CFZ Micah Parsons' draft profile from 2021 has been amazingly accurate


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So who are the veteran players and coaches who will step up in the maturation process?
lol nobody ! I doubt he would listen to anyone anyway.
but good find bob, they said twice he was immature, and 3 years in he is not the same but worse !

Hard for any guy like him to mature here with jerry as big boss, and his puppet coaches, and cupcake discipline.


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I believe this situation is not as big a deal as people are making it out to be. But a lot of things aren't these days.

I feel like if Micah was some JAG, nobody would care about any of this. It is because he is an elite player that people expect more of him "off the field", and want him to be a leader on it. I do.

Sometimes I wonder if people would care about it as much if he and the rest of the team didn't completely soil themselves against those Cheesy Boys in January.

Not to say that Micah isn't an immature guys who likes the spotlight and wants to control the narrative around him. He seems exactly like that guy.

But I'll deal with it if it means 14 sacks a year and one of the best pressure rates of any player in the NFL. He's an impact player. To put it bluntly, teams make excuses for women beaters if they're talented enough, but Micah being a diva with a podcast is too much for the Dallas freaking Cowboys to handle?
he had 0 impact in the GB game,I watched him and he seemed to be not trying or frustrated.
Those 14 sacks are meaningless, Sacks are stupid and very flawed stat.


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Micah’s talent level is so high it is so important that he be given lots of room and appropriate challenges to grow his maturity to match his talent.

As his draft profile stated, Parsons needs to be mentored. He was only 21 when drafted and he’s just 24 now. It’s not time to give up on a player of his talent. But I do believe he needs to be challenged and in return, he needs to accept the accountability that comes with that.

Talent alone does not automatically mean greatness. It’s time for Micah to grow up and start moving toward greatness. What a shame it would be for him not achieve the greatness he has within him.

CT Dal Fan

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Micah’s talent level is so high it is so important that he be given lots of room and appropriate challenges to grow his maturity to match his talent.

As his draft profile stated, Parsons needs to be mentored. He was only 21 when drafted and he’s just 24 now. It’s not time to give up on a player of his talent. But I do believe he needs to be challenged and in return, he needs to accept the accountability that comes with that.

Talent alone does not automatically mean greatness. It’s time for Micah to grow up and start moving toward greatness. What a shame it would be for him not achieve the greatness he has within him.
I agree. Parsons is a special talent so all the other stuff can be tolerated.

He doesn't have to be a leader. He just needs to mature. Get off the podcasts, get off social media, stop saying things that spark controversy. Just go out there and chase down quarterbacks and running backs with all those rare physical gifts he's been given.


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I agree. Parsons is a special talent so all the other stuff can be tolerated.

He doesn't have to be a leader. He just needs to mature. Get off the podcasts, get off social media, stop saying things that spark controversy. Just go out there and chase down quarterbacks and running backs with all those rare physical gifts he's been given.
He doesn’t have to be a “rah-rah” leader at all. But he can lead by example by putting the team ahead of his personal brand. So many young stars today in multiple sports have yet to understand that when the team wins, so does your brand.


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Seen a lot of very talented players mess up a potentially great career because of character and personality issues. Parson COULD be another one of those. I hope he matures and the Cowboys find coaching that can help him grow as a person and focus on maximize his football talent.


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How about show up and be a leader to your team rather than going your own way?

That ALL-PRO level sure doesn't show up in the playoffs. Maybe he would be better prepared and conditioned for the playoffs if he showed up to ALL team practices and workouts rather than be a celebrity playing with sumo wrestlers.
he’s been everywhere he was supposed to be prior to this off season.


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Micah’s talent level is so high it is so important that he be given lots of room and appropriate challenges to grow his maturity to match his talent.

As his draft profile stated, Parsons needs to be mentored. He was only 21 when drafted and he’s just 24 now. It’s not time to give up on a player of his talent. But I do believe he needs to be challenged and in return, he needs to accept the accountability that comes with that.

Talent alone does not automatically mean greatness. It’s time for Micah to grow up and start moving toward greatness. What a shame it would be for him not achieve the greatness he has within him.
Most likely will never achieve it as a hand in the dirt DE.


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Micah might be an incredible athlete but only an above average football player. If he had the maturity, focus, and football iq, he might be the best LB to have ever played. He could still be a generational pass rusher, if he is willing. He's better against the run then Dorance Armstrong. And, he's young enough to put it together still. But, patterns appear for a reason. And Micah doesn't look like "THAT guy" at this point in his career.
His HOF bust may collect dust in the basement with guys like Lavarr Arrington.


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Micah might be an incredible athlete but only an above average football player. If he had the maturity, focus, and football iq, he might be the best LB to have ever played. He could still be a generational pass rusher, if he is willing. He's better against the run then Dorance Armstrong. And, he's young enough to put it together still. But, patterns appear for a reason. And Micah doesn't look like "THAT guy" at this point in his career.
His HOF bust may collect dust in the basement with guys like Lavarr Arrington.
We're playing him at DE.


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Yeah I don't believe DQ was the right coach to help him "mature." That being said he may completely reject Zimmers style. Zimmer would have had more success if he got to him when he was a rookie imo.

As far as teammates go Dlaw is the only one who may have been capable but I don't believe he was interested. Aside from that I can't really think of any veteran capable leaders on that side of the ball.
this is spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D-law won't because Micah probably feels he's better than him, or Dlaw may not care because theirs so much attention on him these days


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We must also remember that all great athletes are just as human as we are. MP just turned 25 on May 26. So in terms of life maturity, he’s still very young. Not all of us mature at the same speed.

A simple question we could all ask ourselves: How mature was I at 25? Obviously I can only answer for myself but man did I have a lot to learn at 25 and of course didn’t realize it.

The other thing to remember is sometimes adversity and challenges are the very thing needed to cause maturation. Some things in life cannot just be learned from a book or from someone explaining it to us. The criticism, adversity and on field losses could be the very things Micah needs to grow up. Adversity can be a great teacher if we’re open to learn. We will see in time.


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All the great Edge's had elite physical abilities. Often they go from unstoppable superstar to after thought in a heart beat. Most because they never fully developed their mental game. Some because their physical skills just eroded.

It would be foolish to ignore the warning flags of history or what we have seen in second half of seasons thus far in his career. Paying Edge's premium long term contracts is generally a cautionary tale.


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There is no doubt Micah Parsons is a tremendous NFL talent. Already a great pass rush threat and just a beast of an athlete, Parsons has been great most of the time, although has seemingly disappeared in some of the biggest games against SF twice in the playoffs and GB last year.

I recently reviewed Parsons’ pre-draft profile from 2021 and it seems pretty accurate. I want to look at what they said were his strengths as well as his weaknesses on and off the field from multiple sources:

  • Amazing speed at his pro day, clocking a 4.36 forty.
  • Explosive change of direction skills
  • Has foot quickness and change of direction of a running back.
  • Can overcome mental mistakes with explosive athleticism.
  • Size and strength to free himself from blocks.
  • Excellent twitch for lateral gap-to-gap peek-a-boo skill looking for ball-carrier.
  • Wrap-up tackler with limited broken tackles on his bill.
  • Talented hunter when blitz is dialed up.
  • Able to bend and flatten to quarterback as edge rusher.
  • Gains instant depth dropping into coverage.
  • Athletic talent to handle man coverage duties.
  • Can be immature and high-maintenance at times.
  • Runs himself out of position with unnecessary early charges.
  • Quick to run rather than scrape with square pads.
  • Has issues battling downhill rushing attacks coming right at him.
  • Loses gap leverage side-stepping lead blocks.
  • Film-study habits need to get better.
  • May need guidance from coaches and veteran players alike to mature.
Looking at this pre-draft profile three years later, it seems amazingly accurate. I’m interested in the first and last bullets from the weaknesses list. The one that says, “May need guidance from coaches and veteran players alike to mature” seems completely on target. So who are the veteran players and coaches who will step up in the maturation process?


The worst thing that happened to Parsons was the DE injuries before the Rams game his rookie year. Once Quinn saw him rush, he made him a one dimensional player. Parsons was a wrecking crew at LB at Penn St. and Penn St. runs a 4-3 D. Zimmer will get him back to being a LB that can line up all over the field (MLB, SLB, WLB and DE). The single and Double A gap blitz will get Parsons more big plays and keep him fresh to make big plays. He will not have to consistently deal with +310 pound OL for 4 quarters.

Zimmer made Anthony Barr, similar skills to Parsons, his first draft pick and knows how to use a player with all over the field talent. Go look at how he used Roy Williams, and Randall Godfrey. Then see him install the 3-4 to work with DWare his rookie year.

Quinn got all his hype from Pete Carroll who was a defensive genius coach and the legion of boom was about the secondary and not the DL. We had Kris Richard who was never giving a chance to show all of what he learned from Carroll.

If Parson study what Zimmer tells him, practice what Zimmer tells him, and does what Zimmer tells him, he will easily be a HOF trending player.


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The worst thing that happened to Parsons was the DE injuries before the Rams game his rookie year. Once Quinn saw him rush, he made him a one dimensional player. Parsons was a wrecking crew at LB at Penn St. and Penn St. runs a 4-3 D. Zimmer will get him back to being a LB that can line up all over the field (MLB, SLB, WLB and DE). The single and Double A gap blitz will get Parsons more big plays and keep him fresh to make big plays. He will not have to consistently deal with +310 pound OL for 4 quarters.

Zimmer made Anthony Barr, similar skills to Parsons, his first draft pick and knows how to use a player with all over the field talent. Go look at how he used Roy Williams, and Randall Godfrey. Then see him install the 3-4 to work with DWare his rookie year.

Quinn got all his hype from Pete Carroll who was a defensive genius coach and the legion of boom was about the secondary and not the DL. We had Kris Richard who was never giving a chance to show all of what he learned from Carroll.

If Parson study what Zimmer tells him, practice what Zimmer tells him, and does what Zimmer tells him, he will easily be a HOF trending player.
The Legion of Boom had the deepest DLine rotation in the NFL and absolute studs in Redding and Mebane. Clemons, Irvin, Clinton McDonald, Avril, Bennett. All starter quality. The media made it all about the secondary, and Thomas and Sherman were definitely great players, but the primary strength of that team was the DLine.


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Agreed. Pretty spot on with regards to Micah.
i enjoy reading how accurate some of the draft summary sites are after the fact, touting strengths and weaknesses. would blow you away with Sleepnumber's 2016 writeup.

The weaknesses are so funny and accurate to read that it could have been written yesterday and not as a rookie entering the draft 9 years ago. Not a lot of improvement there,