More Cringe worthy: Zeke's 'Feed Me' or Mo's incomplete?

Don't bother me. Just so he keeps getting first downs! How soon we forget the characters on the 90's dynasty teams, I didn't have a problem with them either .
I have no problem with players doing signature moves. Michael Irvin had his exaggerated first down gesture, Deion had his high-step, Dez throws up the X, even DeMarcus Ware used to pound his fists down to the ground after a sack.

Irvin didn't do it after every 1st down and he certainly didn't do it as a rookie who hadn't accomplished anything yet. Deionized was high stepping as he was returning TD's into the endzone, not when he broke up a 10 yard pass. Demarcus Ware pounder the ground after a sack, not after a routine tackle. Big difference from what Zeke and Claiborne are doing.
I wasn't cringing over the Zeke thing, I was just puzzled. I thought he was like, reeling a camera or something. But then again, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

And, well, they should feed him.
It's okay and understandable to dislike his celebrating. That's how you feel. What's dumb is to apply YOUR sensibilities to the situation saying he's being disrespectful or immature just because you don't like it. Just like the stupid "unwritten" rules in baseball that make it disrespectful to bat flip or watch your home run. Somehow it's not disrespectful when the pitcher fist pumps after a strike out.
On a side note, I thought Dak should have gotten a celebrating penalty after his rushing TD for slapping high fives with his teammates and running off to the sideline.

Dude has to grow up and show a little class.
I hate them both just play ball - and esp these to what have either one proved
Telling people how you think they should act when they're not hurting anyone is selfish, arogant, and should be embarrassing for you.

Stick to yelling at kids to stay off your lawn.
Had some time to kill yesterday and rewatched most of the plays from Sunday night.

I don't think these 2 players are performing these celebrations as much as some of you are implying.

I didn't notice either of them much while watching the game live. And was surprised at how little I noticed them during re-watch, especially after reading this cringeworthy thread. You guys are making it sound like these "celebrations" (which is a stretch to call them that anyhow) are happening after every single play. Not the case.
I just wish ALL players would refrain from these silly self serving celebrations. A heart felt enthusiastic spontaneous act is fine ..the Cam Newton type stuff is a little tiring.
I disagree with you in it not being disrespectful, but I do agree that the vast majority of the league over celebrates. To me, it only makes the individual player look bad because they're too stupid to realize that you don't pat yourself on the back for doing your job.

I use to love the 90's Cowboys' business-like approach. They celebrated when they achieved their biggest goals, touchdowns and championships. And they did it together, not individually.
Irvin celebrated every single first down like he won a ring
He just needs to stop with the first down sign get his butt back to the huddle
Irvin didn't do it after every 1st down and he certainly didn't do it as a rookie who hadn't accomplished anything yet. Deionized was high stepping as he was returning TD's into the endzone, not when he broke up a 10 yard pass. Demarcus Ware pounder the ground after a sack, not after a routine tackle. Big difference from what Zeke and Claiborne are doing.
every first down catch he made, he did it.
Its generational l suppose..maybe the younger fans enjoy it more and thats OK. Most here l guess wouldn't remember Harvey Martin. He was maybe the greatest pass rusher the team ever had. He would crash the OL and pound a QB into the dirt and just get up and walk back to the huddle. I always thought that was so professional and intimidating.

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