My observations:
1.) Relax guys (another overreaction to racial comments). The black-on-black reference was metaphorical.
2.) It wasn't inappropriate for McNabb to mention race. Heck, that's all we've heard regarding McNabb ever since Rush Limbaugh raised the issue about media favoritism towards him. McNabb has had to fight that ever since, hearing it ad nauseum from reporters who want to continue to beat him over the head with the black quarterback angle. So why should it come as a shock that he uses a racial metaphor?
3.) I do, however, disagree with McNabb that TO used Favre as a way to compare a white QB with a black QB. Michael Irvin offered it, and TO responded. But TO was being a jerk. You could tell by the smirk on his face. Having said that, I can't blame McNabb for being super sensitive about comment and considering it a jab at his race. Again, it seems that he's getting hammered for being a "black" QB - or at least reminded that he is a black QB if not from Limbaugh then from the head of the Philadelphia NAACP.
I'm sure McNabb would just want the "black QB" issue to die. But many around him won't let it.
4.) McNabb handled himself well. People say he should have been more of a leader, but he was damned if he did, damned if he didn't. If he gets up in TO's face - as some have suggested - he incites a situation and then either gets his tail whipped or whips TO's tail and then you have a major, major media controversy that won't die down. Then what if he gets his tail handed to him, what respect does he receive from his teammates.
Besides, McNabb is a mature, civilized individual. It's a shame that when one handles oneself like civilized people do, they're considered a wuss, less than a leader, etc. TO was trying to bait McNabb, plain and simple. And McNabb wasn't going to play his game. Too much to lose.
5.) What impresses me about McNabb is that he continued to reach out to TO after the disputes, after his injury. He went to him man to man to both settle disputes and check on him after his injury to make him feel included.
The man's parents even went over his house and offered help. TO is just a baby.
6.) Only a distorted, warped, self-centered individual would take McNabb's quote about the Eagles being able to win without TO as a personal slight.
"When questions keep being raised that we won't be the same offense without him, you want to continue to show confidence in the guys that are stepping in his spot, the guys that are out there. So you say, 'We can continue this thing. We can win without Terrell. We've been to three NFC Championship Games without Terrell.' So the message I'm sending to the guys is we can still do this thing. And the rest of the team said the same thing.
Sounds okay to me.
Somebody's going to sign TO next year. I just hope it's not the Cowboys.