Micah already tweeted out a response to salary cap increase


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I know this is the reality of the league and have no problem with the idea that guys are going to get their money as the cap continues to go up, but why does that need to be the image a guy like Micah wants to put out there to the public? Just like Lamb talking about making more millions on Micahs podcast. That's fine, but at least humor us fans that maybe....just maybe winning could actually mean something.


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Well he already said along the lines of "the longer you take, the more expensive it becomes!"


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I know this is the reality of the league and have no problem with the idea that guys are going to get their money as the cap continues to go up, but why does that need to be the image a guy like Micah wants to put out there to the public? Just like Lamb talking about making more millions on Micahs podcast. That's fine, but at least humor us fans that maybe....just maybe winning could actually mean something.
there's not many blue chip studs out there, just be quiet and get your money. He's going to take all his money and fund the biggest podcast in american history


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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99.99999% of top end FAs want to get the best contract they can get.

Acting like the Cowboys players are the only ones who should take a home discount and if they do not they are terrible is frankly idiotic.


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I have a novel idea, stop raising the cap. It’s not like these guys are fighting inflation :muttley:
The salary cap and how it increases was collectively bargained with the Players Association. It is not arbitrary. It is tied to, among other things, the league’s income from television rights. Do you think the owners increase it to be nice guys?


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I don't blame him. Who wouldn't want to get paid? I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't turn down a significant pay raise. If I were him and Lamb I would be dancing outside Jerry's office at the Star. I would even bring my own pen to sign my new contract.


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99.99999% of top end FAs want to get the best contract they can get.

Acting like the Cowboys players are the only ones who should take a home discount and if they do not they are terrible is frankly idiotic.
That really isn't the issue though, it continues to be the image these guys give to the public. Most of these guys make insane money in free agency, but they also just let their agents handle that. We don't need the money tweets, nor the podcast bragging about making more money. It comes back to the culture Jerry has created here. Really what these guys are doing is simply an extension of Jerry prioritizing the teams evaluation price and media attention over actually winning a super bowl.

It's actually an area where I'll give Dak some props. As much as I'm not a fan of paying the guy $60M he is easy to root for as a person.


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I don't blame him. Who wouldn't want to get paid? I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't turn down a significant pay raise. If I were him and Lamb I would be dancing outside Jerry's office at the Star. I would even bring my own pen to sign my new contract.
No one said they'd turn down a pay raise but it's just a bad look to tweet this when your team lost and your side of the ball sucked. I'd say the same thing if it were Dak or CeeDee or any Cowboy.

Does tweeting this get him one more dime? Does it do anything helpful for him? No!

Now if we just won the Super Bowl and he came up big in the playoffs that'd be different, but we failed badly.

No one's even saying he shouldn't get the money, you just don't have to tweet about it.


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If only he invested his time on the game.
And you don't think Micah invests time in the game and puts in his work? How about Jerry and company invest some resources on the DLine and LBer where Parsons isn't getting double teamed every down. Who else does Dallas have that really gets after the QB besides Parsons? You don't think those CBs benefit from the pressure Parsons applies to QBs? Parsons will get his money and he deserves to get his money. I wish we had 1 or 2 more Parsons on that defense.


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It's simple. The Cowboys can afford him or they can't.

The reason these players and their families cry or show emotion when getting drafted isn't because they've dreamt of championships. They've dreamt about the life-changing money about to be made.