Men...the root of women's problems

adbutcher said:
Those were the days...It is universally accepted that Da Bruhz know how to party. Also, just as hard as we party we work equally as hard.

I know many bruhz in Houston and if I don't know your friend personally I am sure we know many of the same bruhz. You would be surprise how small this world really is especially dealing with the ques.
Actually I wouldn't. It's the whole frat and soro thing. I know quite a few Zetas and dated an Alpha and some Omegas. All were very active in their networking with one another. So I know how deep it goes.

My friend still knows how to party. Every time there's some big sports event. Party at his spot and he's the ultimate host. He got mad at me one time cuz I picked Lewis over Tyson. All his boys was going for Tyson, but I was like it's all Lewis. Well we know the end result of that So nice to be a woman that
Woody'sGirl said:
Actually I wouldn't. It's the whole frat and soro thing. I know quite a few Zetas and dated an Alpha and some Omegas. All were very active in their networking with one another. So I know how deep it goes.

My friend still knows how to party. Every time there's some big sports event. Party at his spot and he's the ultimate host. He got mad at me one time cuz I picked Lewis over Tyson. All his boys was going for Tyson, but I was like it's all Lewis. Well we know the end result of that So nice to be a woman that
Zetas, Alphas what are these strange things you speak of. :confused: :D
adbutcher said:
Zetas, Alphas what are these strange things you speak of. :confused: :D
I'll send you a dissertation about these strange beings some other
adbutcher said:
Zetas, Alphas what are these strange things you speak of. :confused: :D
I hung out with kappas. lol.
and my best friend was a delta girl.

my sister is an aka. my g/f at the time was her PM. my ex-g/f and my best friend hated each other.
jterrell said:
I hung out with kappas. lol.
and my best friend was a delta girl.

my sister is an aka. my g/f at the time was her PM. my ex-g/f and my best friend hated each other.
My wife is a delta and my ex is a aka. Needless to say it is a sore spot with the Misses.

My best friend who happens to be my frat bro wife is a aka and her and my wife get a long great. And here is the springer angle. My best friend's wife and my ex are line sisters. When I moved to Houston we will be one big happy family again. Small world indeed. :D
Doomsday101 said:
And Women have a tendency to put men in their graves.

If we do it right

Doomsday101 said:
Half the time we do not know what you gals want and when you get upset at us we are expected to read your minds to figure out why you are mad at us. Most complicated creatures I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Us guys are simple creature and it takes so little to make us happy. LOL

You are right... men are simple creatures... simple MINDED creatures...

One simple little word cures all male issues and makes y'all happy....


(not that there is anything at all wrong with that)​
Princess said:
One simple little word cures all male issues and makes y'all happy....


(not that there is anything at all wrong with that)​
And dam proud of it.
Woody'sGirl said:
It *finally* all makes sense now...

tal illness
strual cramps

MENtal breakdown


When we have REAL trouble, it's a
terectomy. :banghead:

Ever notice how all of women's problems start with


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