Melton is a Cowboy - 1yr, multi-year club option

My 2 cents. Before this hit I wasn't a fan of signing him for big bucks with ACL and background issues

The contract will probably be large those 3 years but I like the set up with the 1 year "see what you can do" deal. So it sounds good.

On a side note, being in Chicago from Texas 3 years now I've become friends with some very, very diehard Bears fans. Guys who are as crazy..if not more..than some here. When the signing broke I got a text and this was it verbatim

"Looks like Cowboys are getting Henry Melton..he is pretty good if motivated. That's a big if..."

So 1 year for more seems like good motivation
Explain to me when Hatcher got on medicare? When did he become old to you? Of course, when backed in the corner you claim it was a joke. But I don't believe you. You, like other Jerry Jones fanboys, love to tear down players when it fits your agenda of aligning yourself with the franchise. I'm sure you had your generic condescending remarks regarding Melton ready just in case we didn't sign him. Stop it, it's disgusting.

The irony is palpable.
The bar owner jumping over the bar does seem to indicate aggressive unnecessary behavior.
this forum is turning the way of the ranch. it's just bickering and boring
play ball
@fishsports now
Exclusive: #Cowboys Melton contract: 1-yr deal. Gets ALL 3 YRS extension if on roster 1st day of 2015 league year & kicks in Guaranteed $

There we have it, 3 years kick in at once, not separate. Melton very happy there, Dallas gets a one year test drive. Win/Win.
Ok for those that continually bring this up, for those that have watched the video of this incident. Im sure Melton was being out of line in the bar and he was escorted out by security, as most drunks are. But you clearly see the owner jump over the bar and run at Melton as he;s being thrown out of the bar. Melton is a big man, drunk and the owner running at him. He just ate him up. The owner had no business going at Melton when the security gaurds were already doing what theyre paid to do. Melton isnt in the right, but neither is the owner. People are making it out to be like Melton attacked this guy. Not so.

Let's say it's much to do about nothing. Does it concern you he was drunk in a bar? What I mean to suggest is that I believe he should be able to drink and have fun. However, how many times has this team had issues with players that just don't know when to say when? I don't need a choir boy, but I don't need a Otis Campbell with too much money on this hands...That's all.
His agent is confident his client will perform. The team gets to say "show me."

Good for both sides. But of course Jerry sux.

I'm mostly anti-Jerry, actually, which I recognize will make you distrust me from now until the zombie apocalypse. I think, lacking true vision, he jumps from reactive plan to reactive plan every few seasons. But some of those reactive plans make sense, of course. It seems to me he may be having a 'good reaction' this offseason, with a reactive plan that's well, if drunkenly, designed.
Thank you Based Marinelli!

But yeah, no way was the contract going to include three one year options. One year test drive is a heck of a deal though, I like it. I hope years 2-4 aren't so high that it's tough to keep him even if he returns to form.
Let's say it's much to do about nothing. Does it concern you he was drunk in a bar? What I mean to suggest is that I believe he should be able to drink and have fun. However, how many times has this team had issues with players that just don't know when to say when? I don't need a choir boy, but I don't need a Otis Campbell with too much money on this hands...That's all.

he's not allowed to go to a bar? IDC what he did while he was a bear.
Actually with the signing of Melton, i like the idea of trading down to get some extra picks.

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