Video: More Analytics (Mostly Zeke and Dak/RZ Stuff)


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I've played football, being able to carry the ball a bunch of times still doesn't make you elite.

Stay ignorant, if you must.

Your Wentz won a SB while Marino didn't example for downplaying analytics, might be the cutest **** I've seen said on here, stupid as hell but also cute.Do you even know what analytics are?
Analytics give context, while bulk stats don't.

"Analytics need to be understood in context, ZEKE HAS 1100 MORE YARDS THAN ANYONE ELSE" Those being in the same post is truly frightening lol.
I'm not counting powder puff as football kiddo but good try.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
Analytics MEANS studying raw data.
I've done this professionally as part of process engineering.
Any data scientist will tell you the work of analytics is "testing theories versus massive amounts of gathered data".

What has happened now is people have been given just enough information to be truly clueless and dumb.

NFL analytics is far less mature than baseball and some other sports.
There are a few good measures but many are meaningless and will go by wayside.

The bread and butter of all analytics is EPA and early study suggests you should pass heavily.
Last year 2 of the best 3 teams in football were the two run heaviest teams in football.... lol at analytics folks thinking they actually know anything at this point.
It's situational and point in time data subject to change over time.


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The Cowboys run blocking has been middle of the league at best the past 3 years.
Analytics that are basically brand new with no proven ability to distinguish anything over time are questionable at best.
The NFL has used rushing yards as success metric for 40 years and for good reason.
Yards, TDs scored and such are firm and proven.
So the stats that show that the Cowboys have had a top 5 run blocking line, for all but one year of zeke’s career, are inaccurate but zeke’s total yards due to having the most carries are the only stat that matters and is accurate? Lol, ok.

Rushing yards are about the most worthless stat when determining who is a better RB, right up there with TD’s. It says very little about the individual skills of the RB and is mainly determined by play calling and the O line to a large extent.

So if zeke gets less yards next season because they pass the ball more, according to your theory he won’t be the best in the league?


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I'm not counting powder puff as football kiddo but good try.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
Analytics MEANS studying raw data.
I've done this professionally as part of process engineering.
Any data scientist will tell you the work of analytics is "testing theories versus massive amounts of gathered data".

What has happened now is people have been given just enough information to be truly clueless and dumb.

NFL analytics is far less mature than baseball and some other sports.
There are a few good measures but many are meaningless and will go by wayside.

The bread and butter of all analytics is EPA and early study suggests you should pass heavily.
Last year 2 of the best 3 teams in football were the two run heaviest teams in football.... lol at analytics folks thinking they actually know anything at this point.
It's situational and point in time data subject to change over time.

Powder puff, is better than you playing Madden a couple of times, girly pop. Lmao.

Truly clueless and dumb, kinda like "Zeke has had 1,100 more yards and that mass carries make you elite? That sort of clueless and dumb?

EPA is one of the best analytical tools out there, and of course it comes back to you not understanding the data.
"2 of the top 3 teams were the most run heavy", JT do you know that when you are winning football games that you run more often? Ground breaking for you, isn't it?
1st down and in the 1st quarter the 49ers passed sigifnicalty more often.

The Super Bowl champs were the most pass heavy, the Packers who were 13-3 were.

The ravens being run heavy isn't all that surprisinging considering that so many of their early down rush attempts weren't designed runs, but I doubt you know what that means.

Play action is also the bread and butter of analytics, guess what 8 of the top 10 teams did the most often? I'll wait.


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So the stats that show that the Cowboys have had a top 5 run blocking line, for all but one year of zeke’s career, are inaccurate but zeke’s total yards due to having the most carries are the only stat that matters and is accurate? Lol, ok.

Rushing yards are about the most worthless stat when determining who is a better RB, right up there with TD’s. It says very little about the individual skills of the RB and is mainly determined by play calling and the O line to a large extent.

So if zeke gets less yards next season because they pass the ball more, according to your theory he won’t be the best in the league?

Him- Lol EPA makes people clueless and dumb




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EPA is a number based on a mathematical equation, devised by some person to try and measure value. Rushing yards is a REAL, quantifiable measurable, so yeah it’s worth more. Nobody claims it’s the end or be all for measuring a RB, but it’s REAL.


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So the stats that show that the Cowboys have had a top 5 run blocking line, for all but one year of zeke’s career, are inaccurate but zeke’s total yards due to having the most carries are the only stat that matters and is accurate? Lol, ok.

Rushing yards are about the most worthless stat when determining who is a better RB, right up there with TD’s. It says very little about the individual skills of the RB and is mainly determined by play calling and the O line to a large extent.

So if zeke gets less yards next season because they pass the ball more, according to your theory he won’t be the best in the league?
There are lots of metrics. no two OL Rankings are even the same.

The last two seasons Dallas has been horrible in some of those run based metrics.

But I refuse to argue with some goofball who has an avi of zeke with a weird cartoonish char.
It;s clear you aren't sane much less unbiased.


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Last season, when the staff had the stones to put Pollard in for a series, the change of pace as far as quickness was astounding.

Elliott is a good, dependable, but overpaid back who isnt the threat he once was.


I'm on record as not liking him and I never will, but that assessment is accurate. Sorry.
Pollard fumbled in a game that cost them the playoffs... but at least he made up with that for 2 carries for 0 yards.

Stop being so proudly dumb.


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There are lots of metrics. no two OL Rankings are even the same.

The last two seasons Dallas has been horrible in some of those run based metrics.

But I refuse to argue with some goofball who has an avi of zeke with a weird cartoonish char.
It;s clear you aren't sane much less unbiased.
Typical answer from someone who has no good answers. Do you think the stats I post are biased, do the numbers that zeke puts up himself lie?

Gimme a break, almost everything I say about him as RB, not a person, is backed up by stats that I post over and over again but homers like you refuse to believe them and in some cases don’t even read them but continue to argue a lost battle without posting any stats to support your argument (other than total yards).

You don’t want to believe the stats (which I agree some are misleading) nor do you want to believe other coaches or analysts. Only YOUR biased homer opinion is what matters, right?

No need to reply, I don’t believe anything a guy with a Texas avatar says anyways :rolleyes:


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All backs lose a step after so many carries.
But speed is one of the least important yet wildly overrated RB traits.

DAL is built around a home run hitting passing attack and a grinding Zeke.
Punch the defense in the mouth with Zeke than make them defend Amari, Gallup, Lamb.

Zeke will face fewer and fewer stacked boxes.

Yeah, that's about it now. Strong, grinding running game behind good run blocking oline, with WRs to hit deep. Zeke is enough now for that. That *wasn't* what we were built around in 2016, when Zeke and the oline were just great, and Dez, Witten, and Williams were a meh receiving cast.

With a much stronger receiving cast, *and* a staff willing and able to use them, we're much better balanced on the pass side, and that should take some defense out of the box, making life easier on Zeke.


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There is no stat that tells you how many times Dak
THREW against STACKED boxes, because of the defenses worry about the running game. One thing for sure is that Cooper gets most of his yards on man coverage on the outside and Dak sees it plenty, with one safety high. That’s why it took Dak four years for the deep ball to be somewhat effective, but he’s still mediocre when it’s red-zone time. And most of those red-zone TDs were scored in the first three games against bums.

There is a reason that ever since Dak got here, Dallas has been traditionally a top play-action passing team. Dak rarely operates out of a seven-step drop, he ran it one time his first year from what I remember. It’s either shotgun or play action, limiting the OC play-book.


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If you erase the line in the sand you have drawn on either Dak or Zeke, then you only need to ask yourself one question.....did you want the last coaching staff to stay another year... if the answer is yes then by all means blame that coaching staffs problems on all 52 players and lets get them out as soon as we can....if its no then the logical next step is.. We have a good group of players who are still fairly young lets see what a REAL COACHING STAFF can do with them...BOTH THE RUNNING BACK AND QB could be bums or they could be severely hampered by a horrible staff...


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Yeah, that's about it now. Strong, grinding running game behind good run blocking oline, with WRs to hit deep. Zeke is enough now for that. That *wasn't* what we were built around in 2016, when Zeke and the oline were just great, and Dez, Witten, and Williams were a meh receiving cast.

With a much stronger receiving cast, *and* a staff willing and able to use them, we're much better balanced on the pass side, and that should take some defense out of the box, making life easier on Zeke.
Zeke's yards from scrimmage were actually higher last year than in 2016 because he was used more in the passing game.
His TDs were down from 16 to 14.

Zeke is 1st in active rushing yards per game and 4th ALL-TIIME

Is he hurdling guys now? Not as much no, He's added 15-20 pounds to handle 900 snaps a year.
Last year he had 679 yards AFTER contact and 678 BEFORE. So he generated about as much rushing as the OL/scheme did.