Mike Leach on QB accuracy


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If I hear about Dak's terrible footwork/accuracy one more time...

WE KNOW. How many times are we gonna go over this? Jeez. Maybe he should just become a dancer because of his happy feet footwork.


Taco Engineer
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Sure it does, I didn't say it didn't. I just don't get why discussing the QB gets everyone drawing swords and getting angry and nasty.
No clue. It's taxing to discuss criticisms of Prescott and at the same time have that ignored if you pay him a compliment. The 2 extremes are out for blood.


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If I hear about Dak's terrible footwork/accuracy one more time...

WE KNOW. How many times are we gonna go over this? Jeez. Maybe he should just become a dancer because of his happy feet footwork.
And yet people keep starting thread after thread after thread.


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He isn't really. I mean, there are some throws that he throws really well and we run a lot of that stuff but, there are some throws that he is just inconsistent with and I have no idea why. I watch him and he makes much harder throws more accurately at times. Then, he just sails balls that are actually easy. I mean, they are throws that I can still make and I'm getting older. Seriously, I have no explanation as to why this is. He is just not accurate in certain situations.
And it comes and goes. I can't explain it either.


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Are we also going to ignore the fact that short stops aren’t throwing to a moving target and they don’t have 4+ dudes trying to hit them before they have a chance to throw?


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Sure it does, I didn't say it didn't. I just don't get why discussing the QB gets everyone drawing swords and getting angry and nasty.

I think discussion are great but when critics start claiming he will never be accurate which tend to be the same ones constantly calling for him to be removed as QB then of course those who back and support Dak will come back with reason we disagree. I can't say what Dak will do in his career I don't have a crystal ball but by the same token those who will claim he will never do anything I don't see much to backup that statement since they also do not have a mystical crystal ball to look into the future.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The QB position is much more aligned w/ that of a pitcher. A pitcher can get by w/ some accuracy issues if his stuff is good enough.

Baseball and football are completely different hosses.
Yep but his comparison of the QB to the SS is the best one because the pitcher has time and doesn't get hurried.


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I used to agree with that. Not as much anymore, but it doesn't matter, the same goes for a Pitcher, in terms of motion and mechanics. The more NFL Teams that run College Offenses, the more the SS analogy applies. In terms of Leach's statements, the SS absolutely applies because of Leach's Offense.

In the Majors, you better have all world stuff to get by with inaccuracy because I've seen guys with 100+ stuff selling cars. In the majors, everybody can hit a fast ball so you better be able to throw it right by everybody with once in a lifetime kinda stuff or you better be able to be accurate with your fastball or you better have a tone of movement on your stuff.

But you are right, Baseball and Football are totally different sports, that goes without saying.
Astros picked up a kid name Chad Harville a few years back. He was hitting 105 on the gun. Not exaggerating. And he got rocked. Consistently.

For a baseball pitcher at the MLB level, it's about movement. Esp late movement.


NFL Historian
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Another thread where we pretend a guy who completed 67% of his passes with 67 TD's and only 25 Int and a career QB rating of 96 can't throw the football well enough to play at this level.
Yeah but on that touchdown pass to Cooper he didn’t hit the outside shoulder.

We are the laughingstock of the league, I tell you!


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First, every player makes errors, and 99.9% is not a realistic number by any stretch, especially given some of the throws that have to be made from in the hole and on the run and at awkward angles. But granted the throws have to be accurate close to every time. But here are things you are missing:

1. Most errors at SS are fielding errors. The throw doesn't matter if a player is less of a fielder.

2. What is "catchable" on a throw to first base isn't dependent on a deadly accurate throw to the chest. A throw at the shoes or a little over the head, or a few feet down the line one way or the other is still an easy catch for a 1st baseman. And even most throws in the dirt are still catchable, or a throw a 1st baseman has to jump a little for will work if it gets there early enough for him to come down before the runner gets there.

3. The SS has to cover more ground than every other infielder, so range is a huge factor. If one player is slightly more accurate throwing the ball, but he can't get to balls in the hole or up the middle as well as another player, and he has less arm strength to make those throws, he isn't going to be as good at the position.

4. Instincts are a huge factor at SS - more so than any position next to catcher. He is involved more than any other position player except catcher.

Again, I'm not talking about a massive difference in accuracy. I'm talking about a slight difference that when put in the context of the overall skillset is not enough to keep the more athletic, better fielding, more instinctual player off the field.
Omer, you keep adding to this when it was about accuracy. What you're saying obvious. Of course fielding and range and instincts matter. They are huge.

However, the point remains. If the SS cannot throw accurately to first, he doesn't stay at SS in the pros.

At this point, we are in the nuh uh, uh huh thingie, so I'm leaving this one behind. As usual, I enjoy arguing/discussing w/ you. Catch ya on the flipside!!!!


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The debate about Prescott's accuracy is useless because he is going to be signed and he is going to be QB1 for the foreseeable future so we might as well adjust to that.

The most useless part of this debate is the response with stats as a retort. He can make most of the throws but he misses some NFL QB101 throws and consistency is the key because the play caller has to rely on proper execution. On the plus side, he is very focused on ball protection as a passer, much better than as a ball handler.

I agree with Aikman and Leach, accuracy cannot be taught. If they could teach it, Tebow would still be playing. And we don't know which of these QB's picked in the last draft are going to make it. But Prescott will make it. Maybe not as a SB QB but he will be a NFL QB for quite some time.

But what they can teach is more pocket awareness and not leading the NFL in sacks. That's nothing but motivation for a DC with a good front 7 and that must stop because this offense is not good enough to overcome negative plays on a consistent basis.

I wanted them to go through his contract year and keep an option open but that does not look like it's going to happen. I just hope they realize what they have, a good QB that is going to need help and if that help is not there, he is not going to be a Tier 1 to load the team on his back and elevate those around him. What more proof do we need than him without Cooper or Elliott. He needs players around him better at their positions than he is at his.
Yep , your last two sentences says it all.

Just not how most great teams are being built this era without prolific passing QB’s. Just makes it tougher needing so much support.


Regular Joe....
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Are we also going to ignore the fact that short stops aren’t throwing to a moving target and they don’t have 4+ dudes trying to hit them before they have a chance to throw?

I don't think we are ignoring anything, to be honest. I think we are over analyzing the statement, more then anything.

Short stops do throw to moving targets, it's just not as difficult as QBs do and SS do have to avoid people (or at least they used to when they played real Baseball) coming after you. You gotta be able to turn that double play and if you have a base runner worth their salt, they are coming to try and take you out. I'd say that it was actually harder for a shortstop then a QB because that base runner has nobody blocking him, he is at a dead run when sliding into second to try and break up the play and he knows exactly where you are going to be to make the throw. Also, a SS has no padding so yeah, there are certain aspects of it that might actually make it more difficult for a SS but again, I'm over analyzing things.



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Bubbles' brother?
Huh? Anyone like Canadian comedy?
I'll show myself out...


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I think discussion are great but when critics start claiming he will never be accurate which tend to be the same ones constantly calling for him to be removed as QB then of course those who back and support Dak will come back with reason we disagree. I can't say what Dak will do in his career I don't have a crystal ball but by the same token those who will claim he will never do anything I don't see much to backup that statement since they also do not have a mystical crystal ball to look into the future.

The fact is that the critics bring nothing to the table in these arguments.

One side has his actual stats that show he's not only accurate overall, but ahead of both his contemporaries, and with where those considered the best in the league today were at the same points in their respective careers.

The other side? Crickets.


NFL Historian
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OK, if you think stats truly explain football, then should we not sell the farm for Nick Foles right now?

Stats are easily manipulated to tell whatever story you want to tell.

Dak led the team to 1 touchdown in 15 consecutive quarters this season. He went multiple consecutive games without scoring more than 13 points last season.

This really isn't hard unless you're a blind homer.
1 touchdown in 15 quarters (almost 4 games). In 2018? What?


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There is no coach that can teach Dak how to throw a football. You're either accurate, or you're not.

This isn't about poise. Dak has poise. So it isn't an experience fix that comes with getting "comfortable". Dak is comfortable.

And that's a problem because this just comes down to lack of ability.

Darius Jackson can practice all he wants, but he'll never be Zeke. Dak can work himself to the bone, but he'll never be an elite passer.

wait wait wait....he is had three winnign seasons in a row. has a QBR rating higher than brady and brees, the last 6 games of the season. he was rookie of the year and 67% completion percentage...you are telling me Dak is not accurate...how could that be :muttley:


Regular Joe....
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Astros picked up a kid name Chad Harville a few years back. He was hitting 105 on the gun. Not exaggerating. And he got rocked. Consistently.

For a baseball pitcher at the MLB level, it's about movement. Esp late movement.

Yep. Mariano Rivera is the poster boy for this example. Came up with velocity and was average at best. Hurt his arm, got with the right folks and learned to throw with wicked good late action on his pitches. After that, arguably became the best pitcher in the history of the sport.


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Why is it we cannot discuss the QB position without this devolving into childish insults? I don't notice that about Elliott or Cooper or Lawrence but we cannot discuss the QB without the "hater" word getting tossed around or posters calling each other stupid. why is that?

This started with Romo and in some instances is connected because a lot of the Romorooters became Daksters.

I was always in that area in between and see the warts in both of their games as well as the positives so I don't get this "all in" on Prescott like he's a relative of yours. So what if someone else doesn't think he's as great as you do? Insulting them going to convince them?

You love Dak? Fine, I don't give a fat happy rat's ***.

You hate Dak? Fine, I don't give a happy fat rat's ***.
Because most casual fans simply do not know much about the team, but they watch the QB on every play, so they think they can discuss him. Most cannot. So, you have a pile of fans w/ very little knowledge trying to discuss something. That's why most of the discussions re QB's is so lame, most don't have a clue.