Mick Foley done with TNA.

I think the hope (for lack of a better word) is that one day HHH's influence will be more strongly felt & that would ultimately reflect in whatever they do in the ring re feuds & so forth. There is no doubt it is Vince's company and he's been very successful. I am sure he is the type of businessman that will phase out slowly...but there is a chain of command in place so we'll see. In the meantime it is still just a tv show/shows & nobody is made to watch if they don't want to...
DallasGirl50;3967388 said:
I think the hope (for lack of a better word) is that one day HHH's influence will be more strongly felt & that would ultimately reflect in whatever they do in the ring re feuds & so forth. There is no doubt it is Vince's company and he's been very successful. I am sure he is the type of businessman that will phase out slowly...but there is a chain of command in place so we'll see. In the meantime it is still just a tv show/shows & nobody is made to watch if they don't want to...

Oh yeah. eventually, one day, it will be different and it will be more in the vision of a guy like Hunter.

For now though it's going to pretty much remain status quo cause vince will still have the ultimate say in whats going on and being done.

I still enjoy things on it. Lots of it I don't (same with TNA) but I'll watch/read/catch up via video on all the things on both shows that I do like.

I'll do the same with ROH if they ever get on a station that I can get here.
Funny...there is a similiarity between the Cowboys & WWE re owners...both are owned by men that many cannot wait to step down.
BraveHeartFan;3967351 said:
Right. I get that. everyone knows that.

The thing is that he's still not doing anything without Vinces blessing, at this point, or any point until Vince completely steps away from the company.

So no matter what he's not going to make any dramatic changes to how things or done, or the direction of the company, no matter what his title is as long as Vince still has the final say.

That's my point. There is no great hope here, that some seem to think with HHH getting a fancy official title, because Vince is still king of the show and what he wants, and what he says the direction of the company should be, is how it's going to go.

Your wrong in that regard, HHH is in charge of bringing in talent now.

Vince wante d to bring in Mistico, but he wanted to stick him in FCW , potentially unmask him, and make him learn english(guy can't speak english, other than words needed to call matches)...

HHH, signs him, lets him skip FCW, stay masked, and not learn english. HHH attained one of the top 5 workers in the world, the best in the world in the mexican/lucha style, and improved the in ring product dramatically, Vince gets to shove Alberto Del Joke down our throats because Mistico wouldn't sign.

So, you can blame Vince McMahon that we all have to suffer through Alberto Del Rio, when one of the greatest in the world in Mistico could be in that role had vince not been so stubborn, as no doubt they would've given the monster push to Mistico.
BraveHeartFan;3967352 said:
How is Sin Cara any dumber than Mistico? They're both stupid and awful names.

Mistico is a name with international renown, and is known as being one of the greatest workers in the world(most "Internet fans" that don't watch japenese wrestling rank mistico/michaels/danielson/styles/punk in some order as the top 5 in-ring workers today. People still include Michael's since people still doubt he is permanently gone as he is simply to young in the wrestling world.

Sin Cara is a name some idiot in creative came up with so WWE could own the rights to the name... Do you ever imagine Sin Cara vs John Cena main eventing a WM? No.. Mistico v. John Cena.. Yes.

This gimmick is basically Rey Mysterio 2.0, as Mysterio will probably be gone after this contract as he wants a big raise and reportedly has grown quite the ego.
DallasGirl50;3967433 said:
Funny...there is a similiarity between the Cowboys & WWE re owners...both are owned by men that many cannot wait to step down.

Both are brilliant business men( although Linda McMahon rarely receives the credit she deserves, as for WWE not going under when they were getting stomped by WCW I would give alot of credit to her, not Vince.) and both have revolutionized the sports they are in.
Romo 2 Austin;3967446 said:
Your wrong in that regard, HHH is in charge of bringing in talent now.

Vince wante d to bring in Mistico, but he wanted to stick him in FCW , potentially unmask him, and make him learn english(guy can't speak english, other than words needed to call matches)...

HHH, signs him, lets him skip FCW, stay masked, and not learn english. HHH attained one of the top 5 workers in the world, the best in the world in the mexican/lucha style, and improved the in ring product dramatically, Vince gets to shove Alberto Del Joke down our throats because Mistico wouldn't sign.

So, you can blame Vince McMahon that we all have to suffer through Alberto Del Rio, when one of the greatest in the world in Mistico could be in that role had vince not been so stubborn, as no doubt they would've given the monster push to Mistico.

Yeah he signed him and did something different there...with Vinces blessing. Trust me kid he didn't just do that cause he wanted to and defied the old man.

Vince allowed him to go with his gut there and bring him in that way and that's good.

But do you think they're going to drastically change the in-ring style or how things are done just because HHH wants them too? You're crazy if you do.

Romo 2 Austin;3967451 said:
Mistico is a name with international renown, and is known as being one of the greatest workers in the world(most "Internet fans" that don't watch japenese wrestling rank mistico/michaels/danielson/styles/punk in some order as the top 5 in-ring workers today. People still include Michael's since people still doubt he is permanently gone as he is simply to young in the wrestling world.

Sin Cara is a name some idiot in creative came up with so WWE could own the rights to the name... Do you ever imagine Sin Cara vs John Cena main eventing a WM? No.. Mistico v. John Cena.. Yes.

This gimmick is basically Rey Mysterio 2.0, as Mysterio will probably be gone after this contract as he wants a big raise and reportedly has grown quite the ego.


I don't see him, under either name, main eventing WM v. John Cena.

Names aren't that important, to be quite honest, and that's been proven over and over and over again.

Mick Foley got over with the name Mankind.

Did it hurt Kevin Nash when he left WWE and wasn't Diesel anymore? Did it hurt Hall to no longer be Razor Ramon?


If the person is great (and apparently this guy is great from over seas) then the fans are going to think he's great no matter what stupid name they've given him.

So Sin Cara is no different then Mystico in that regard to the people who know he's a great worker anyway.

And they're both, regardless, very stupid names. It's just that he had the first stupid name longer and people know him by that. In time people will come to know him by this stupid name as well (those who don't already know him).
Romo 2 Austin;3967459 said:
He's come out saying he was in TNA.

I can see that.

I've seen him in interviews, and if I recall correctly even in his books a couple times, mention where he has a way of being difficult to work with if he doesn't think whats going on makes a lot of sense. He'll be very stubborn in his stance which makes him difficult at times.

He's said before that he and Vince had a bit of a strained relationship by the time he left for a while one time.

So this isn't shocking really. With guys like Russo, Bish, and Hogan having say I can imagine that there was plenty that drove Foley nuts.
BraveHeartFan;3967458 said:
Yeah he signed him and did something different there...with Vinces blessing. Trust me kid he didn't just do that cause he wanted to and defied the old man.

Vince allowed him to go with his gut there and bring him in that way and that's good.

But do you think they're going to drastically change the in-ring style or how things are done just because HHH wants them too? You're crazy if you do.


I don't see him, under either name, main eventing WM v. John Cena.

Names aren't that important, to be quite honest, and that's been proven over and over and over again.

Mick Foley got over with the name Mankind.

Did it hurt Kevin Nash when he left WWE and wasn't Diesel anymore? Did it hurt Hall to no longer be Razor Ramon?


If the person is great (and apparently this guy is great from over seas) then the fans are going to think he's great no matter what stupid name they've given him.

So Sin Cara is no different then Mystico in that regard to the people who know he's a great worker anyway.

And they're both, regardless, very stupid names. It's just that he had the first stupid name longer and people know him by that. In time people will come to know him by this stupid name as well (those who don't already know him).

Over time it will, if HHH continues bringing in talent similar to Mistico it'll be no time before every ppv has a 5x match, and if HHH is still in charge of signing talent when AJ's contract is up, I fully expect him to give in to all of Aj's demands, and he'll most likely endup on WWE unless TNA will compete financially, AJ makes a very good salary their right now though, and he'll most likely stick around TNA as he knows he has a spot on the roster as a main event player as long as he wants it and the company is around, if WWE, that won't be the case unless someone like HHH is in charge, as HHH would go insane over a talent like Styles.
Romo 2 Austin;3967459 said:
He's come out saying he was in TNA.

Mick is..uh...different. I liked him best when he was just totally off the wall with his character. He really is one of those guys that you'd never know what he would do. Mark did not want to throw him off that cage but he wanted to do it..almost killed himself to make a classic match. I still watch that sometime & it's still hard to believe.
There's a movie on Netflix called "Beyond the Mat" and it's got a pretty good sized piece on Mick. Pretty cool guy it seems.

Also has a good piece on Jake Roberts who has got to have one of the worst back stories ever.

Also, a good piece on Terry Funk.

Pretty good movie overall. Highly recommended to anyone who's a wrestling junkie.
DallasGirl50;3967565 said:
Mick is..uh...different. I liked him best when he was just totally off the wall with his character. He really is one of those guys that you'd never know what he would do. Mark did not want to throw him off that cage but he wanted to do it..almost killed himself to make a classic match. I still watch that sometime & it's still hard to believe.

He's one of those guys you have to respect. He knows he was difficult to work with, and admits it. Few people would do that, especially a day after getting released.
DallasGirl50;3967565 said:
Mick is..uh...different. I liked him best when he was just totally off the wall with his character. He really is one of those guys that you'd never know what he would do. Mark did not want to throw him off that cage but he wanted to do it..almost killed himself to make a classic match. I still watch that sometime & it's still hard to believe.

Yep. I remember Mick going over that at length in his book. He really had to pretty much beg Mark to do that spot cause he really didn't want to do it, at all.

Which is just more respect and props to Mark to be that worried about a fellow wrestlers well being. I'm sure a lot of the people out there wouldn't care, as long as it wasn't them, if it meant their match being memorable. I like that Mark wasn't concerned with that as much as he was concerned with keeping Mick safe.

Absolutely as classy an individual as theres ever been in wrestling.

Hoofbite;3967570 said:
There's a movie on Netflix called "Beyond the Mat" and it's got a pretty good sized piece on Mick. Pretty cool guy it seems.

Also has a good piece on Jake Roberts who has got to have one of the worst back stories ever.

Also, a good piece on Terry Funk.

Pretty good movie overall. Highly recommended to anyone who's a wrestling junkie.

Solid movie but one that I read, again in a Foley book, that both Funk and Roberts were not pleased with because they were told it was going to be something totally different (more of a piece to promote and help wrestling) and then it turned out it was more of a darker documentary on some of the stuff in wrestling.

Still it was pretty good. I enjoyed it.

Romo 2 Austin;3967585 said:
He's one of those guys you have to respect. He knows he was difficult to work with, and admits it. Few people would do that, especially a day after getting released.

There are a million and one reasons to respect Mick Foley and that is just one of them. :)

Romo 2 Austin;3967511 said:
Over time it will, if HHH continues bringing in talent similar to Mistico it'll be no time before every ppv has a 5x match, and if HHH is still in charge of signing talent when AJ's contract is up, I fully expect him to give in to all of Aj's demands, and he'll most likely endup on WWE unless TNA will compete financially, AJ makes a very good salary their right now though, and he'll most likely stick around TNA as he knows he has a spot on the roster as a main event player as long as he wants it and the company is around, if WWE, that won't be the case unless someone like HHH is in charge, as HHH would go insane over a talent like Styles.

Hmmm....interesting....maybe so. I agree in time that he'll be able to make change but that's going to take a lot more time, I believe, than I think some people are believing it will. Vince is still going to have his finger prints all over these shows and as long as thats the case it's not going to diviate to far from status quo.

As for HHH slobbering all over AJ and making these changes for guys he really likes...eh. From what I've read, and understand, he's a HUGE fan of CM Punk and last I checked CM Punk isn't carrying any gold and has been used, primarly, the last year(plus) to put over other people in the main event.

So I wouldn't put to much stock, at this time, in what HHH liking a person, and their in-ring work, is going to do for them.

Also I'll say this about HHH. As much as I like him he can be a hard guy to get a read on because, at least from what I've read over the years, he's very wishy washy about what he does and doesn't like in wrestling. One day, in one article or interview, he'll be telling you how he likes a guy like AJ Styles and what they bring to the table and the next week in another interview or article he's trashing that kind of style (no pun intended) as being nothing but flippy flopping nothing.

I wouldn't, at least until you see a whole lot of solid evidence to prove otherwise, pin any hopes and dreams of HHH throwing out some mega deal to AJ (which I assume you're only hoping will happen in the hope that AJ will turn it down and make all the TNA Fan Boys happy) cause right now I just don't see it.
Romo 2 Austin;3967585 said:
He's one of those guys you have to respect. He knows he was difficult to work with, and admits it. Few people would do that, especially a day after getting released.

well he's wrestled all over the world for decades..he's a best selling author of a few books..he has no reason not to be honest. What happened there won't lose him any fans because he was difficult. I never thought he was a great wrestler..he's had great gimmicks though & that's been enough to have a really solid career.
That cage match with Mick is one of my all time favorite matches...JR's commentary is classic when Mick got tossed. I have an interview of Mark taped somewhere where he talks about that match..he said he really seriously thought he had killed Mick. Mick is nuts!
DallasGirl50;3967637 said:
That cage match with Mick is one of my all time favorite matches...JR's commentary is classic when Mick got tossed. I have an interview of Mark taped somewhere where he talks about that match..he said he really seriously thought he had killed Mick. Mick is nuts!

Well here is the beauty of that commentary. Now unless I'm remembering wrong I'm pretty certain that Mick made sure that no one, even JR or The King, knew about the spot so that they'd call it from the heart, as a fan, and not something they knew was coming.

Brilliant move on his part because you could tell a big difference in that call and a regular, planned, call.

My favorite calls of the match, however, were for the spot that wasn't planned, when he went through the top of the cage.

When Jerry says "That's it. He's dead." and JR, very heatedly (you could really tell he was geniunely upset and didn't like what was going on), "Enough is enough. Somebody stop the damn match."

I love those calls. Those calls are absolutely what helps make that match such a classic moment. Without the calls it's just a co uple of crazy spots off the cage.
BraveHeartFan;3967676 said:
Well here is the beauty of that commentary. Now unless I'm remembering wrong I'm pretty certain that Mick made sure that no one, even JR or The King, knew about the spot so that they'd call it from the heart, as a fan, and not something they knew was coming.

Brilliant move on his part because you could tell a big difference in that call and a regular, planned, call.

My favorite calls of the match, however, were for the spot that wasn't planned, when he went through the top of the cage.

When Jerry says "That's it. He's dead." and JR, very heatedly (you could really tell he was geniunely upset and didn't like what was going on), "Enough is enough. Somebody stop the damn match."

I love those calls. Those calls are absolutely what helps make that match such a classic moment. Without the calls it's just a co uple of crazy spots off the cage.

you remember right! JR has always insisted he did not know about Mick being thrown off the top...the crowd reaction was insane in that match too. Mick was certifiable that nite to put his body thru all that.
I'll make a longer response tomorrow, on phone.. But thats not the case, if Aj would be used right in WWE, and he'll make more money he should go. And it'd virtually kill tna.. He's the biggest draw in tna.. He was feuding w Tommy freaking dreamer and his segments where the highest rated.

Aj is the only active wrestler that I'd pay to just see him, WWE knows he has that kind of following and HHH likes that Ryle of guy, is his cm punk love
BraveHeartFan;3967616 said:
Yep. I remember Mick going over that at length in his book. He really had to pretty much beg Mark to do that spot cause he really didn't want to do it, at all.

Which is just more respect and props to Mark to be that worried about a fellow wrestlers well being. I'm sure a lot of the people out there wouldn't care, as long as it wasn't them, if it meant their match being memorable. I like that Mark wasn't concerned with that as much as he was concerned with keeping Mick safe.

Absolutely as classy an individual as theres ever been in wrestling.

Solid movie but one that I read, again in a Foley book, that both Funk and Roberts were not pleased with because they were told it was going to be something totally different (more of a piece to promote and help wrestling) and then it turned out it was more of a darker documentary on some of the stuff in wrestling.

Still it was pretty good. I enjoyed it.

There are a million and one reasons to respect Mick Foley and that is just one of them. :)

Hmmm....interesting....maybe so. I agree in time that he'll be able to make change but that's going to take a lot more time, I believe, than I think some people are believing it will. Vince is still going to have his finger prints all over these shows and as long as thats the case it's not going to diviate to far from status quo.

As for HHH slobbering all over AJ and making these changes for guys he really likes...eh. From what I've read, and understand, he's a HUGE fan of CM Punk and last I checked CM Punk isn't carrying any gold and has been used, primarly, the last year(plus) to put over other people in the main event.

So I wouldn't put to much stock, at this time, in what HHH liking a person, and their in-ring work, is going to do for them.

Also I'll say this about HHH. As much as I like him he can be a hard guy to get a read on because, at least from what I've read over the years, he's very wishy washy about what he does and doesn't like in wrestling. One day, in one article or interview, he'll be telling you how he likes a guy like AJ Styles and what they bring to the table and the next week in another interview or article he's trashing that kind of style (no pun intended) as being nothing but flippy flopping nothing.

I wouldn't, at least until you see a whole lot of solid evidence to prove otherwise, pin any hopes and dreams of HHH throwing out some mega deal to AJ (which I assume you're only hoping will happen in the hope that AJ will turn it down and make all the TNA Fan Boys happy) cause right now I just don't see it.

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