More T.O. Drama

Doomsday101 said:
Your right I thought your post was real my mistake. So please continue with your mean old media and poor little TO routine it is good for a few laughs.

No, I'd rather see more rants from you and others about how evil and secretly manipulative Owens is. Those are good for a few belly laughs as well.
Alexander said:
I will admit, I did decide to avoid putting "SATIRE:" in the title for a reason.

Mission accomplished.

I'm glaad the mods enjoy it, because it takes so much off it when it's posted with your title, and three seconds later you see HUMOR added to the title.

But you're still a jerk.
superpunk said:
I'm glaad the mods enjoy it, because it takes so much off it when it's posted with your title, and three seconds later you see HUMOR added to the title.

But you're still a jerk.

Thank you, sir.

Coming from you, I am honored.

And while we are at it, I would like to recommend all threads have titles.

Just think "Hysteria: Owens missing practice again " would save everyone so much time.
I deleted the post Alexander as I thought it was too harsh. On the qt I think I'm spot on. I would love for TO to hush and just play. Can't they ask him nicely to avoid interviews, the press, yada for awhile? Or would that cause him to drop into the aisle of the grocery store and kick and scream?
Alexander said:
No, I'd rather see more rants from you and others about how evil and secretly manipulative Owens is. Those are good for a few belly laughs as well.

I don't think he is evil I think he is a distraction and has been every where he goes. Not many team will release a player who is putting up his numbers just for the heck of it they did so because he is a distraction and a pain in the ars to contend with. But please continue to bend over backwards to protect little TO I'm sure he loves having suckers for fans
jobberone said:
I deleted the post Alexander as I thought it was too harsh. On the qt I think I'm spot on. I would love for TO to hush and just play. Can't they ask him nicely to avoid interviews, the press, yada for awhile? Or would that cause him to drop into the aisle of the grocery store and kick and scream?

On the contrary, has Owens even given an interview today?

No. Last we saw of him was his Lance Armstrong impression.
Alexander said:
In other news, the United States Army is downplaying an story that claims that scores of soldiers have gone AWOL before shipping out to Iraq because they have yet to meet any of the seventy-two hot women they had been promised by the Army recruiters who enlisted them.

now this part was funny!!!
ahh boy I really hope T.O doesn't carry on doing unheard of stuff. But thats who he is...
It's not the ridiculous post that is the problem. It's the continued distraction TO is causing the team with his destructive personality. No amount of defense from fans, including myself re: hamstring, can discount the fact he has been kicked off two teams. Considering his talent and on the field production this says it all. He needed to come in here and be a choir boy.

While the press does create hysteria and distort everything he says, he says and does enough reality based things to qualify as being a real problem.

And while I personally believe he does have a pulled hamstring, I also am certain he could practice at a reduced pace. If he can run at full speed he can get on the field and play at a level without fear of causing further injury or delaying healing. And that is my professional opinion and not conjecture.

No problem with getting a few laughs even at my expense. However, the overall problem is becoming quickly a non-laughing matter. It's impossible for this not to be causing resentment at his special treatment no matter what his teammates say in public.
Alexander said:
Thank you, sir.

Coming from you, I am honored.

And while we are at it, I would like to recommend all threads have titles.

Just think "Hysteria: Owens missing practice again " would save everyone so much time.
Ya's kind of funny/ironic though. People would believe this stuff, coming from #81. We've seen it right here in this thread.
Alexander said:
You do realize this was satire, right?

I guess some people just know what they are going to say even before they read anything.

Nicely done, Mr. Doomsday.


well played
thats7 said:
Ya's kind of funny/ironic though. People would believe this stuff, coming from #81. We've seen it right here in this thread.

The only people that would believe it are people of your ilk that do not read anything you have your mind made up already, you are just looking for a reason to say "LOOK I WAS RIGHT TO IS THE DEBIL"
BigDFan5 said:
The only people that would believe it are people of your ilk that do not read anything you have your mind made up already, you are just looking for a reason to say "LOOK I WAS RIGHT TO IS THE DEBIL"
I got it Helpy Helperton. Thanks for playing.

I was right! You ARE the swammy. Reading my mind and all. OMG!!'re good, you.

I defy you, to PROVE where I said #81 was the, in your cutesy little word, the debil. (a little soft for a football board) Please, a link or an article would be nice. Not what you think. lol.
thats7 said:
I got it Helpy Helperton. Thanks for playing.

I was right! You ARE the swammy. Reading my mind and all. OMG!!'re good, you.

I defy you, to PROVE where I said #81 was the, in your cutesy little word, the debil. (a little soft for a football board) Please, a link or an article would be nice. Not what you think. lol.

Oh please anyone who reads your posts knows how you feel about TO, so you will try and read into anything you can to jump on him.

Kind of like saying Carpenter called him out when he didn't

Saying Jerry told him to practice when he didnt etc
Now That was funny. You want to know what else is funny? Those who are TO haters and have been secretly awaiting something to happen, now all of a sudden Owens is a locker room cancer again, is disrupting the team and creating all sorts of problems by sitting out of practices, all the while Steve Smith missed half a month with a similar injury, just returning today, but none of the same TO haters muttered a single word...

on a side note...

Stop believing the media hype. All day, the media has taken this and made a mess out of nothing, added words to Owens mouth with pure speculation, turned speculation into fact, and then turned around an analized what they added! How redundant is that?
jdub2k4 said:
Now That was funny. You want to know what else is funny? Those who are TO haters and have been secretly awaiting something to happen, now all of a sudden Owens is a locker room cancer again, is disrupting the team and creating all sorts of problems by sitting out of practices, all the while Steve Smith missed half a month with a similar injury, just returning today, but none of the same TO haters muttered a single word...

on a side note...

Stop believing the media hype. All day, the media has taken this and made a mess out of nothing, added words to Owens mouth with pure speculation, turned speculation into fact, and then turned around an analized what they added! How redundant is that?

The funniest part is I have ssen people say he has missed 2 weeks, and even 3 weeks when in reality he has missed about 10 days (not including days off and the preseason game)
BigDFan5 said:
Oh please anyone who reads your posts knows how you feel about TO, so you will try and read into anything you can to jump on him.

#1 - Kind of like saying Carpenter called him out when he didn't

#2 - Saying Jerry told him to practice when he didnt etc
#1 - WRONG. Stated He's probably thinking it as well as his other teammates. Actually I just referenced a thread. Not in discussion with you but hey, you felt the impulse to read my mind and then thump your chest.

#2 - WRONG. Never said it. Didn't even think this one. Your losing your mind reading ability I see.

Actually today is the first time I've even commented on #81. Anyone who reads my posts knows it's all about the participation, or lack thereof in this case.

Careful of the athletes tongue. That is if you had time to remove your shoe.
BigDFan5 said:
The funniest part is I have ssen people say he has missed 2 weeks, and even 3 weeks when in reality he has missed about 10 days (not including days off and the preseason game)

Even funnier than that is when people make assumptions trying to out-wit someone and in turn end up getting embarrassed themselves. Smith missed half a month, meaning it took about 18 days for his hammy to heal, not meaning that he missed half a month worth of practices. Smith had not practiced since July 29th before today.

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