MNT-Monday Night Trainwreck.

theebs said:
Tiffani amber thiessen...

IF she was on I wouldnt miss a second.

Me either, I'd record it just to watch again.
Kelly Kapowski....YUMMY !!
bobtheflob said:
But I like Kornheiser. This was his first game ever in a booth, so cut him some slack. It sounds like you disliked him before he even started. He calls out Theismann on his stupid statements and I look forward to hearing Joe get all flustered as he tries to explain himself.

I agree with your assessment on Tony. It was his first telecast so I'm cutting him some slack. The poster seemed like he has some preconceived dislike for Korny right off the back.

Tony seemed uncomfortable but it was to be expected.

I don't like the broadcasting team (so far). The chemistry just isn't right. No excitement.

I loved having the Monday Night Countdown crew back. It was fun. Mike showing his loyalty to TO again. Tom turning up his nose. But overall it was fun. I love that crew.
The Duke said:
Cornheiser does yell and talk fast. As if yelling makes him right. That is a very irritating habit among many people when discussing stuff.

Thiesman not any worse than Aikman in the booth. I loved and will defend Aikman's playing career, but he should be known as Troy "state the obvious" Aikman.

Thiesmann should be OK so long as its not a Commander game.

the Sharp brothers are the worst at yelling.... they are soooo annoying!
1fisher said:
the Sharp brothers are the worst at yelling....

You got that right.

Just imagine how loud it was at their dinner table when they were growing up. It would be like living next door to a dog kennel.
I couldnt stand Thiesmann, I didnt like Tony, and I didnt like the scoreboard being in the freaking middle of the page and at the bottom.. I liked Tirico..

but hey, its Monday Night Football.. you know that all of us, like it or not, are gonna be watching..
I didn't see the game. MNF has turned into a huge commercial (yes, more so than other games) with a little bit of football thrown in for the heck of it. If Tiffany Amber Thiessen(sp) was on, there was at least a little redemption...depending on whether she actually spoke or just wore something very sheer and tight. Lastly, if anyone else uses REFRESHING, EXHILIRATING, or some other such gay description....I'm gonna puke.:ralph:
I was pleasantly surprised. Tirico did a great job. Heck, I bet if you put him in the booth in Texas Stadium in 1992, he might have been able to tell the difference between Michael Irvin and Alvin Harper at least 50% of the time.

Thiesmann seems to have a hard time not talking out of his butt for hours on end, but I thought he did a pretty good job just shutting up and letting the game be the story.

I like Kornheiser. He's smart without being arrogant.

Hopefully, Theismann will be able to continue to do 2x as much listening as talking, and I can enjoy MNF this year. Thank goodness McGwire isn't in there.
It was horrible and a trainwreck and I expected no less with ESPN and the "talent" they have.
They need to lose Theismann. He is horrible. Kornhieser isn't that bad but he isn't that good either. I can live with Mike Tirico. He's ok. I would rather have listened to anything else other than Thiesmann any day.
theebs said:
I believe tirico lives in Michigan.

Theismann doesnt have an east coast accent so I dont know what you are refferring to.

I am from ny and People in Washington DC are southerners!

The only one who has a east coast (ny) accent is Tony K. and his isnt that bad.

Not really sure where you came up with this.

Tirico wasn't referred to in my post.

Neither Kornheiser NOR Theisman are FROM Washington. Kornheiser was raised on Long Island and Theisman in NJ.

I live in Texas, but I travel throughout the country. Their accents aren't super thick, but thick enough that they are noticeable. Just like my Texan Twang isn't extremely thick (unless I am talking to Southern folk who need to hear it to trust me), but even in my normal speech it would be noticed.
I especially liked Tirico talking about the Minny boat scandal for about 5 minutes... naming everybody one by one and the charges associated... just what all football fans want to hear... heck with football, gimme some soap opera material.
Yeagermeister said:
You must not watch Screamin A Smith very often.

What are you talking about? I love when Screamin A is in the house!!! :rolleyes:
aardvark said:
I especially liked Tirico talking about the Minny boat scandal for about 5 minutes... naming everybody one by one and the charges associated... .

It's a good think he didn't get around to talking about this ......

In 2000, the book "ESPN: The Uncensored History" reported rampant cases of harassment of women. Most prominently mentioned was Mike Tirico, who was even suspended at one point.
and I didnt like the scoreboard being in the freaking middle of the page and at the bottom..

I hated that...It really bothered me.

It needs to be in the upper corners.
I didnt like the scoreboard being in the freaking middle of the page and at the bottom.. I liked Tirico..

but hey, its Monday Night Football.. you know that all of us, like it or not, are gonna be watching..

I loved the scoreboard. It was simple and less distracting. It was there when I needed it, right where I needed it. But, like you said .... love it or hate it, I'm still going to watch:) It was like music to my ears, doing my house work with football in the background.

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