Twitter: Mike McCarthy says offense will be different


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I know in January he mentioned he was going to build off the old offense and try to use the same terminology but seems like the offense is going in a new direction.

and with a shortened and abreviated offseason were probably looking at a team that takes 2 months to figure it out....which means the defense is going to need to keep them in games for the first half of the year...hate to say it, but this year feels like a 6-10 type of rebuild year with some solid wins down the back stretch but some a really bad start to the year....hope i am wrong but just has that kinda feel given the losses of personel and the changes.

Granted, i think the end result will be an amazing 2021 and 2022, but its just going to be tough in this environment.


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and with a shortened and abreviated offseason were probably looking at a team that takes 2 months to figure it out....which means the defense is going to need to keep them in games for the first half of the year...hate to say it, but this year feels like a 6-10 type of rebuild year with some solid wins down the back stretch but some a really bad start to the year....hope i am wrong but just has that kinda feel given the losses of personel and the changes.

Granted, i think the end result will be an amazing 2021 and 2022, but its just going to be tough in this environment.

Yes, this offseason will be a challenge for all teams, but particularly one that has as much change and turnover as this one.

It will also negatively impact second year players and guys returning from injury.


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Yes, this offseason will be a challenge for all teams, but particularly one that has as much change and turnover as this one.

It will also negatively impact second year players and guys returning from injury.

and the rookie learning curve is going to be steepened....for that reason i wouldnt mind trading our 1st rounder for a very good vet. Who knows though where everything is going to head this offseason, just have to hope for the best right?


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and the rookie learning curve is going to be steepened....for that reason i wouldnt mind trading our 1st rounder for a very good vet. Who knows though where everything is going to head this offseason, just have to hope for the best right?


Redball Express

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I know in January he mentioned he was going to build off the old offense and try to use the same terminology but seems like the offense is going in a new direction.


How different can it be?

Moore is calling the plays.

Until he blows the tire and we are behind in the chase to the playoffs and Big Mike completely takes over..

this is a fantasy.

Mike said he was running the offense until further notice.

Let's hope Jerrah is not doing this. Mike will quickly find out in Dallas he has to say what he is going to do..then do it.

If he plays the game Gatrett did with Moore..

they failed and everybody was fired except Moore.


All the offensive coaches, HC, assistants, defensive coaches. assistants..why ?

To start fresh. Why Moore?

When you have a major wreck in your car and the repair shop fixes you drive it home and day "done"?


You take it to the closest auto lot and sell or trade it.

Bye Moore.

Smarten up Big Mike.


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There will be adjustment, but I doubt it will be as daunting as some think. They won't be reinventing the wheel. Veterans have seen and adjusted to a lot of different things, so they will be quick studies, and our rookies won't be any more behind the curve than rookies on other teams.


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How different can it be?

Moore is calling the plays.

Until he blows the tire and we are behind in the chase to the playoffs and Big Mike completely takes over..

this is a fantasy.

Mike said he was running the offense until further notice.

Let's hope Jerrah is not doing this. Mike will quickly find out in Dallas he has to say what he is going to do..then do it.

If he plays the game Gatrett did with Moore..

they failed and everybody was fired except Moore.


All the offensive coaches, HC, assistants, defensive coaches. assistants..why ?

To start fresh. Why Moore?

When you have a major wreck in your car and the repair shop fixes you drive it home and day "done"?


You take it to the closest auto lot and sell or trade it.

Bye Moore.

Smarten up Big Mike.

LOL.. Mike McCarthy is the new head coach of the Dallas Cowboys who's expertise revolves around his Quarterback schools and schematically putting players in the best chance for success. Please explain to me how Mike needs to smarten up? All the guy said was the offense was going to change.. Isn't that to be expected since he is the new Head Coach whom hangs hit hat on offense? I hated our non-adaptable offense we ran in the past and many would argue was the reason for our inconsistencies.

I'm not sure you understand that Kellen Moore isn't ready to install his boise state offense into the cowboys system yet, or even any current playbook he has designed. Moore is where he is because Mike McCarthy liked some of his designs and wants to work with him to scheme against opposing defenses. Most people wanted Moore to stay and felt he was one of the few bright spots, why would you blame Mike for wanting to work with a guy like that? Sure mike is the head coach but he is offensive minded more in the framework of how Kellen is and not no adjustment Jason Garrett.


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As others have noted, its entirely possible to have different plays using the same terminology. Based on everything we have learned, its going to be more crossing routes and combo routes. Quite frankly, its going to put more pressure on the QB to make good reads.

Button hooks are relatively simple. You have one or two reads and then hit the right guy when he is at the predetermined depth.

Throwing a crossing route when you read man and its actually zone is a good way to throw a pick.

Dallas also has had an incredibly unimaginative run offense. I'm sure Zeke would like some more movement, counters and delays.

As a defender, it had to be really easy to read Dallas' offense. Hopefully that changes.


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I always figured it would be. He's not going to dictate his offense just because a one year, inconsistent OC , is still on the staff


Fattening up
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and with a shortened and abreviated offseason were probably looking at a team that takes 2 months to figure it out....which means the defense is going to need to keep them in games for the first half of the year...hate to say it, but this year feels like a 6-10 type of rebuild year with some solid wins down the back stretch but some a really bad start to the year....hope i am wrong but just has that kinda feel given the losses of personel and the changes.

Granted, i think the end result will be an amazing 2021 and 2022, but its just going to be tough in this environment.

Although, he’s the HC. They have the QB and the OC who’ve run the offense for years. We don’t have to make the decision to change things up in an abbreviated season with shelter in place rules in effect.


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If offseason is that short and not a lot of time to integrate new offense he should just use same offense and add some new plays and wrinkles. Clearly there were some elements that worked.


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lol... I don't know why people don't understand that offenses around the league aren't drastically different. route trees consists of pretty much the same routes some with just different names. even route concepts are the same.