Metric-based breakdown of Zeke’s career


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What does this prove? That the OL is a factor in our team's struggles at times? No one has denied that. I linked two post (out of many) where I talk about OL issues. I've never denied we have some OL concerns.

The only denier here is you who can't accept the reality that Zeke isn't a great TB anymore. You want to make this an either/or situation. It's both. The OL hasn't played great and Elliott just isn't a great TB anymore.
Sydia......then they go hand in hand. Maybe Tyron and Zack Martin are no longer worth the money too, on that theory. And the Pro Bowl nominations are on reputation......right? Anyway.....Zeke will be gone soon. It's in the plan, given he never got replaced when injured and TPollard was healthy. Let that sink in.