Mike McCarthy tests positive for COVID *** USE NEW THREAD ***

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No matter how good or how talented the Cowboys are it's always gotta be something year after year, if it's not protocol it's injuries if it's not injuries it's penalties if it's not penalties it's the coaching staff, if it's not the coaching staff it's turnovers if it's not turnovers it's.........well you get the picture it's always something just like this year.
Why mess up two positions?

It wouldn't be. It would be making an adjustment for an extreme circumstance by putting the person on the staff most qualified to be a head coach in that position.
I can feel it...this team is done. It's just not the year. Losing the division won't be so bad after all considering there are never any back-to-back division winners. Don't backdoor your way to the division crown this year because that means you won't win it in 2022
Sad but I thought of this song for Coach McCarthy...

Hope he, the coaches and players get well and fully recover soon. Time to be extra cautious and disinfect headquarters very good. Maybe Jerry needs to get everyone staying together at the Omni Hotel at The Star headquarters in Frisco, TX?
I am tired and too lazy to keep looking....who are the other 8 that were positive??? Are there more than 8 now????
Offensive line ain't been the same since and really neither has this team if we're being honest.
I am watching Colin Cowherd right now, and Joy Taylor sure looks like she could step in and fill a role. ***Waiting for phone call from Jenny Taft***
I can hear Jerry on the radio. Ummm, we're not going to identify the back up HC as it's a game time decision and we Ummm feel that we have a advantage against our opponent by this. Ummm kind of like how we handle the curtains on the west end windows of the stadium. They are an advantage too.
I am tired and too lazy to keep looking....who are the other 8 that were positive??? Are there more than 8 now????

Seven coaches (Mike McCarthy, Joe Philbin (OL), Jeff Blasko (Asst OL), Harold Nash Jr. (Strength/Conditioning), Kendall Smith (Asst. S/C), Cedric Smith (Asst. S/C), Scott Tolzien (Off. Asst)) and Terence Steele.
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