Monkeyman Gibbs is crying again

That's a lame argument. How bout saying "we got a tough schedule, but so does everyone else and we will be ready to play the schedule that is given." Pure and simple like most of the coaches in the NFL. Instead he as to go on in his "whiney" tone about how there should be a rule that you don't play an away game after a monday night game. On top of that, he has to ask everyone to pray for the Commanders to find good players in the draft. Like God is sitting up there ready to give divine intervention to help the Commanders with their little draft when the rest of the world is burning up in REAL life and death struggles. What a joke joe has become.
wow... this is insane... damned if you do, damned if you dont. he has done nothing wrong. i dont know where any of you think you have the right to talk bad about a HOF coach, who is a good guy, who is successful at what he does, and is a man of God. until you are a head coach of an NFL team, thats when you can talk bad about another head coach. this is totally asinine for you guys to make a judgement on someone who is on a totally different level as any of you. grow up.
I can criticize any one I want to. Who are you to tell me i can't? By your logic, we fans shouldn't say anything about any football player or coach because we haven't been a head coach in the NFL. i disagree. part of the fan to player/coach dynamic is criticism as well as praise. don't tell me you have never questioned a dumb move by any player or coach. If you say you have, i will just know that you lie to yourself.

As far as his faith. I have no problem with his Christianity, in fact, i respect a persons faith when it is kept to themselves. i just don't like him going to the media and telling the fans to pray for the Commanders to draft good players. To me it seems selfish and rather childish on a spiritual scale. Tom Landry was a good christian man, I couldn't see him in a million years asking the fans though the media to pray for a good draft in such a way.

This is just my opinion, which i have a right to. There are no sacred-cows in my book.
Notice how they demand proof, and when proof is presented of his whining, lying crybaby ways, they ignore it completely.

Comical R*dsk*ns.
Yeah, I think we pretty much shut them up! Hey, it isn't easy seeing the leader that you worship is really just a whiney accountant type (no offense to accountants). Sort of like the Wizzard of OZ!
I can't answer those questions for you there iggle...all I know is that there are a lot of sad, sad, little boys on this board because Joe Gibbs is back coaching the Skins to the playoffs. Sweeping the cows, sweeping the now everything that comes out of his mouth is spun out of control.

It's called being humble...but I don't expect any of you to understand the meaning of that word. It's a big reason why Joe's a winner - he takes every opponent as seriously as if we were playing the Steelers of the 70's or the cowboys of the early 90's or the Patriots of recent years. That attitude rubs off on the team which is why we can win 5 straight to make it to the playoffs with our backs against the wall. No let downs, every opponent is respected and taken seriously.

If you want to talk about Gibbs fine, but to say he has no class is ignorant, makes you sound like a fool. But I guess down in Dallas when you've got such classy guys like Jerry Jones and T.O., Gibbs must seem like a real arrogant a-hole. Your hatred has made you mentally weak.
SantanaOwnsU :lmao:

so you ignore ALL the proof posted on this thread ...... just like you run away from every thread you post in huh kid?
Danny White said:
I don't really have time to catalogue them all but I did mention him canning Pollin and Czaban from his coach's show. There was also the hissy-fit he threw last year before the San Francisco game because he didn't like the way the press was reporting on the game. He's always complaining about calls that don't go his way.

I remember him dissembling about Clinton Portis carries during his first season... about Lavar last year... about Ramsey continuously.

Are you kidding me?

If that sort of thing is considered whining, then what the hell would you call what Bill Parcells does??

He blew up at the media for saying that the San Francisco game was an easy win. He doesn't take people disrespecting any team in the NFL.
InsomniaKiller said:
Are you kidding me?

If that sort of thing is considered whining, then what the hell would you call what Bill Parcells does??

He blew up at the media for saying that the San Francisco game was an easy win. He doesn't take people disrespecting any team in the NFL.

Face it. He's a crybaby!!!
TEK2000 said:
Is it just me or does this not sound like a quote from a Star Wars movie?

:laugh2: I was thinking the same thing, I thought it was just me.
Look this is pointless thread...none of these Boys fans are really going to see Gibbs the way we do. You guys think hes a crybaby, we say hes humble and respectful. PERIOD, this discussion is over.
hooskins said:
Look this is pointless thread...none of these Boys fans are really going to see Gibbs the way we do. You guys think hes a crybaby, we say hes humble and respectful. PERIOD, this diccussion is over.

I agree. It's pointless, but it's fun.
zrinkill said:
SantanaOwnsU :lmao:

so you ignore ALL the proof posted on this thread ...... just like you run away from every thread you post in huh kid?

What proof is there in this thread? You guys say he's whining about his schedule, we say he's showing respect for his opponents. Is it his fault he has the decency to do interviews and give his honest opinion? He thinks its a tough schedule, he said he was happy about the bye in the middle of the season and that anyone on our schedule can beat us on any given thats whining I'll never know.

But anyone on this board who says anything about Gibbs class or charactar doesn't know anything about football history. The man has 3 rings, his bronzed bust is in the HOF, ask anyone who knows him, anyone in the coaching fraternity or anyone who has even dealt with him personally and they will tell you what a good, Christian man he is. You guys will take anythign he says and interpret it to mean whatever you want...but you can't argue that he's a great coach, and a better man.
I bet more than half of you haven't even heard the actual interview. Here...listen to it. I'll agree that Larry Michaels throws him softballs and sounds like a whiner - Larry Michaels (the guy interviewing Gibbs) is a doushe. Gibbs says our biggest challange is our division, compliments Philly, says they'll be back next year. "Dallas has improved themselves, and of course, what a great Coaching job coach Parcells does...with a division like this our schedule will never be easy."
Give me a break, he's complimenting everyone, and laughing when he says how much he hates the schedule. Its humorous, almost an inside joke to anyone who knows coach Gibbs. Gibbs knows he's known for making every team sound like worldbeaters...its called coaching. Its a big reason we blew the doors off the 49ers while they hung in there with you guys till the final whistle. He's going to prop up every team so that we don't have any let downs. He knows we have a solid team, but at this level, if you overlook an opponent, they can come up and bite you. It happens every week.
dehart15 said:
i heard gibbs is starring in BROKE BACK MOUNTAIN part 2.

Nah, that's a movie about gay cowboys...I hear there's an open audition on this board...Either that or the Jerry Jones and T.O. newsconference was it. That was a sickening display.

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