Dude is incredible. LB/EDGE that has the movement of a cornerback.
This is where I say...What the hell are the coaches teaching these offensive linemen? Having good foot speed is more important than stonewalling a pass rusher. Steele should never have his hands down by his waist. It slows down his foot speed. Yes, he can come up with a bunch of power and stonewall the DE, but he can't keep up with him. He should have his hands in tight around his chest. That would increase his foot speed and still allow him to give the DE a good wallop if needed.
We have the dumbest coaches. Hey Terence, get your hands away from your belly button and put them up near your nipples. How hard is that?
And anybody not believing me...try moving around with your hands near your belly button, then try repeating that action with your hands around your nipples. There's a big difference in foot speed just because of where you place your hands.