Mickey: Eye test about Zeke


The Boognish
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Spagzy Wagzy is a PR man. Stories you will NOT get from Spags:

Jerry Jones is an AWFUL GM
25 year anniversary of Cowboys SB futility
Zeke takes the "Feed Me" gesture, literally, gains 100 lbs during offseason
Dakuracy needs major improvement if Cowboys expect to win the NFC East

Jerry Jones is just a dead horse to beat.

The X years since playoffs/playoff win/NFCCG is another dead horse to beat.

Literally, Zeke has never hit 275 much less the 320lbs you would need for that +100.

Dak's accuracy has improved since his first two years. He has been money on short and intermediate throws from the beginning. His deep ball has improved markedly as evidenced by his splits and advance stats. 2017 called and wants its take back.


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Then shows his reasons why Zeke still will have a good season. Oh, also he threw in the "eye test" from the off -season stuff. He goes through the injuries of the OL, back up QB's allowing a DC to tee off on Zeke.

Zeke should have a better season. The offense is much better around him. Easier row to hoe. I'll even believe the talky talk about him being in better shape.


The Boognish
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The article literally includes, "He's in the best shape of his life." That's the ultimate off-season cliche.

Why is it so hard to be realistic about Zeke? He's probably going to be fine this year. He's a really good back at making positive gains and producing successful runs. He was a top-tier rusher in 2019 even without the big plays or burst. He's a good pass protector, which is important.

He doesn't provide much of anything as a receiver, and he hasn't shown big play ability in several years now. I have no reason to think either of those things will magically improve now. And they do limit his overall value.

Most running backs have peaked by the age Zeke is now. That doesn't mean they're done, it just means they're not likely to get *better* at this point. And Zeke had a ton of touches in college and is a very physical runner: those types of players don't tend to age that well. So again, I have no reason to think he'll be *better* than he was in 2019.

The combination is an excellent 3-down RB who probably has anywhere from one to three more highly productive seasons in him. But it's not a player you throw a ton of money at. The contract was a mistake, but the player is still more than solid.

The only rub is that of all the backs and TE he is far and away the best pass protector. I think that is a big part of the problem in him getting out on patterns. It's not like he has been running a ton of patterns and failing to get open.

But overall you are correct. He is now on the downward slope of the average RBs production curve.


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Zeke's replacement in 2 years


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That’s one hell of a word salad by Micky there. And it makes no sense. “Use your eyes”....just shut them every time Zeke fumbles. And that’s the real sticking point, Zeke simply fumbles too much and has his entire NFL career.

And really, so much is being talked about how Zeke is in shape...but shouldn’t that be a given? He a professional football paid a fortune, he should be in shape every year!

I’m happy to give Zeke a bit of a pass with the O-line, Dak and bad defense hurting his numbers. But they didn’t cause him to drop the ball and they don’t completely explain Zeke’s lack of long runs.


"We Are Penn State"
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I’m happy to give Zeke a bit of a pass with the O-line, Dak and bad defense hurting his numbers. But they didn’t cause him to drop the ball and they don’t completely explain Zeke’s lack of long runs.
Pollard had the same Oline & managed to have more YPC than Zeke. No pass for Zeke here.


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Pollard had the same Oline & managed to have more YPC than Zeke. No pass for Zeke here.

Pollard doesn’t come in for short yardage situations nor red zone. You can’t really compare them head to head as while Pollard does often come in for a series, there is the tendency to use him on plays where teams are defending the pass.


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I think Zeke has been lazy and a bit unprofessional is his approach and off season prep. I also think he was being used as a pounder under Garret and maybe thought a little more bulk would be good for him. McCarthys offense uses the RB in more open space than a pounder. Maybe that’s why we see the change in Zeke physical shape this off-season to be more effective out of the backfield and in space like Pollard.


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That he's going downhill.

That he's hit that age when running backs in the NFL start to degenerate.

That he has lost a step.

That analytics suggest he ain't what he used to be.

That he's overpaid.

Stop it.

Quit using numbers to come to these conclusions. That's just too concrete. Too anal.


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LOL, the only eye Micky is testing is Jerry’s brown one with his tongue.


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Oh boy, this should be a good one. But Mickey makes some good points. But I am sure those will be disregarded.

We have Mickey and an article about Zeke. Double whammy for haters of both. :muttley:

He does start out in his condescending way the 1st few lines. Then shows his reasons why Zeke still will have a good season. Oh, also he threw in the "eye test" from the off -season stuff. He goes through the injuries of the OL, back up QB's allowing a DC to tee off on Zeke.

So have at it, as I am sure we will see the usual comments from those that do not read the article.


So Zeke is going to have more success with Dak at QB instead of Dalton and 3 pro bowlers back on the Oline? Wow, genius stuff!!! Thanks for finding that keen insight.

How about this......................I am Zeke's #1 biggest hater and I have no doubt he will have more success this year.


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------But Mickey makes some good points.

Nope.....not gonna do it.


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Pollard had the same Oline & managed to have more YPC than Zeke. No pass for Zeke here.
Are you dumb? Do you know how YPC works? Pollard doesn’t get brought in for short yardage situations. Of course his average is gonna be higher. Joseph Randle averaged 6.7 ypc behind Murray during his record-breaking season.