Me, the "Fanboy," I'm done with the sideshow


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I am a fan of the Cowboys. Players come and players go. I love them when they are on this team, the second they leave, I don't care about them. As a result, I am just done with the money, money, money being the issue. Players are going t get paid... the good ones are.

So I ahve had it with talks of holdouts and player demands.

Teams need to start using the tools at their disposal. The money is so big now, that the only leverage the team has, is using the CBA. Teams fought to get certain language in the CBA, and then they crumple like a little kid crying for mommy on the first day of school as soon a s aplayer makes a demand.

Teams either start using the tag and not allowing players to dictate that they arent playing under the tag, or lose the tag. Teams need to tell players that are playing this season, whether it be year 3,4 or 5 of their rookie deal if the team so decides. I love CeeDee, but I am so exhausted from the BS.
Now, you have people like Florio saying Parsons should hold out???/ huh, he just finished year 3. If he actually does hold out and I am the Cowboys, I would let him sit and just fine him to the max that the CBA allows.

If some team doesnt take a stand, this is going to get oh soooooooo much worse. Oh, well maybe Jerry actually is doing it. It appears so.


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I am a fan of the Cowboys. Players come and players go. I love them when they are on this team, the second they leave, I don't care about them. As a result, I am just done with the money, money, money being the issue. Players are going t get paid... the good ones are.

So I ahve had it with talks of holdouts and player demands.

Teams need to start using the tools at their disposal. The money is so big now, that the only leverage the team has, is using the CBA. Teams fought to get certain language in the CBA, and then they crumple like a little kid crying for mommy on the first day of school as soon a s aplayer makes a demand.

Teams either start using the tag and not allowing players to dictate that they arent playing under the tag, or lose the tag. Teams need to tell players that are playing this season, whether it be year 3,4 or 5 of their rookie deal if the team so decides. I love CeeDee, but I am so exhausted from the BS.
Now, you have people like Florio saying Parsons should hold out???/ huh, he just finished year 3. If he actually does hold out and I am the Cowboys, I would let him sit and just fine him to the max that the CBA allows.

If some team doesnt take a stand, this is going to get oh soooooooo much worse. Oh, well maybe Jerry actually is doing it. It appears so.
I keep saying if they don't put a QB cap or cap on what these players can make it's going to get out of hand. At what point will a QB eventually make 100 million a season????


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I really dont feel bad for the teams who cave to holdouts whatsoever. Honestly it should really be as simple as pay em, trade em, or worst case scenario force them into retirement. Teams need to pick a lane and go with it.

My biggest issue with the Cowboys is that the contact issues were not sorted out months ago. Common sense told us from the start of the offseason that Lamb would be making $30M or more per year. Either give him his money or look for a trade before the draft when trading him actually does you some good.

big dog cowboy

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At what point will a QB eventually make 100 million a season????
Highest paid QB's are about 20% of the cap. That means the salary cap per team need to be about $500M. So the answer to your question (that never seem to stop) is about 12-13 years. No one knows about how much or how fast it will go up. But doing some simple math based on the cap going up about $20M per year kind of gets to your answer. Lots of variables hence the generous use of the word "about" in my post.


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I am a fan of the Cowboys. Players come and players go. I love them when they are on this team, the second they leave, I don't care about them. As a result, I am just done with the money, money, money being the issue. Players are going t get paid... the good ones are.

So I ahve had it with talks of holdouts and player demands.

Teams need to start using the tools at their disposal. The money is so big now, that the only leverage the team has, is using the CBA. Teams fought to get certain language in the CBA, and then they crumple like a little kid crying for mommy on the first day of school as soon a s aplayer makes a demand.

Teams either start using the tag and not allowing players to dictate that they arent playing under the tag, or lose the tag. Teams need to tell players that are playing this season, whether it be year 3,4 or 5 of their rookie deal if the team so decides. I love CeeDee, but I am so exhausted from the BS.
Now, you have people like Florio saying Parsons should hold out???/ huh, he just finished year 3. If he actually does hold out and I am the Cowboys, I would let him sit and just fine him to the max that the CBA allows.

If some team doesnt take a stand, this is going to get oh soooooooo much worse. Oh, well maybe Jerry actually is doing it. It appears so.
So the players and demands is what put you over the edge? Jerry’s incompetence didn’t do it?


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I really dont feel bad for the teams who cave to holdouts whatsoever. Honestly it should really be as simple as pay em, trade em, or worst case scenario force them into retirement. Teams need to pick a lane and go with it.

My biggest issue with the Cowboys is that the contact issues were not sorted out months ago. Common sense told us from the start of the offseason that Lamb would be making $30M or more per year. Either give him his money or look for a trade before the draft when trading him actually does you some good.
That's right. You don't necessarily need more rules you just need teams to stop doing stupid stuff just because someone else did.


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I really dont feel bad for the teams who cave to holdouts whatsoever. Honestly it should really be as simple as pay em, trade em, or worst case scenario force them into retirement. Teams need to pick a lane and go with it.

My biggest issue with the Cowboys is that the contact issues were not sorted out months ago. Common sense told us from the start of the offseason that Lamb would be making $30M or more per year. Either give him his money or look for a trade before the draft when trading him actually does you some good.
Bingo!!!!! It's inexcusable to see Jerry and Stephen drag the contract issues out to the last min and THEN seem unprepared for the consequences. Yet some fans want to blame the players for simply trying to get their market value. Quite frankly, turning fans against the players is exactly the game they try and play.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I am a fan of the Cowboys. Players come and players go. I love them when they are on this team, the second they leave, I don't care about them. As a result, I am just done with the money, money, money being the issue. Players are going t get paid... the good ones are.

So I ahve had it with talks of holdouts and player demands.

Teams need to start using the tools at their disposal. The money is so big now, that the only leverage the team has, is using the CBA. Teams fought to get certain language in the CBA, and then they crumple like a little kid crying for mommy on the first day of school as soon a s aplayer makes a demand.

Teams either start using the tag and not allowing players to dictate that they arent playing under the tag, or lose the tag. Teams need to tell players that are playing this season, whether it be year 3,4 or 5 of their rookie deal if the team so decides. I love CeeDee, but I am so exhausted from the BS.
Now, you have people like Florio saying Parsons should hold out???/ huh, he just finished year 3. If he actually does hold out and I am the Cowboys, I would let him sit and just fine him to the max that the CBA allows.

If some team doesnt take a stand, this is going to get oh soooooooo much worse. Oh, well maybe Jerry actually is doing it. It appears so.
There are holdouts every year. Martin held out and I didn’t see anyone whining like this. Love and Tua don’t have an extension yet. There’s a boat load of WR’s waiting on extensions as well. It’s the NFL. Just think what the 76’ers did. Spent a boat load of money and have very little chance of winning a title.


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There are holdouts every year. Martin held out and I didn’t see anyone whining like this. Love and Tua don’t have an extension yet. There’s a boat load of WR’s waiting on extensions as well. It’s the NFL. Just think what the 76’ers did. Spent a boat load of money and have very little chance of winning a title.
There is certainly still a chance everything works out just fine, it is still just July afterall, but I'm not sure I can simply dismiss the concerns fans have either. Cowboys fans are frustrated because these are all situations we knew were coming, unlike the Martin hold out that we never anticipated this time last year. Why would we wait this long to start negotiations with Lamb or Dak? Even if Lamb wanted to wait on Jefferson to sign you can still have those discussions around what he is looking to make in relation to the Jefferson contract. You also have a situation where unlike Love/Tua, Dak can simply elect to walk after the season.

Jerry/Stephen have done a lot of things right to get this team in a position to contend for division championships more often than not, but they are seriously playing with fire this year, in a season where I think most fans already believe the team is not as talented from top to bottom as it was even a year ago.


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So the players and demands is what put you over the edge? Jerry’s incompetence didn’t do it?
You think the Cowboys are the only team that deals with this stuff. The Chiefs best defensive player pulled this same stuff last year. The Cowboys just happen to have a top 5 Wr and a top 5 Defensive player in the league both getting ready to be paid at the same time. Not many teams are in that position. There are probably 25 teams in the league that dont have 2 comparable talents, thus they dont need to sweat this stuff.


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You think the Cowboys are the only team that deals with this stuff. The Chiefs best defensive player pulled this same stuff last year. The Cowboys just happen to have a top 5 Wr and a top 5 Defensive player in the league both getting ready to be paid at the same time. Not many teams are in that position. There are probably 25 teams in the league that dont have 2 comparable talents, thus they dont need to sweat this stuff.
I’m confused though so is this a bad thing?


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The problem is that if the owners do anything to limit the price of player contracts without a renegotiation of the CBA all they will get is a date in court with the NFLPA on charges of collusion and anti-trade violations...


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Bingo!!!!! It's inexcusable to see Jerry and Stephen drag the contract issues out to the last min and THEN seem unprepared for the consequences. Yet some fans want to blame the players for simply trying to get their market value. Quite frankly, turning fans against the players is exactly the game they try and play.
Listen very carefully. I will type very slowly.

Had Jerry given Dak a 60 million dollar deal in March, all of you would have said how stupid he was.

Had Jerry Given CeeDee Lamb a THIRTY million dollar 4 year deal in March, all of you would have said how stupid he was.

If Jerry were to extend Micah right now and paid him 200 million over 5 years, you would all say how stupid he was.

He didnt, and now those contracts are nuts and Jerry is sitting back saying not so fast. NOW you want to say how stupid he was for not doing the deals sooner......smh


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The problem is that if the owners do anything to limit the price of player contracts without a renegotiation of the CBA all they will get is a date in court with the NFLPA on charges of collusion and anti-trade violations...
I'm not sure why the owners would need to do anything to collectively limit the price of player contracts? If they don't feel a player is worth what they want then let another team have them and have that player restrict their cap numbers instead. If they are OK with paying them the asking price then sign them. The only issue that owners really have in my mind is a lack of willingness to move on from a bad situation.


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Listen very carefully. I will type very slowly.

Had Jerry given Dak a 60 million dollar deal in March, all of you would have said how stupid he was.

Had Jerry Given CeeDee Lamb a THIRTY million dollar 4 year deal in March, all of you would have said how stupid he was.

If Jerry were to extend Micah right now and paid him 200 million over 5 years, you would all say how stupid he was.

He didnt, and now those contracts are nuts and Jerry is sitting back saying not so fast. NOW you want to say how stupid he was for not doing the deals sooner......smh
Whether or not a player is worth top salary at their position is a completely different discussion. If a GM or owner feels that a player is not worth the money then move on from the player. If you want to keep them then sign them early on. Signing Dak and Lamb prior to the start of free agency would have positioned this team to actually add talent around them. Instead we are left with possible hold outs, letting players walk for little to no compensation, and less talented team trying to win a super bowl in 2024.

The reason Jerry and Stephen are getting so much pushback from the fans is that they can't seem to pick a lane with either players or coaches, which lessens the odds of a winning product.


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I am a fan of the Cowboys. Players come and players go. I love them when they are on this team, the second they leave, I don't care about them. As a result, I am just done with the money, money, money being the issue. Players are going t get paid... the good ones are.

So I ahve had it with talks of holdouts and player demands.

Teams need to start using the tools at their disposal. The money is so big now, that the only leverage the team has, is using the CBA. Teams fought to get certain language in the CBA, and then they crumple like a little kid crying for mommy on the first day of school as soon a s aplayer makes a demand.

Teams either start using the tag and not allowing players to dictate that they arent playing under the tag, or lose the tag. Teams need to tell players that are playing this season, whether it be year 3,4 or 5 of their rookie deal if the team so decides. I love CeeDee, but I am so exhausted from the BS.
Now, you have people like Florio saying Parsons should hold out???/ huh, he just finished year 3. If he actually does hold out and I am the Cowboys, I would let him sit and just fine him to the max that the CBA allows.

If some team doesnt take a stand, this is going to get oh soooooooo much worse. Oh, well maybe Jerry actually is doing it. It appears so.
People who blame the players rather than the owners for this stuff don't understand how the league works. I'm not a Dak fan, but I wholeheartedly encourage him to get every cent he can. Same with Ceedee or any other player. You think Jerry or any owner is leaving money on the table? What any star player makes is a pittance compared to what the owners make.

I'm with Peyton Manning - make as much as you can, and put the responsibility of figuring everything else out on management.


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So you're saying all the owners are lemmings!! :grin:
Well, no. Actually not the owners.

The GM's & other FO personnel want to keep their jobs so they say well we can pay X and that gives us a good shot at being relevant & keeping our jobs. You would think we would have an advantage since our owner is our GM and isn't worried about his job.