MMQB - The Punch, a Mistake and What Joe Mixon Has Learned

I see this more as a societal problem than a Joe Mixon woman beater problem. I have talked about this topic before on here and will again. If you look at the rise of the female offender over the last 30 years you see the biggest unspoken epidemic in America. I am not against feminism but it has created a monster that has to be looked at and brought to light eventually. That said women can not continue to be a protected class of citizen while at the same time of elevating them to this untouchable status. I work everyday in the court system and can tell you that in the last 30 years our jail went from 4 women's bunks and one female matron (on call) to having an entire jail annex 60+ beds and sending the over flow to different counties. So while this young man should have refrained from hitting this young lady. I wonder how many have called her out for her own behavior. I just could not write this guy off from on incident when I have literally seen 5k+ from every walk of life do things worse than this one reactionary situation and never lose their ability to provide for their family. Add to this that it was a complete stranger, as far as I know and it even makes it less of a concern from my own experience with the Adult criminal offender. Imo they should have let him to the combine so they could interview him and get the full account of that situation and the follow up over the last 2 years. I hope the kid gets drafted and does well in this league showing you can't write people off because of one thing.
I see this more as a societal problem than a Joe Mixon woman beater problem. I have talked about this topic before on here and will again. If you look at the rise of the female offender over the last 30 years you see the biggest unspoken epidemic in America. I am not against feminism but it has created a monster that has to be looked at and brought to light eventually. That said women can not continue to be a protected class of citizen while at the same time of elevating them to this untouchable status. I work everyday in the court system and can tell you that in the last 30 years our jail went from 4 women's bunks and one female matron (on call) to having an entire jail annex 60+ beds and sending the over flow to different counties. So while this young man should have refrained from hitting this young lady. I wonder how many have called her out for her own behavior. I just could not write this guy off from on incident when I have literally seen 5k+ from every walk of life do things worse than this one reactionary situation and never lose their ability to provide for their family. Add to this that it was a complete stranger, as far as I know and it even makes it less of a concern from my own experience with the Adult criminal offender. Imo they should have let him to the combine so they could interview him and get the full account of that situation and the follow up over the last 2 years. I hope the kid gets drafted and does well in this league showing you can't write people off because of one thing.

I think most of us agree with you in this regard.

But, Mixon was barely shoved, she wasn't remotely a threat and his immediate reaction was to knock her out cold. It would be like giving somebody a 10-year sentence for going 10 mph over the speed limit. The retaliation didn't fit the 'crime.'

And he was the agitator in the entire deal.

Mixon struck the woman simply because she stood up to him and said something he didn't like. The self defense claims or 'she hit me first, so I hit back' are pure nonsense.

I think most of us agree with you in this regard.

But, Mixon was barely shoved, she wasn't remotely a threat and his immediate reaction was to knock her out cold. It would be like giving somebody a 10-year sentence for going 10 mph over the speed limit. The retaliation didn't fit the 'crime.'

And he was the agitator in the entire deal.

Mixon struck the woman simply because she stood up to him and said something he didn't like. The self defense claims or 'she hit me first, so I hit back' are pure nonsense.

Ive seen the video and read one article so I simple don't know everything that was said and done that night. But verbal is NEVER acceptable to lead to physical assault. It is not illegal to call people names that can't be spoken here. Domestic abusers are taught during their abuser meetings that just because someone makes you mad doesn't mean you have the right to put your hands on them. I think this lesson is lost on a lot of people. Like I said he should not have retaliated the way he did, but she should not have escalated from verbal to physical.
Ive seen the video and read one article so I simple don't know everything that was said and done that night. But verbal is NEVER acceptable to lead to physical assault. It is not illegal to call people names that can't be spoken here. Domestic abusers are taught during their abuser meetings that just because someone makes you mad doesn't mean you have the right to put your hands on them. I think this lesson is lost on a lot of people. Like I said he should not have retaliated the way he did, but she should not have escalated from verbal to physical.

She didn't.

It's ridiculous to think so.

The story of the man on the Bronx subway that smacked the living daylights out of a woman was a case of escalating from verbal to physical.

Like I said, Joe Mixon slugged this woman because she stood up to him and said something he didn't like. It had nothing to do with being touched, retaliating for being touched or self defense.

I dismiss it with Mixon at this point.

When he talks I get the sense he doesn't get it but I don't expect most of the public, this board included, to understand what "it" is. I also don't care.

He is an enormous talent but still needs some polish to become a truly great NFL player. He does most things adequately and catches very well. He will be a true RB1 at some point if he keeps working because he's close now. I'd do a 3rd easy. Probably a 2nd if the team hadn't gone Zeke last year.

It's still a dice roll but I think he'll make it through.
Look, I have argued up and down that a man shouldn't hit a woman. And I have confessed that I had a girlfriend slap me and scratch me and didn't lift a finger against her.

Having said that, I'm kind of sick of this scenario where women can basically haul off and hit guys are just supposed to take it. And if you point out that a woman shouldn't hit a man somehow you're enabling domestic abusers.

The point needs to be made that not only are guys not to hit women, especially if they have a distinct size advantage, but that women don't need to be putting their hands on grown men.

It seems as some women (particularly many feminists) are reluctant to preach this message.

Getting back to Joe Mixon, I don't think he's in the same category as Ray Rice. Rice cold-cocks his fiancé in a closed-quartered elevator, and their relationship suggests prior abuse. Mixon is in an argument with this young lady, and she hauls off and hits him not once but twice. Should he have taken it? Yes.
Is it reasonable to understand that if you hit someone twice, there's a tendency and a reaction for that person to hit you back. If we were honest and objective, we would also say, yes.

Be that as it may, I know of no previous patterns of abuse by Mixon, and this woman wasn't his girlfriend so there's no secret relationship or closet activities associated with domestic abuse that I know of. So I won't criticize a team that takes him high in the draft.

My three cents.
Here is my thing. If it is your woman, respect her. If some female stranger wants to act like a man and hit a man, be prepared to get hit back.

The girl who hit him should be charged with assault, just as he was. She initiated the violence, and he finished it.

I have to be honest, I laughed my tail off when he retaliated and she went down. I am so sick of women iniating violence against men, then playing the innocent, helpless victim when he gets violent in return. Don't get violent with a man, then cry foul, saying that men shouldn't hit women, after he hits you back.

Plus, a lot of young men these days have grown up in a whole different era. Women are not respected and reveered like they once were. Young men are growing up without positive male role models to show them how to positively treat women. They are also growing up seeing women degrading and defacing themselves. They see women being just as , if not more, vulgar that males, something that has changed quite a bit since I was a child. They see women trying to assume male roles, and stunning traditional female roles. So with all of this, I feel women should think twice about initiating violence, cause young men these days just don't give a bleep.
Here is my thing. If it is your woman, respect her. If some female stranger wants to act like a man and hit a man, be prepared to get hit back.

The girl who hit him should be charged with assault, just as he was. She initiated the violence, and he finished it.

I have to be honest, I laughed my tail off when he retaliated and she went down. I am so sick of women iniating violence against men, then playing the innocent, helpless victim when he gets violent in return. Don't get violent with a man, then cry foul, saying that men shouldn't hit women, after he hits you back.

Plus, a lot of young men these days have grown up in a whole different era. Women are not respected and reveered like they once were. Young men are growing up without positive male role models to show them how to positively treat women. They are also growing up seeing women degrading and defacing themselves. They see women being just as , if not more, vulgar that males, something that has changed quite a bit since I was a child. They see women trying to assume male roles, and stunning traditional female roles. So with all of this, I feel women should think twice about initiating violence, cause young men these days just don't give a bleep.


Mixon lays out your daughter the same exact way in the same exact scenario.

Are you just as quick to excuse the behavior?

Mixon lays out your daughter the same exact way in the same exact scenario.

Are you just as quick to excuse the behavior?
Yes, cause I am raising my daughter to respect others. Don't assault someone else, unless you are willing to accept the same in return.

Mixon lays out your daughter the same exact way in the same exact scenario.

Are you just as quick to excuse the behavior?

Anyone who can't take a slap from a 120 pound chick without breaking her jaw is a coward.
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I am also raising her to know words, no matter how ugly, vulgar, or hurtful, should never lead to violence. Don't let someone else's words cause you to raise your fist in anger. Only a weak-minded person lets another's words lead to the use of violence.
I dismiss it with Mixon at this point.

When he talks I get the sense he doesn't get it but I don't expect most of the public, this board included, to understand what "it" is. I also don't care.

He is an enormous talent but still needs some polish to become a truly great NFL player. He does most things adequately and catches very well. He will be a true RB1 at some point if he keeps working because he's close now. I'd do a 3rd easy. Probably a 2nd if the team hadn't gone Zeke last year.

It's still a dice roll but I think he'll make it through.

I fully believe in giving people 2nd, 3rd and even 4th chances.

Problem is that Mixon doesn't get it and it's because nobody has taken the time to look past his skills as a football player to get him the help he needs. He's also young and doesn't know any better. That's when it's time for older adults at OU, in the NFL, etc. to step up and help him understand what he did was terribly wrong and being a good football prospect should not change anything.

I really believe that Ray Rice 'gets it.' But his prospects as a football player aren't as good as Mixon's and he doesn't get that second chance

The big thing is by 'getting it', Mixon could forever repair his reputation as a person. Instead, he'll be known as the guy that knocked out a woman for no reason and got away with it because he can play football.

I don't believe in the 'a man should never hit a woman.' If a woman attacks a man, the man has the right to protect himself.

But it was clearly apparent in the video that Mixon was the agitator, the girl did shove him, but that shove wouldn't hurt a fly....and Mixon's immediate response was deck her with a knockout blow (that could have killed her).

Judging Mixon by an interview after the video reminds me of judging OJ as 'not a monster' when he was beating Nicole Brown. Forget the murder of Nicole (and Ron Goldman), he repeatedly beat the crap out of her and his *immediate* response to something Nicole did that he didn't like was to beat her senseless (and his son Jason, too).

But, OJ was well spoke, knew how to say the right things and everybody thought he wasn't a monster and he got off the hook numerous times. Why? Because that's what some people who know how to manipulate people do to get what they want.

Take somebody like Greg Hardy who isn't as articulate and doesn't know how to play the manipulation game and he gets charged and convicted for assault when he called 911 on his girlfriend for hitting him with the heel of her high heel shoe, she admitted to being drunk and high on coke, she ran from the police when they arrived to the scene and her testimony conflicted with the crime scene evidence and what she told the police. And we don't even have video of that incident.

Mixon really believes that 'you can't judge somebody by one mistake' and that's part of the problem with him. He has little understanding of reality. And he fails to realize that what people are more interested in is that he learns from this and never does it again. But by his words and the fact that his immediate response was to deck the girl, I don't think he has and I expect him to do it again.


I suggest you look at the video again.

Mixon turns to his left as if to go.

The woman shoves him.

Mixon faints a blow with his right shoulder.

The woman then uses her right hand/arm to strike Mixon on the left side of his head.

At this point he hits her with a right hook.

So he basically lays hands on him twice before he hit her.

So not an immediate response.

Unsavory yes!

Unprovoked no!
I suggest you look at the video again.

Mixon turns to his left as if to go.

The woman shoves him.

Mixon faints a blow with his right shoulder.

The woman then uses her right hand/arm to strike Mixon on the left side of his head.

At this point he hits her with a right hook.

So he basically lays hands on him twice before he hit her.

So not an immediate response.

Unsavory yes!

Unprovoked no!

The feigning by Mixon is a threat of assault by him. That was his immediate response.

But, if you want to stick up for him, have at it.

The feigning by Mixon is a threat of assault by him. That was his immediate response.

But, if you want to stick up for him, have at it.


Which wasn't to hit her which is want you said.

And I will!
Which wasn't to hit her which is want you said.

And I will!

He feigned his right hand and she 'hit' him in defense of herself. The law is very clear about that feigning to hit somebody is still assault. Just like flashing your gun at somebody is a hardcore no-no.

He feigned his right hand and she 'hit' him in defense of herself. The law is very clear about that feigning to hit somebody is still assault. Just like flashing your gun at somebody is a hardcore no-no.


Never the less his "immediate response" wasn't to hit her as you said initially it was his second response, unless you misunderstand the meaning of the word immediate or you haven't actually seen the video.

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