft a CB here. If Malcom Jenkins comes out, I'd be willing to trade up for him.

I think the O-line will be fine, It's CB I'm worried about. Reeves is a decent option now, but I hope we can get a young corner in 08', and hopefully a young WR in round 2 and NT in round 3. And ofcourse that Arkansas dude with the top pick :)

ugh - i'm leery of LSU these days. : )

how strong of a draft is it supposed to be for CBs? that usually helps dictate whether or not you go FA or draft.

OL is the best i've felt about it in awhile. w/romo a "bledsoe proof" line isn't needed so i think we've done what we should to give romo time to be romo and that's all i ever really wanted for bledsoe.

maybe the arkansas dude pans out - ya never know. i just think we'll have bigger needs than RB at that point but hey, if bpa, you go bpa and run with it. trade jones for a 4th rounder or something and keep on keeping on.

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