Met a bunch of the Boys Today...(Link to pics - Post #64)

fweegy said:
Had myself a good day, went to a autograph show in Raritan, NJ. Got Ware, Witten, Barber, Alvin Harper, and Rayfield Wright to sign my helmet, for a fee, of course. A few insights......Ware is super nice and B-I-G.....Witten, again, real nice and alot bigger then I thought he was. Barber was very quiet, has those long gerry curls goin on and is almost old enought to own that patch of fur on his chin, lolol. Man he looked young, or I am freaking old. Rayfield Wright....OMG, maybe the nicest player I ever met...people were complaining cause it took him so long to sign, then I got up there and found out....he talks to everyone, takes a minute or two to converse with everyone...including letting kids wear his SB ring for pics, what a nice guy.
Harper...well, great guy, but boy has he porked up, he enjoys the good life.

Terrell was there too, what a roar went up when he showed...half cheers, ALOT of boos, to funny...then everytime they announced the next set of numbers fo him....more cheers and boos, he was really laughing, he loved it.

Side note......When Harper signed for me, I shook his hand and said "Thanks for everything". Well, Emmitt was sitting next to him and he heard me and says "Harper? EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR US? One catch, one long run, and HE says EVERYTHING??? Harper, THAT WAS EVERYTHING". It was to funny.

Anyhow, that was my day.
Oh man, oh man...

I was once told jealousy is a sickness, but I didn't believe them before now.

I'm feeling queasy guys... :eek::
fweegy said:
Had myself a good day, went to a autograph show in Raritan, NJ. Got Ware, Witten, Barber, Alvin Harper, and Rayfield Wright to sign my helmet, for a fee, of course. A few insights......Ware is super nice and B-I-G.....Witten, again, real nice and alot bigger then I thought he was. Barber was very quiet, has those long gerry curls goin on and is almost old enought to own that patch of fur on his chin, lolol. Man he looked young, or I am freaking old. Rayfield Wright....OMG, maybe the nicest player I ever met...people were complaining cause it took him so long to sign, then I got up there and found out....he talks to everyone, takes a minute or two to converse with everyone...including letting kids wear his SB ring for pics, what a nice guy.
Harper...well, great guy, but boy has he porked up, he enjoys the good life.

Terrell was there too, what a roar went up when he showed...half cheers, ALOT of boos, to funny...then everytime they announced the next set of numbers fo him....more cheers and boos, he was really laughing, he loved it.

Side note......When Harper signed for me, I shook his hand and said "Thanks for everything". Well, Emmitt was sitting next to him and he heard me and says "Harper? EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR US? One catch, one long run, and HE says EVERYTHING??? Harper, THAT WAS EVERYTHING". It was to funny.

Anyhow, that was my day.

congrats man always fun to meet the guys, although I refuse to ever pay for autographs ever..

anyway ware and witten are huge. I see them every week walking into the stadium. I always get there like 3.5 hours early so I can see them come in......

Witten drives a red f-150, he is really down to earth, he signs autographs on his way in all the time, really good guy...He came to most of the games with bret pierce last year, too huge guys....

People dont realize how big ware person he is a big boy.. Drew bledsoe is huge also, as is greg ellis who is a monster....

At the stadium where the players walk in they used to just have a small gate, now they have a fence along the players parking area because (at least I think) before the Commanders game last year on monday night these idio fans were walking right up to the players coming and touching them and begging for autographs, it made me sick....Some woman just grabbed peerless price and was going hey hey hey.....the players must have complained and after that there was a fence every week...really annoying...

talk about big, marcus spears is like the size of three normal guys..

here are a couple of my pics from before the skins monday night game last year..



bledsoe and his dad


people malling ellis and price...the reason the fence is now up imo

captain dan

Roy williams

Roy again

sean payton

spears and glover gettting loose..

emmit during the roh speech

aikman during the roh

irvin during the roh

irvins mercedes!

irvin on countdown

national anthem

emmit getting dolled up for the nfl network!! lol
Awesome share fellas. Thanks!

Of course you know, by law, I have to hate you for a week at least.
i also went to the football convention in raritan, nj yesterday and ill post up a lot of pics in a couple of days..
- ware is HUGE and a really nice guy..funny story about ware, my friend had ware sign a mini-dallas helmet and as ware was signing my friend greg goes "hey can you put cardiac on the other side since you guys played in so many close games last year?" ware was kinda surprised and had a big smile on his face. So as he's going to write cardiac, he writes C-A-R-D and stops, looks to his friend to the right and whispers, "how the hell do you spell cardiac???" They both just started laughing and ware ended up spelling it C-A-R-D-I-A-C-K, cardiack!!! it was hilarious but sad that cardiac was spelt wrong lol
-went up to meet ROYY and was an awesome guy. he had already signed my big helmet but my friend greg got him to sign a poster..roy goes "nice jersey!" to greg (he was wearin MY roy williams 2005 authentic pro bowl jersey), greg started tellin roy how hes his favorite player and everything but then the line came..greg goes "you know how you said sacking a quarterback is better than sex? Well WATCHING you sack a quarterback is better than sex!" roy just gave a little smile but was probably a little freaked out LOL which i dont blame him for..but it was all fun.
- Witten was a real cool guy and was all smiles, looks a lot bigger in person
- real disappointed in T.O., he got the biggest reaction with mixed cheers and boos, but were they loud! when i went up to meet terrell, there were a bunch of people around him. i shook his hand but he didn't even look up at me. i said something like "i'm a glad you're a cowboy now" and he didnt say anything so i was disappointed, didn't even smile. then i asked him if i could get a quick picture together (almost every player gets pictures taken with the fans). again terrell didn't even pick his head up, but the agent guy next to him said "no pictures together, just take one from the side." it's disappointing because i paid $185 out of my own pocket for him to sign my huge dallas helmet, and you think you would get the more for paying more, but the reality is sometimes you pay more but get less in return because i only paid $35 bucks for ware but got a great experience out of it, but it was still an awesome day and can't wait till next season!
I have never met DeMarcus Ware however it seems when the media talks about his personality when they meet with him they always say this guy is very nice, well spoken and fun to talk with.

Great pictures, thank you for sharing them
Cool thread. Thanks for the stories and pics.

I can't believe fellas like Alvin Harper are $35 for an autograph! :eek:

I went to some of the baseball conventions in the 80's and guys like Roger Clemens, Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire were sometimes cheaper than that. Hell, I got some of the greatest players ever to grace the baseball diamond like Bob Gibson and Harmon Killebrew for no more than twenty bucks a pop. Prices have gone up!
TheSport78 said:
it's disappointing because i paid $185 out of my own pocket for him to sign my huge dallas helmet, and you think you would get the more for paying more, but the reality is sometimes you pay more but get less in return because i only paid $35 bucks for ware but got a great experience out of it, but it was still an awesome day and can't wait till next season!

It's unfortunate but it is almost always the case.

The worst experiences I've had at shows are Aikman and Sanders. Emmitt wasn't the greatest either because he is too pre-occupied with his authentication thing he's got going on.

Some of the best were (In no particular order) - Staubach, Moose, Novacek, Lilly, R. White, Woodson, Rayfield Wright, Walt Garrison, Bill Bates, Mel Renfro, Too Tall, Pearson, and Butch Johnson.

Deion has no business doing shows. He couldn't care less about how the item looks when he is done with it. The guy actually signed one of my full size helmets upside down, wich really sucks since it has some true Cowboys legends on it.
Yakuza Rich said:
A female friend of mine went to a trade show for her job up in Chicago. She told me the usual stuff and came back with an autographed Walter Payton framed photo that Payton signed before he died and gave that to my roommate who is a Bears fan.

She said she met a few other athletes. Then she said she wound up talking and eating lunch with one athlete who "claimed" he had played football and she had no idea who he was.

"What was his name" I inquired.

"Some guy with a real regular name. Said it was Randy White."

I almost fainted.

Randy, my favorite ,looks like he still has some fire...:laugh2:
this all sounds very cool, but my god....$200 for an autograph?

i'm jealous of everyone's experience, but I think I'm more jealous of your pocketbooks :laugh2:
fweegy said:
Had myself a good day, went to a autograph show in Raritan, NJ. Got Ware, Witten, Barber, Alvin Harper, and Rayfield Wright to sign my helmet, for a fee, of course. A few insights......Ware is super nice and B-I-G.....Witten, again, real nice and alot bigger then I thought he was. Barber was very quiet, has those long gerry curls goin on and is almost old enought to own that patch of fur on his chin, lolol. Man he looked young, or I am freaking old. Rayfield Wright....OMG, maybe the nicest player I ever met...people were complaining cause it took him so long to sign, then I got up there and found out....he talks to everyone, takes a minute or two to converse with everyone...including letting kids wear his SB ring for pics, what a nice guy.
Harper...well, great guy, but boy has he porked up, he enjoys the good life.

Terrell was there too, what a roar went up when he showed...half cheers, ALOT of boos, to funny...then everytime they announced the next set of numbers fo him....more cheers and boos, he was really laughing, he loved it.

Side note......When Harper signed for me, I shook his hand and said "Thanks for everything". Well, Emmitt was sitting next to him and he heard me and says "Harper? EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR US? One catch, one long run, and HE says EVERYTHING??? Harper, THAT WAS EVERYTHING". It was to funny.

Anyhow, that was my day.

Very cool.
I got to shake Rayfield's hand outside the stadium year before last...
Got to semi-tackle Emmitt in the bahamas a few years back... LOL
Saw Deion and Irvin, eh hem:rolleyes: partying in Puerto Rico year before last...

Sounds like you had a good day...
EastDallasCowboy said:
this all sounds very cool, but my god....$200 for an autograph?

i'm jealous of everyone's experience, but I think I'm more jealous of your pocketbooks :laugh2:

I hear ya.

I wouldn't be interested in paying $5 for an autograph. Guess I'm not a "true fan." :)
damn man
i wish i cudve been there
i have yet to meet ANY dallas players
Chief said:
I hear ya.

I wouldn't be interested in paying $5 for an autograph. Guess I'm not a "true fan." :)

I just hope they give out certificates of authenticity now if they're gonna charge hundreds of dollars per John Hancock.
WoodysGirl said:
Oh man, oh man...

I was once told jealousy is a sickness, but I didn't believe them before now.

I'm feeling queasy guys... :eek::

You guys just need to move out to Jersey. They have these shows a couple of times a year here in central NJ. I got Irvin's pic and autograph last year. They charge ridiculous prices for the autographs, but if you have a favorite player or two you could justify the price.....sorta. They also have all kinds of tables with collectibles and jerseys. Most of the stuff is really jacked up as far as price, but you can haggle. I got an Aikman ornament for like $8 in the box that was originally around $15. I felt like I really got a "deal" (only minutes after forking over like $85 for Irvin's pic and autograph). I didn't go to this one because I knew I'd just spend hundreds if I did. Next time they come around....we'll see.....
TruBlueCowboy said:
I just hope they give out certificates of authenticity now if they're gonna charge hundreds of dollars per John Hancock.

They do. It's very organized.
BIGDen said:
They do. It's very organized.

How much do guys like Joe Montana and John Elway fetch? About the same as Emmitt? I'm thinking Jim Brown would probably be the current living player able to charge the most.

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