MNF- Bills vs Bengals

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I'm hopeful this was a vasovagol syncope event where he stood up and his BP and heart rate dropped and he fainted. I'm no doctor but you do see this in people, usually elderly, or those with heart or BP conditions. It's not commonly fatal. If he was dehydrated could exacerbate that condition. Hopeful that's the case.
If you want to watch highlights go to YouTube.

You have to be completely tone deaf if you think a network should do that while a player may have just died.

You’re being ridiculous and looking for an argument where there doesn’t need to be one. All I’m saying is, is that maybe they shouldn’t be just sticking with nonstop coverage of people who don’t know the player and honestly don’t know what exactly is happening just sitting around talking about it.
I they suspend it until tomorrow, or just call it a Bengals win?
What would you do if you were in the crowd, stay and wait for news, for the game, or just leave?
Totally suspend the game tonight ... reschedule it at another time this week.

Too Pins and needles nerves and too much despair to be playing football right now.
If they let us know he’s in stable condition and conscious, the game will continue.

Barring that, cancel the game. You can’t ask anyone to play with this hanging in the air.
I agree with skip. The show must go on. There is noway to make this game up. The season ends Sunday. Both these teams play Sunday. They can’t play another day than play on Sunday.
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