Merriman suspended

He has a History.

But it was more of a "throw my gf down a flight of stairs" kind of history. The chemical enhancement part is surprising.
Deep_Freeze;1106002 said:
I'm not trying to hold onto anything. I just want more info. I just wonder if the guy was ever clean.

Why does it matter?
Hostile;1106001 said:
This is what happens when people look at their fellow Cowboys fans with disdain. When the shoe is on the other foot they can't take it.

:bow: :bow: :bow:
Didn't read the entire thread. So this maybe a repeat.

However, about a year ago someone posted something to the extent of "somewhere down the line Merriman will do something that will make you very glad we didn't take him"

That person needs to get serious props from all of us.
Da Hammer;1106003 said:
Well Mr. Dole when u start accusing other players of being steroid users to help make your point, u give the impression that you are defending Merriman maybe not that he shouldnt be suspended but that its not as big a deal because many others do it too

Show Bob Dole the post where he said DeMarcus Ware is on steroids.
Hostile;1106001 said:
No, we're not surprised.

He added 30 pounds of size 2 months before the draft. He hired the Postons as his agents. He beat up a guy on his own team. We even had a Maryland Terp student say "it's just a matter of time before he's suspended for roids."

For 2 years we've defended a Dallas Cowboy as a better overall player and been labled for it by a bunch of know nothing about the truth posters. It gets tired.

This reaction doesn't surprise me any more than his suspension does. It was inevitable. This is what happens when people look at their fellow Cowboys fans with disdain. When the shoe is on the other foot they can't take it.
in college? was it during practice or what?
TEK2000;1105980 said:
If you have no clue about ANYTHING.. its best to just shut up instead of typing some completely ridiculous comments.
It's far to late for that advice.
Bob Dole;1105998 said:
How is any different than Michael Irvin repeatedly getting busted? What, do you wish Michael Irvin was never on the Cowboys?
Irvin wasn't busted for Steroids... Cocaine doesn't give you a competitive advantage...

Do you even think about your argument before you post it?
Derinyar;1105999 said:
The chances are good that he cleared at least three tests so far in his career. He probably cleared the test at the combine and the two to start each training camp. Those are known tests, and the only reason to fail them is being stupid.

Yeah, but like someone like Sosa, I mean, we could tell the difference with him on it and off it. Its obvious. If Merriman has always used juice, that means when he gets off, he could suck.
Brilliant. Now Irvin and cocaine are being brought into it.

LT should have been kicked out the league. Noone who's seen crack in action can say it doesn't enhance performance.
Hostile;1106001 said:
No, we're not surprised.

He added 30 pounds of size 2 months before the draft. He hired the Postons as his agents. He beat up a guy on his own team. We even had a Maryland Terp student say "it's just a matter of time before he's suspended for roids."

For 2 years we've defended a Dallas Cowboy as a better overall player and been labled for it by a bunch of know nothing about the truth posters. It gets tired.

This reaction doesn't surprise me any more than his suspension does. It was inevitable. This is what happens when people look at their fellow Cowboys fans with disdain. When the shoe is on the other foot they can't take it.


The Merrimanites and their ongoing agenda just hit a brick wall.
Bob Dole;1105998 said:
Who wouldn't want some of the most disruptive defensive players in the league on their team?

If the testing was such that everyone on roids got caught, thus making the entire league clean, then Bob Dole wouldn't want anyone like that - but in this league if you aren't roiding and you aren't just an absolute natural physical freak, you're at a huge athletic disadvantage.

How is any different than Michael Irvin repeatedly getting busted? What, do you wish Michael Irvin was never on the Cowboys?
Leon Lett was a disruptive player for the Cowboys. He was also a liability who let his team down repeatedly.

The answer to your question is me. Call me crazy for wanting clean good players over dirty good players.
Bob Dole;1106011 said:
Show Bob Dole the post where he said DeMarcus Ware is on steroids.

You never said it flat out. You basically called the whole league dirty and then have wanted proff that Ware isn't. You implied that Ware is on steroids without making the out and out accusation.
Waffle;1106019 said:

The Merrimanites and their ongoing agenda just hit a brick wall.

not really, they keep busting their heads over it, again and again, and again and again and again in hopes of getting through it
bbgun;1105395 said:
I regret nothing. Draft Merriman.

I see-- Ahmad Brooks is a "thug" for smokin' some marijuana, but you're willing to look the other way when Merriman uses 'roids...

Nice to know your character evaluations are rooted in such a morally centered philosophy...

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