Yep. I remember Mick going over that at length in his book. He really had to pretty much beg Mark to do that spot cause he really didn't want to do it, at all.
Which is just more respect and props to Mark to be that worried about a fellow wrestlers well being. I'm sure a lot of the people out there wouldn't care, as long as it wasn't them, if it meant their match being memorable. I like that Mark wasn't concerned with that as much as he was concerned with keeping Mick safe.
Absolutely as classy an individual as theres ever been in wrestling.
Solid movie but one that I read, again in a Foley book, that both Funk and Roberts were not pleased with because they were told it was going to be something totally different (more of a piece to promote and help wrestling) and then it turned out it was more of a darker documentary on some of the stuff in wrestling.
Still it was pretty good. I enjoyed it.
There are a million and one reasons to respect Mick Foley and that is just one of them.
Hmmm....interesting....maybe so. I agree in time that he'll be able to make change but that's going to take a lot more time, I believe, than I think some people are believing it will. Vince is still going to have his finger prints all over these shows and as long as thats the case it's not going to diviate to far from status quo.
As for HHH slobbering all over AJ and making these changes for guys he really From what I've read, and understand, he's a HUGE fan of CM Punk and last I checked CM Punk isn't carrying any gold and has been used, primarly, the last year(plus) to put over other people in the main event.
So I wouldn't put to much stock, at this time, in what HHH liking a person, and their in-ring work, is going to do for them.
Also I'll say this about HHH. As much as I like him he can be a hard guy to get a read on because, at least from what I've read over the years, he's very wishy washy about what he does and doesn't like in wrestling. One day, in one article or interview, he'll be telling you how he likes a guy like AJ Styles and what they bring to the table and the next week in another interview or article he's trashing that kind of style (no pun intended) as being nothing but flippy flopping nothing.
I wouldn't, at least until you see a whole lot of solid evidence to prove otherwise, pin any hopes and dreams of HHH throwing out some mega deal to AJ (which I assume you're only hoping will happen in the hope that AJ will turn it down and make all the TNA Fan Boys happy) cause right now I just don't see it.