To cap it off, we sports fans are simple. We bust are arses during the week and simply want to be entertained on weekends. We want to unwind with the drink of our choice..snacks etc...chill out and watch some good ball games with good FOOTBALL commentary. Last thing we want is some yahoo that thinks he needs to talk to the fans..using his "platform" for his own personal it good or bad. Don't want it,don't need it. Fans have been forgotten by the networks and by the current players..and former. I think MAYBE they are starting to get the message. STOP IT WITH THE HIDDEN AGENDA IN PLAIN SIGHT CRAP! Stop the virtue signaling to the common fans that pay your bills! What I really like about Dallas...we were prolly the first team in the league to make a stand..pun intended. All this implied guilt by virtue signaling sports people is DUMB and its killing the NFL.Fans are turned off by this. Run for office on sundays talk football.