Mike Perriera on Austin's 2nd PI


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Doomsday;1805523 said:
Kind of funny listening to M. Faulk talk about how the DB was looking back for the ball when it is extremely clear on that replay he wasnt looking back for the ball. His head was facing straight ahead at Austin.

The DB did look back early on the route, figured Austin was going to catch the ball for a TD, and then decided to trip him to prevent the completion.


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Wow. Lots of different opinions!

I've posted below the definition (& source link) of what is and is not pass interference, although each category includes that old standard catch-phrase "includes but is not limited to". The most relevant parts are in bold.

I thought it might add to the discussion. Please carry-on.

It is pass interference by either team when any player movement beyond the line of scrimmage significantly hinders the progress of an eligible player of such player’s opportunity to catch the ball. Offensive pass interference rules apply from the time the ball is snapped until the ball is touched. Defensive pass interference rules apply from the time the ball is thrown until the ball is touched.

Actions that constitute defensive pass interference include but are not limited to:

(a) Contact by a defender who is not playing the ball and such contact restricts the receiver’s opportunity to make the catch.

(b) Playing through the back of a receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball.

(c) Grabbing a receiver’s arm(s) in such a manner that restricts his opportunity to catch a pass.

(d) Extending an arm across the body of a receiver thus restricting his ability to catch a pass, regardless of whether the defender is playing the ball.

(e) Cutting off the path of a receiver by making contact with him without playing the ball.

(f) Hooking a receiver in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner that it causes the receiver’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving.

Actions that do not constitute pass interference include but are not limited to:

(a) Incidental contact by a defender’s hands, arms, or body when both players are competing for the ball, or neither player is looking for the ball. If there is any question whether contact is incidental, the ruling shall be no interference.

(b) Inadvertent tangling of feet when both players are playing the ball or neither player is playing the ball.

(c) Contact that would normally be considered pass interference, but the pass is clearly uncatchable by the involved players.

(d) Laying a hand on a receiver that does not restrict the receiver in an attempt to make a play on the ball.

(e) Contact by a defender who has gained position on a receiver in an attempt to catch the ball.

Source: http://www.nfl.com/rulebook/passinterference


Mr. Wright
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(b) Inadvertent tangling of feet when both players are playing the ball or neither player is playing the ball.

He didn't look back when he ran into Austin's legs therefor PI was called.

Why is this thread even continuing, Mike P already said it was the right call.


Pixel Pusher
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FloridaRob;1804138 said:
Peira(sp) also said that the ref messed up on the TO strip. Were you just as livid about that call.

The refs sucked for both sides last night. But in general the refs have sucked for a long time. Time to clean up a lot of bad reffing.

I think they need to fix the replay challenge system. If a coach wins a challenge he should not lose the right to challenge later. I know that he has to win two to get one extra but that isn't right.

My suggesions

Make all questionable possession calls a booth review. Offense or defense

Allow one foot in possesions on complete passes or interceptions.

Allow penalties to be reviewed. I know you guys questioned the WAre offsides last night. Reviewing that play would get it right. REview pass interference and if the review doesnt show anything defining, then use the call on the field.

Some of these refs are 60 yrs old and they cant keep up with the speed of the game. Get them some replay help. It may slow the game down but isn't getting the call right more important than having a game end under 3 hrs.

And my last suggesion would be to not allow the Cowboys to ever challenge a call since they already have an unfair advantage with the collusion between Jerry Jones and the commisioners office. :D

There already is a sport for you, it's called college football. If you don't want to watch the big boys play, go watch the amateurs.


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One problem with replaying penalties is that the game would slow down so much. With commercials and the like that wouldn't be very good.


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TheCount;1805837 said:
There already is a sport for you, it's called college football. If you don't want to watch the big boys play, go watch the amateurs.

UH, thanks for the advise there Wizard, but I do watch college football. I am a big LSU fan. It does appear that college football has a lot better replay system than the NFL. I know the NFL would not want to implement that system because the NFL is omnipotent and would never use another entities ideas.

The games would defintely be longer but at least they get most of the calls right instead of these weekly garbage calls we see in the NFL. Before the leagues changed the way the clock worked 10 or 15 yrs ago, games were typically close to four hours. I don't remember complaining about the length of games then. The greatest game deserves the best replay system. The amatuers system isn't perfect but it beats the heck out of the NFLs system....


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FloridaRob;1806153 said:
UH, thanks for the advise there Wizard, but I do watch college football. I am a big LSU fan. It does appear that college football has a lot better replay system than the NFL. I know the NFL would not want to implement that system because the NFL is omnipotent and would never use another entities ideas.

The games would defintely be longer but at least they get most of the calls right instead of these weekly garbage calls we see in the NFL. Before the leagues changed the way the clock worked 10 or 15 yrs ago, games were typically close to four hours. I don't remember complaining about the length of games then. The greatest game deserves the best replay system. The amatuers system isn't perfect but it beats the heck out of the NFLs system....
just think if the packers won, you wouldn't be saying this:eek:


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Rampage;1806245 said:
just think if the packers won, you wouldn't be saying this:eek:

:rolleyes: I didn't blame the officials for the Packers losing Thursday.

NFL has the greatest product today but the lousiest replay system in place. Has nothing to do with the game Thursday other than to show they messed up again for 54633 time...I want the call right regardless of what team the ruling favors......


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FloridaRob;1804181 said:
I am saying the head official for the league says they screwed up the entire playl. He said the ball should not have been blown dead in the first place. Of course once the "inadvertent whistle" happened, it was not challengeable. And TO did not give up the ball, it was taken from him. HE was fighting for the ball the whole way out of bounds.
Well guess what, TO gave the INT back to Green BAy when he coughed it up in the end zone for the INT, or it would've been a blow out.

Either way, Green Bay doesn't win, thanks for playing, tip the waitress on your way out. :)