MNF- Bills vs Bengals

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If the report comes in that he’s perfectly fine I think the players would be ok with continuing the game. But it’s going on an hour now so that news would have to come quick.
This is a public relations disaster for the NFL, if they resume the game and this young man, God forbid, dies, imagine the backlash.
IDK what they are waiting for, maybe an update from the hospital?
Which makes them look even worse.
I just came home and turned on the game. I'm assuming I don't want to look up video on what happened.

Well, it wasn't a horrible hit or anything like that, just a usual tackle, but the player got up and the immediately collapsed. Nothing to see, really, I have my suspicions, but I'm not sharing them....
Should've been called when the HC's came together..

They keep saying there's no precedence for this. Yet, they can set it. I hope they review this later on and think about how they can do this more efficiently. I do understand this is a fluid situation and they are all doing the best they can.
You have to wonder if there is some unknown underlying health issue for Hamlin. That hit was a routine tackle - nothing football related to make you believe that football is to blame.

Hopefully, his life can be saved, and they are able to discover what caused the issue.

It could be, but a blow to the chest can cause multiple different severe heart issues in otherwise healthy people. I guess we’ll find out soon.

I just came home and turned on the game. I'm assuming I don't want to look up video on what happened.

It was an everyday regular tackle. The ball carrier sort of hit him in the chest however. Hamlin got up, and fell backwards straight on his back. Meds spent over 9 minutes administering cpr on the field.
It looks like any NFL play to be honest. Watching the last 50 minutes of this telecast has been 100x worse.

I looked it up on TikTok, it didn't look too bad. I mean I've seen worse, hope the dude is ok.
Looks like hit to chest stopped his heart when he got up. This has happened in baseball etc when someone is hit with a line drive in chest region. So sad! Unreal. I’m stunned. Cancel it

This guy says it better than me

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