MNT-Monday Night Trainwreck.

Sportsbabe said:
I loved the scoreboard. It was simple and less distracting. It was there when I needed it, right where I needed it. But, like you said .... love it or hate it, I'm still going to watch:) It was like music to my ears, doing my house work with football in the background.

Wife of the Year:eek:
Crown Royal said:
Wife of the Year:eek:
Gave up on me already, huh?

I knew you would all along. You young people have no patience. :laugh2:
TV Review: New 'MNF' broadcast trio makes its debut on ESPN

[SIZE=-1]10:45 PM CDT on Monday, August 14, 2006

[SIZE=-1]Associated Press[/SIZE]

Listen up! Tony Kornheiser had to be better than the short-lived sitcom loosely based on his life.

And he was. Much better. And that's even putting aside such a low standard as the Washington Post columnist and ESPN personality's 2004 show "Listen Up."

Kornheiser joined Mike Tirico and Joe Theismann in the booth for "Monday Night Football," which moved to ESPN this season after 3½ decades on ABC.
Because of the ill-fated Dennis Miller Experiment a few years ago, many ears were cocked to wiseacre Kornheiser, who once wondered how Jackonville snagged the Super Bowl, asking: "What, Tuscaloosa was booked?"

As Monday night's debut approached, Kornheiser played the expectations game like a Beltway spindoctor in a way that would make James Carville and Mary Matalin proud.

He was so nervous that he perspired not just through his shirt, but through his suit, Kornheiser wrote in his "Monday Night Diary" in The Washington Post Monday. He worried that on live television "it's very possible that there'll be so much water pouring off my body that I'll short out the entire electrical system at the Metrodome."

His flopsweat wasn't visible like Albert Brooks' gushers in "Broadcast News." And he already has the job – unlike Brooks' character, who blew his on-air audition.

Still, the low-expectations game continued through the show's opening. Tirico noted Kornheiser's 35 years as a writer, as well as his success on radio and ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption," adding: "And now you've made it to 'Monday Night Football."'

"I made it to it. Now will I make it through it?" Kornheiser responded as the other two laughed.

Both Theismann and Kornheiser quickly delved into the "ugly past" of the Minnesota Vikings, who were playing the Oalkand Raiders, with Kornheiser more pointedly talking about how the Vikings were "the most scandal-plagued team in the entire NFL last year."

"I won't go through the whole laundry list, but the sex-boat thing, that was a show-stopper. As they say on 'Seinfeld' – 'That's gold, Jerry. That's gold."'
(A reminder of what wasn't gold, Jerry: Jason Alexander playing Kornheiser in that CBS series.)

Tirico sustained the broadcast's tradition of solid, straightforward play-by-play men, while Theismann sometimes sounded – as he often does – too empathetic with the players. He also can overstate the obvious. (And while we're at it, let's just trot out that Theismann once said: "Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.")

When Kornheiser pointed out that Raiders quarterback Aaron Brooks missed his first four pass attempts, Theismann quickly stated than everyone was still learning so early in the exhibition season.

Theismann also came across as a little too self-serious, especially when he and Kornheiser clashed about how far removed from football new Raiders offensive coordinator Tom Walsh was. Walsh ran a bed & breakfast for about seven years.

"Now I know you're going to say he stayed in football. But does that look like a guy who's staying in football?," Kornheiser said as bucolic photos with Walsh were flashed on the screen. "He's preparing menus and making beds. ... You comfortable with that, Joe?"

"Actually I am," Theismann said.

"Would you be comfortable if Bob Newhart were also hired? He ran a B&B," Kornheiser said.

The chemistry among the new "MNF" broadcast trio failed to approach what Kornheiser has with "PTI" co-host Michael Wilbon. But that's extremely high, so it would be difficult to replicate anyway.

Back on "PTI" on Monday, by the way, Wilbon goodnaturedly zinged Kornheiser by saying he couldn't stay up late enough to watch (something Kornheiser often says about an event) and offered a facetious "TV Pick" touting Ryan Seacrest on E! as an alternative.

At least Kornheiser doesn't have to worry about Phil Bengston Syndrome – in which someone takes the thankless job of replacing a legend and never quite measures up. (The affliction is named after the man who succeeded Vince Lombardi as coach in Green Bay.)

In television, there have been notable sufferers, Dan Rather and Jay Leno among them. And for years, analysts on "Monday Night Football" have usually felt like poor replacements for Howard Cosell and "Dandy" Don Meredith, the original duo who served as color commentators. Even John Madden didn't quite feel right, maybe because as good as Al Michaels is – and the two remain a team on NBC on Sunday nights – his best years were with Pat Summerall.

Kornheiser shouldn't have to worry, either, about the ESPN Peter Principle – in which the cable channel's sportscasters rise to their level of incompetence. Craig Kilborn – who at least has done us the favor of fading into obscurity – and Keith Olbermann have already beaten him to that.

But after Monday night's performance, it looks like he won't be following them.

Crown Royal said:
Tirico wasn't referred to in my post.

Neither Kornheiser NOR Theisman are FROM Washington. Kornheiser was raised on Long Island and Theisman in NJ.

I live in Texas, but I travel throughout the country. Their accents aren't super thick, but thick enough that they are noticeable. Just like my Texan Twang isn't extremely thick (unless I am talking to Southern folk who need to hear it to trust me), but even in my normal speech it would be noticed.

K I hear it in Tony's voice. I just dont hear the east coast accent in Theisman.

No big deal.
bobtheflob said:
I agree with you on Theismann of course. But I like Kornheiser. This was his first game ever in a booth, so cut him some slack. It sounds like you disliked him before he even started. He calls out Theismann on his stupid statements and I look forward to hearing Joe get all flustered as he tries to explain himself.
This was exactly my impression. I think Kornheiser actually did pretty well, but I think Kornheiser and Theismann together are going to be a disaster.

It was bad enough when it was just voiceover time, but when they'd cut to the visual of them in the studio, you could see Theismann just shaking his head and ready to pounce every time Kornheiser started saying anything. He just looked angry and that isn't a good thing for the show.

At one point, they were talking about some coach that had been out of coaching for a while and was running a bed and breakfast. Kornheiser said something along the lines of how that might not be the best way to keep him fresh for coaching. Theismann said it was just fine and Kornheiser replied by cracking a joke about how Bob Newhart ran a bed and breakfast too, but that it didn't mean he was ready to be an NFL coach.

Theismann just about foamed at the mouth in reply, even going so far as to say that this guy was more prepared to come back to coaching than Joe Gibbs was, which amused Kornheiser even more. Theismann didn't even acknowledge the Bob Newhart crack until the next time he spoke, and I would just about guarantee some producer was yelling into Theismann's headset to play along and acknowledge Kornheiser.

Frankly, they'd be better off dumping Theismann than Kornheiser. But unless they have a major chemistry shift and learn to work together, it's going to be ugly.

That said, the "Tony! Tony! Tony!" bit where he answered emails from callers was OK, but for God's sake, cut the &**(*##@* music that was playing during that. It looked and sounded very amateur.
I didn't mind the "Tony! Tony! Tony!" music the first time they started asking questions. But they need to can it thereafter.

Something that became annoying to me -- although a little insignificant -- is how Kornheiser would pose everything as a question. He'd either finish his sentences with "Right?" or find another way to turn it into a question.

In general, a very medicore booth IMO. I'll never not watch/listen to a game just because of the broadcasters, but these guys haven't won me over yet.
I agree I want be watching Monday night football much with these guys calling the shots. ESPN Sunday night football was not very good. Monday night football now will get poor ratings.
charles hill said:
I agree I want be watching Monday night football much with these guys calling the shots. ESPN Sunday night football was not very good. Monday night football now will get poor ratings.

You watch football for the announcers?
Good take Draegerman.

JoeT came across as a complete idiot when he took the side of that other coach over Joe Gibbs. Korny was just being light hearted with the Bob Newhart bit and JoeT took it all serious. Like you said, foaming at the mouth. Let's give them the preseason excuse too. But the chemistry is all wrong. But I love Tony Kornheiser. I like his sense of humor. Although he looks very uncomfortable in the booth. Maybe new job jitters. He also looks real old.
Once again though, it's still the only way to watch NFL football on Monday nights....atleast for most of us.

And so, it will still get good ratings.

Now if you eliminate Fantasy Football from the earth, then the ratings might start to suffer. If it's not a good team and my FF team isn't involved, then and only then will I avoid MNF. And I don't think I'm the only one.

Fantasy football is what allows them to put any 3 idiots in the booth and still get ratings.
EastDallasCowboy said:
Fantasy football is what allows them to put any 3 idiots in the booth and still get ratings.

Well, it must be the Y generation because I've been a fan of the game for over 20 years. It's all about the game. As Bill would say, I don't care about all that peripheral (sp) stuff. The only thing that's made the game more enjoyable for me is hi-def and The Playmaker on Monday Night Countdown:laugh2:
tony kornheiser is the greatest, this is how PTI started off today

Wilbon: "pardon the interruption but im mike wilbon, tony i caught u on monday night football last night, you were ight, ill give u a solid C+"

Kornheiser: "im tony kornheiser, C+!? u try broadcasting a game with joe theisman's hand on your thigh"
Theiswoman is obviously an idiot
Cornhole is a huge bust IMO. He's terrible too.
I'd rather listen to the crowd and sounds of the game than either of those idiots.
stag hunter said:
Actually, he stopped doing radio to focus on his ESPN show, much like he stopped doing his regular column in the post when he started becoming more involved in radio. I like him for what he is: a local sports personality, its pretty strange to me how famous he's become. If I was from another city and didnt grow up reading his columns and going to summer camp with his kids I'd probably dislike him too. He was always fun to read during the Petitbon-Turner-Schottenheimer-Spurrier years when the Commanders were always pretty miserable, he always found a way to bring out the negative in every situation (but i guess it wasn't that hard back then).. anyway think what you want about him but its blatantly untrue to say that his radio career was ended because he wasnt popular.

He quit radio he had a sweet gig a 4 hour show that only was 2 hours the last 2 hours were repeats of the show that ended. Pisses me off that they took Cowherd off the air to put Kornheiser back on and then they replaced Rome with Sleep Patrick.
Joe T. is a Forskin, and must be destroyed....

all I got, except, well, there is a story about me "almost" intercepting a pass from him long ago. But, I would give away who I am......

tease, lol
ghst187 said:
Theiswoman is obviously an idiot
Cornhole is a huge bust IMO. He's terrible too.
I'd rather listen to the crowd and sounds of the game than either of those idiots.

tony kornheiser is the gtreatest
My thoughts on ESPN's first MNF broadcast:

1) I have never liked Joe Theismann as game analyst. He is much too smug and conceited for my tastes. Howard Cosell shared those characteristics but he was entertaining and Theismann is not.

2) Tony Kornheiser is a raving liberal and a close friend of James Carville. Troubling. His "Bob Newhart" quip was the funniest moment of the broadcast. The "Tony, Tony, Tony" theme music was extremely annoying.

3) Mike Tirico is a steady play-by-play man and I do believe he will carry the MNF broadcasts.

4) I don't like sideline reporters so having two is painful.

5) After one broadcast I hope that the quality of the play during the season will be the reason we talk about ESPN's MNF broadcasts.

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