Mike Ditka just said..


It aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun
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Well if he said it, it must be true! C'mon are kidding me right now? It might as well have been Joe the plumber, Bob the butcher or Daryl the bagger at Piggly wiggly saying that because they know just about as much about the Cowboys as Ditka does.


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My biggest fear is that Jerry gets older he'll get more and more out of touch with the game and he'll be just like Al Davis is these days. He seems to be headed down that path, I sure hope I'm wrong though.


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Ditka = tool

Everytime I hear his name I see the SI with his ugly mug on the cover with Ricky Williams in a dress.

hey Ditka.....if you want to analyze something, tell me what you were thinking when you traded an entire draft on that head case.

This guy has no credibility with me.


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Yakuza Rich;2360928 said:
He is?

Todd Grantham was a well known D-Line coach before becoming the Browns D-Coordinator and went back to being our D-Line coach. Campo has a good reputation working with D-Backs, has had success as a D-Coordinator, is a former head coach and is now back working with our D-Backs. I find it hard to claim that Garrett is not a quality coach since his offenses have averaged 30 points a game since he's been the O-Coordinator. Hudson Houck is arguably the greatest O-Line coach of all time. Ray Sherman is a well respected WR coach.

And I'm afraid to tell Ditka that this team in large part was built through the draft.

Ditka hates Owens and everything he stands for and I think he takes it out on the Cowboys and Jerry because Jerry signed Owens. But does anybody really believe that the reason why Dallas lost those 3 games is due to Owens? I sure don't.

I am afraid you are kinda making his point for him.
The coaching staff looks like it should be good or at least competent. Now, last year, and during the BP regime.
The players look, and have performed, good for the most part.
Yet no playoff wins in years, a terrible collapse last season, and a potential season-wrecking collapse now.
Outside of when he had a HC that pretty much forced him to stay out of the way at game-time and ruled with an iron hand, Dallas has been mostly mediocre.
Jerry is the only constant of note with the team.
He loves his team and players to a fault.
Put me in the camp of people who believe that as long as Jerry is the "authoritarian" figure of the franchise instead of the head coach having that role this team will never get it together.
And no, I don't believe any players really thought they couldn't go over Tuna's head if it came down to it.


Junior College Transfer
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ajk23az;2360821 said:
Ditka should go trade his whole draft again for a pot smoking runningback.


And then Ditka should wear his dreadlocks into the press briefing room.


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he was the coleader of the original dysfuntional team. I even think he still does not talk to ole Buddy, what a prima dona. Now I now why he does not like TO( Prima Dona to Prima Dona)


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TheStar;2360880 said:
Yeah....The Tuna sure gave us a bunch of playoff wins. Is Ditka saying BP wasn't quality?

No, he said Jerry is a meddler and he's right. I have been saying it for years and years.


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CanadianCowboysFan;2360831 said:
that's original

I guess he forgot about Hollywood Henderson, Duane Thomas etc

That's exactly what I was going to say. Not to mention our back up QB, who got a big head after one game, punching our starting QB.

So, yeah, it's not like Landry had zero issues around here while he was here. I'm not shocked that he's so pro Landry though since he won a Superbowl with him.


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In fairness, and not to slight Landry because I loved him, they did not have to deal with FA or the salary cap back then. Maybe they would have been just as successful, but when players basically stayed with the same team for their careers it made it easier. They did have great drafts back then though whcih is how you had to build your team.


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Ditka is a pole.He had one good year as a coach.He is jealous.


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I think it's very low class of Mike Ditka to say something like this.

Here Jerry Jones has amassed this team rank with talent, being basically as productive as he could be as owner and general manager. Ditka is off base.


Kane Ala
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Ditka is hard core old school. He doesn't even begin to comprehend the newer generation of players. It's why he couldn't make it as a HC in this league. It changed and he didn't. I love the guy but I'm afraid he's been bought out and now parrots crap that he can't he say convincingly.

I do believe he thinks Jerry is a problem. And to a degree Jerry is. He does need to stay out of the coaching. He crosses lines most GMs don't. He gets way too involved in the everyday administration and near coaching of the team. And at times he puts Wade in terrible positions. The other day Wade said they have to speak to Jerry about Romo starting. Now what kind of crap was that. It made Wade look impotent and made Jerry look like the HC. Jerry needs to be informed if Romo is going to play and he certainly could step in and say he won't play if Wade and Romo wanted to go the other way. But he can't say Romo will play without Wade telling him that's the decision.

But overall I don't see Jerry as being a big problem and he definitely isn't the problem. I do think he made a mistake rehiring Campo and Hudson. Right now they aren't impressing me as the best coaches for the OL and DBs. Campo I'll cut some slack but the OL play is unacceptable and that's on Houck especially picking up stunts and blitzes.

Ditka can sound pretty stupid at times. Overall I love the guy though.


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I heard brian baldinger say this same thing before the season started.

He said Dallas had all the talent and very poor coaching, I think he actually called our staff bad.

He went on and on and said talent is one thing, but for it to work it has to be coached and coordinated.

It is pretty obvious to me this staff, defensively is pretty much awful. This team is missing pasqualoni, rodgers and bowles. Coaches the players respected and looked to for guidance.

Oh well Jerry said this was the best coaching staff he has ever had, which is a comedy in itself.

And while we are at it, Wade said after the packers game No one runs on Dallas. Since then we have been run over.

What a sad state of affairs.


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Dave_in-NC;2361224 said:
No, he said Jerry is a meddler and he's right. I have been saying it for years and years.

He is the GM who was player on a National Championship Team( Oline).

As a co-captain of the 1964 National Championship Arkansas Razorbacks, Jones is one of a very small number of NFL owners who actually earned a significant level of success as a football player. -from DallasCowboys.com


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SacredStar;2360807 said:
That the problem with the Cowboys is the owner.

He related it to Jerry being meddling and the lack of quality coaches Dallas has employed.

He stated that Dallas had Landry for 30 years with no disfunction, and then Jerry takes over and has gone through 6 coaches in less than 20 years. He says Jerry needs to be the owner and not the coach. There are three coaches on this team, Wade, Garrett-a HC in waiting, and Jerry.

That is the problem according to him.

In other news, the North Pole is cold.


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braw;2361280 said:
He is the GM who was player on a National Championship Team( Oline).

As a co-captain of the 1964 National Championship Arkansas Razorbacks, Jones is one of a very small number of NFL owners who actually earned a significant level of success as a football player. -from DallasCowboys.com

Ok big whoopie. He's a meddler. He's an old meddler,:D


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ditka is garbage and on alcohol or drugs, along with sheshawn and they have made cris carter go back to drinking(remember he had a drinking problem in his early years, it was so bad he could not function in Philly)