Micah already tweeted out a response to salary cap increase


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That really isn't the issue though, it continues to be the image these guys give to the public. Most of these guys make insane money in free agency, but they also just let their agents handle that. We don't need the money tweets, nor the podcast bragging about making more money. It comes back to the culture Jerry has created here. Really what these guys are doing is simply an extension of Jerry prioritizing the teams evaluation price and media attention over actually winning a super bowl.

It's actually an area where I'll give Dak some props. As much as I'm not a fan of paying the guy $60M he is easy to root for as a person.
I thought he wanted to change the culture


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I have a novel idea, stop raising the cap. It’s not like these guys are fighting inflation :muttley:
It's part of the CBA I believe players get half and owners get half, unless I'm thinking of the NBA but it's something like that.

But the NFL makes more money, the salary cap goes up. I guess that's fair, but I feel bad for running backs who are usually the workhorses for offenses and yet they don't want to pay them 10 million while quarterbacks are about to break 60 million and beyond. No one gets tackled more and thus they have short careers and are punished for it.


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I don't blame him. Who wouldn't want to get paid? I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't turn down a significant pay raise. If I were him and Lamb I would be dancing outside Jerry's office at the Star. I would even bring my own pen to sign my new contract.
Sure. I wouldn't go on my facebook though, and say to my connections "I am getting a raise! " It's called couth... and sadly in 2024 most of society lacks it.


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It's part of the CBA I believe players get half and owners get half, unless I'm thinking of the NBA but it's something like that.

But the NFL makes more money, the salary cap goes up. I guess that's fair, but I feel bad for running backs who are usually the workhorses for offenses and yet they don't want to pay them 10 million while quarterbacks are about to break 60 million and beyond. No one gets tackled more and thus they have short careers and are punished for it.
It's a win-win.
Owners make more money, players make more money, and fans have to pay more money to watch games.
Everyone wins.

nate dizzle

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I don't hate great players for getting paid like it. I hate it when we pay average players like they are elite. Beyond that, get your bag.


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99.99999% of top end FAs want to get the best contract they can get.

Acting like the Cowboys players are the only ones who should take a home discount and if they do not they are terrible is frankly idiotic.
Yes sir...we all want to get paid our worth...these guys are no different. Most don't play past 5 or 6 years and Lamborghinis don't pay themselves!


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I know this is the reality of the league and have no problem with the idea that guys are going to get their money as the cap continues to go up, but why does that need to be the image a guy like Micah wants to put out there to the public? Just like Lamb talking about making more millions on Micahs podcast. That's fine, but at least humor us fans that maybe....just maybe winning could actually mean something.
Because a lot of players only care about the money...It's like hitting the Lotto...