Micah may not technically be an Eagles or Steelers fan. But he surely doesn't hate either team the way a typical Cowboys fan might. That's apparently not good for those fans who love to hate the Eagles. Personally, I always hated the Skins, respected the Giants, and was blah about the Eagles. It's more fun to be indifferent about the Eagles. That REALLY pisses off their fans, which amuses me.
I wish the Cowboys would clamp down on this Micah social media crap. He’s still young and impressionable, plus opinionated and driven, and I fear there are certain media people pushing this whole thing, keeping everything sensationalized and fresh to negatively impact our best player. Fans will grow weary of the drama and comment about it, and Parsons will sour on the whole Cowboy experience.
A sincere question. If football player gives 110% to be the best in his position and is good at his sport and helps his team out due to his playing, what right is it of any "fan" to think they have the right to dictate how a player should live his life (unless it hurts himself or others physically or perhaps addiction to drugs?).
Personally, I'm no fan of social media and IMO the best course is staying off social media (then again, I'm old and don't do anything worth showing the world my thoughts or actions), but when it comes to what you do outside the game you play itself, I honestly don't know why fans obsess over it.
Some fans claim the NFL is rigged like the WWE, but those same fans act no different than those fans of the WWE which leaves me scratching my head.
Just because you play a professional sport and get paid handsomely to do so should not dictate who your friends are or what you want to do outside the professional game you play.
I do think that Micah should lay off social media, but that is only my opinion due to my age. The reality is kids today for better or worse live off it and is actually a form of communication. Heck, it was only 4 years ago when we had to train our boys on the right and wrong way (in our opinion) on how to answer the house phone LMAO (and they didn't get a cell phone due to school activities until age 14, and you see kids who can barely speak on cell phones now).