Twitter: Miles Austin suspended for gambling

I thought we were in 2009 for a hot sec.

Why is this news in this section? :p
Ah. I miss the hammy days. For a year or two there that seemed to be our injury.
The condition has been addressed apparently, seemed like constant hammys was always the issue back in the day.
Proper hydration or relaxed roster flexibility, probably both, like having a farm team now days, they don't even have to call them hammys anymore.
It may be posthumously but Charlie Hustle will eventually get in. Only a matter of time.
They haven't put Shoeless Joe Jackson in and he's been dead for like 70 years and there's evidence he didn't really even gamble.
1 year is more than a little severe if he isn't betting on NFL games

Not sure why they'd care if you bet on a tennis match. The only thing I can think of, is that it might not be easy to tell what you were gambling on.
They haven't put Shoeless Joe Jackson in and he's been dead for like 70 years and there's evidence he didn't really even gamble.

I'm not sure it was gambling that keeps him out. Didn't he take a bribe to throw a game? Or a series? Then not live up to his end of the bargain.

Which leads me to a question. If I accept money to slash someone's tires, never do it and just keep the money, do I still get in trouble?
Stupid rule. As long as he wasn't betting on the NFL.
I don't know, as much as all these athletes seem to know or at least be friendly with all the athletes of other sports, it could be that they could do favors for each other, or at least give each other inside information.
Stupid rule. As long as he wasn't betting on the NFL.

meh...the NFL wants to avoid a player/coach/executive getting so far in debt that it leads to them giving insider information to bookies

it's just the price you pay to have a job at this level
I'm not sure it was gambling that keeps him out. Didn't he take a bribe to throw a game? Or a series? Then not live up to his end of the bargain.

Which leads me to a question. If I accept money to slash someone's tires, never do it and just keep the money, do I still get in trouble?
It was basically a mob gambling related thing that they paid him and others to throw the series. He put up ridiculous numbers that series. It was still gambling though.
It may be posthumously but Charlie Hustle will eventually get in. Only a matter of time.
Not being alive to enjoy that moment of the upmost honor = epic oversight.
Re: Franco Harris tomorrow night; why wasn't his jersey number retired AT LEAST three decades ago?

But Rose did it to himself.
Others - like Buck O'Neil, Bob Hayes, Ken Stabler, and a few others - should have inducted into their respective HOF long before they passed away.
It was basically a mob gambling related thing that they paid him and others to throw the series. He put up ridiculous numbers that series. It was still gambling though.

Ok, I see. Makes more sense now. Stuff like that probably happened quite a bit. People just don't know. Players weren't paid like they are today.
Not sure why they'd care if you bet on a tennis match. The only thing I can think of, is that it might not be easy to tell what you were gambling on.

I think the issue is trying to avoid guys getting compromised in any way. Because if left beholden to big gambling they might be prevailed upon to influence NFL games. The mob don't care HOW they get you in their pocket. ... so long as they get you in their pocket.
Football players can't bet on basketball players or baseball players or hockey players, because they're all in the illuminati.

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