Merriman suspended

noone can mistake Ware of being on steroids, he's normal size for a LB, and is running a normal speed for a LB, albeit a little bit faster, 4.52 40, but a player who can balloon up to 270 in a matter of a couple of months, and still retain a fast speed, something's up
bigbadroy;1105971 said:
im not suprised. i didn't know all the stuff you guys knew about him, yet everyone is acting like they are suprised

we're acting suprised because we weren't Bob Dole making baseless accusations
bigbadroy;1105971 said:
im not suprised. i didn't know all the stuff you guys knew about him, yet everyone is acting like they are suprised

If you have no clue about ANYTHING.. its best to just shut up instead of typing some completely ridiculous comments.
Shuttemdown41;1105935 said:
and then a mod came along and he suddenly tucked tail and threw it in reverse, not so big and not so bad anymore.
yeah big and bad talking on the internet like you. no man its simple im not getting banned from a site i like cause there is some internet tough guys talking crap to me like you.
big dog cowboy;1105976 said:
420 posts in 120 minutes. Has to be a record for a non-game thread.

I bet its not even close to the main Quincy thread right after his release.
TEK2000;1105980 said:
If you have no clue about ANYTHING.. its best to just shut up instead of typing some completely ridiculous comments.
go make some video's
Derinyar;1105962 said:
I suspect the only way to find out any of that would be if Merriman himself waived his rights and released it. It still is at its core medical information and likely bound up in patients rights laws. I would guess the CBA allows for the telling of the specific type of failure.

I guess I just want more info, but like you say, we probably won't get it.

All I want to know is if he has ever passed a test, hereby there was a time when he was clean.

How do we know he just did it the last couple of weeks? or a couple of days? We don't know.
ghst187;1105958 said:
I remember that he gained 30 pounds from his last college game to the Draft just a few months later. That was suspicious....

:laugh2: Folks will be remembering a lot of things now.

I'd think it was funny if this guy weren't such a flaming hypocrite, and if Priest Homes still had a career.

Every hit, sack and tackle this guy ever made is tainted now, imo.

Maiming isn't the attention, but if a byproduct of increased artifical strength, speed and aggression is serious injury, then the result trumps the intent.

At least in baseball, they're just whacking balls.
bigbadroy;1105971 said:
im not suprised. i didn't know all the stuff you guys knew about him, yet everyone is acting like they are suprised

You're mistaking "I told you so" for surprise...

How you get surprise from I told you so is baffling.
peplaw06;1105994 said:
You're mistaking "I told you so" for surprise...

How you get surprise from I told you so is baffling.
is that you in your av?
TEK2000;1105974 said:
I guess you forgot the part where you said you'd still take him on your team... and Peppers on your team after you said he got busted for steroids.

Who wouldn't want some of the most disruptive defensive players in the league on their team?

If the testing was such that everyone on roids got caught, thus making the entire league clean, then Bob Dole wouldn't want anyone like that - but in this league if you aren't roiding and you aren't just an absolute natural physical freak, you're at a huge athletic disadvantage.

How is any different than Michael Irvin repeatedly getting busted? What, do you wish Michael Irvin was never on the Cowboys?
Deep_Freeze;1105987 said:
I guess I just want more info, but like you say, we probably won't get it.

All I want to know is if he has ever passed a test, hereby there was a time when he was clean.

How do we know he just did it the last couple of weeks? or a couple of days? We don't know.

The chances are good that he cleared at least three tests so far in his career. He probably cleared the test at the combine and the two to start each training camp. Those are known tests, and the only reason to fail them is being stupid.
peplaw06;1105994 said:
You're mistaking "I told you so" for surprise...

How you get surprise from I told you so is baffling.

Does it "surprise" you?

Try the veal.
bigbadroy;1105971 said:
im not suprised. i didn't know all the stuff you guys knew about him, yet everyone is acting like they are suprised
No, we're not surprised.

He added 30 pounds of size 2 months before the draft. He hired the Postons as his agents. He beat up a guy on his own team. We even had a Maryland Terp student say "it's just a matter of time before he's suspended for roids."

For 2 years we've defended a Dallas Cowboy as a better overall player and been labled for it by a bunch of know nothing about the truth posters. It gets tired.

This reaction doesn't surprise me any more than his suspension does. It was inevitable. This is what happens when people look at their fellow Cowboys fans with disdain. When the shoe is on the other foot they can't take it.
superpunk;1105973 said:
It's entirely irrelevant, unless you're clinging to some "Merriman is great" fetish that can't be let go of. The fact is, he did it. He got caught. ALL his accomplishments are under exam now, whether that's just or not. That's the price you pay for cheating.

I'm not trying to hold onto anything. I just want more info. I just wonder if the guy was ever clean.
Bob Dole;1105966 said:
Who's defending Merriman? Where did Bob Dole ever say it's great to do steroids and that Merriman shouldn't be suspended?
Well Mr. Dole when u start accusing other players of being steroid users to help make your point, u give the impression that you are defending Merriman maybe not that he shouldnt be suspended but that its not as big a deal because many others do it too
summerisfunner;1105961 said:
...there already is photoshop of him sticking a syringe in his arm, it's on the 4th or 5th page of this thread

Who said it was photoshopped? :D

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