Twitter: Miles Austin suspended for gambling

He is gonna be Pete Rosed……no Hall of Fame for him! :muttley:

Biggest travesty in sports. This is why I have not spent a dime on MLB for many years. And won't.

I bought a Reds hat and and coffee mug in 2018 when I went to Ohio to see my dad. Only because I didn't have any.
I went to Rangers games over the last few years, maybe 20, but a friend of a friend has season tickets, and gave them to us...really awesome tickets too...
I bough a few beers and that was it. Otherwise I refuse to spend my $$$ on merchandise or tickets.

Otherwise it has been over 30 years since I spent $$ on MLB.
I uphold the suspension. He knew he wasn't supposed to gamble at all, yet did it anyway.
I'm not sure it was gambling that keeps him out. Didn't he take a bribe to throw a game? Or a series? Then not live up to his end of the bargain.

Which leads me to a question. If I accept money to slash someone's tires, never do it and just keep the money, do I still get in trouble?

"The Chicago Black Sox" threw the 1919 World Series.
They made a movie about it called "8 Men Out".
Basically, Chicago White Sox owner, Commiskey, was a bad owner and
some players decided to stick it to him.
Charlie Sheen is in the movie, pre-Tiger
I think the whole gambling thing is a double standard. The National Football League partners with Caesars Entertainment, DraftKings and FanDuel and by damn that's all about betting on NFL football. How can they be taking millions in from Gambling folks and say there isn't a conflict of interest. Many former NFL hall of famers are plugging this stuff every day on TV. The old slippery slope is being ignored by the league in their quest for more dollars. As my grandfather used to say everything is going to hell in a handbasket.

You all don’t understand. Yes the NFL wants you, the common fan, to gamble but not their employees. When an NFL employee gambles it is the equivalent of a drug dealer getting high off their own supply. You just don’t do that!

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