MNF - Eagles vs Chiefs

Refs will get called out on a National broadcast in a big game for their awful officiating. This should make the NFL want to do something about it, but they won't;
Then explain to me because obviously I don’t know. I thought outside the box, thrown past the line of scrimmage, and out of bounds, was not intentional groundling. But I’m open to being corrected if indeed I am unaware.
You are correct.
1 drive had 2 holds , but the eagles have been called 3 times for hold ALL SEASON . ??
This is nerve racking. Both teams look good. It's going to be a real battle. But hey, we just beat Carolina.
So of all the other games KC gets away with holding. Now they call it on them…oh, yeah, it’s the eagles.
It isn't one team in particular...I don’t know if it is the betting line or what....but you fan tell when the refs are influencing.

Bunch of bad calls...already...saw multiple holds on eagles...none.called. They just called it on KC when the defender was could see the Tackle trying to point that out. Hands to face on KC didn't happen either.
Who do you guys hate the most? Eagles or Niners? I'd have to say Eagles for me. If the Eagles are a 10 at hate. The 49ers would be a 9.999.

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