Missing Link found! And no, it's not Sacamano.

masomenos85;2783789 said:
Scip always makes sense, that's his thing.

Meh, I've disagreed with his logic a few times; I don't post it often though :cool:
Actually, I suspect the primary reason I respect Scipio is because his name makes me think of the 10-page paper I did on Scipio Africanus during High School Latin. He was an awesome dude.
Temo;2783787 said:
Well, it's not even that, but he was just stating that our scientific classification is as a "great ape", the taxonomic family. I thought it was weird to take a taxonomic classification so personally, but I suppose Scipio's explanation makes some sense in that regard. (Latinized "Hominidae")

LOL. I didn't take it personally, and I know about evolutionary classifications. I believe a lot of it is simply fill in the gaps in the name of "science".

As Nuh Ha Mim Keller once wrote:

If you want to see how ironclad the case for the evolution of man is, make a list of all the fossils discovered so far that "prove" the evolution of man from lower life forms, date them, and then ask yourself if abductive reasoning is not what urges it, and if it really precludes the possibility of quite a different in place of the theory of evolution.

I mean, look at the picture on website of the original article. It's the same basic picture that is included in the majority of high school science text books in this country that shows FIVE different "transitioning" skeletons from chimp to man over a period of millions of years - millions of years!
SultanOfSix;2783797 said:
LOL. I didn't take it so personally, and I know evolutionary classifications. I believe a lot of it is simply fill in the gaps in the name of "science".

As Nuh Ha Mim Keller once wrote:

For God's sake, look at the freaking picture on the article. It shows five different "transitioning" skeletons from chimp to man over a period of millions of years - millions of years!

It's an important discovery, but I do feel it's overblown. This isn't even the first time someone's claimed to have found "The Missing Link" (caps required!).

I'm not really into biology (I'm more of a math/physics kind of guy) but certainly evolutionary theory always made sense to me on a notional/practical scale. In any case, the last thing I want to do is turn this into a debate over evolution vs. creationism vs. whatever else anyone subscribes to.

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