FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Good Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to visit the thread today.

So, big day for everybody today I guess. Honestly, I'm glad that it's almost over. So tired of all of this stuff but hey, I guess it's just another brick in the wall right?

So, what's everybody up to today? Me, I have the Grandson coming over today. He has teachers who come to the house to teach him so today, he is coming to Gramma and Grampa's to have his studies. ABQJr. figured it would be better if we started this now to get him used to it. Eventually, he will be here with us on Tuesday's, I will pick him up from Pre-school and then he will have his afternoon classes here so this is kind of the dry run. Wish me luck!

I figure I'll start this thing off with some home made Chicken and Stars Soup and maybe a PBJ Sandwich for him. Then we can go out and jump on the Tramp and by then, hopefully, he will be ready to sit down and spend a few hours learning, I hope.

Xelda, how's that painting coming along?

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how is everybody doing this week? I hope that everybody is off to a good start.

People, have a great day. This is an important day for us so lets all celebrate it and live up to our forefathers. Peaceful transition of power is a very unique thing and it's something that we have done for a very long time. Lets show the world how and why we do that better then anybody!

OK, so in light of my earlier words, gonna leave everybody with a Tune from Pink Floyd. But instead of just linking a vid of a great tune, I want to link a video of a first time watcher of this tune. I love to watch people react to music that they have never experienced. They step out of their norm and it's cool to watch the eyes open, so to speak. So with no further hesitation, The Great Pink Floyed and Comfortably Numb.

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles.

Ed McMahon came up to me in a dream and told me to tell you "Congratulations, Jan! You have won the internet today!" He laughed when I asked how much you'd won. At least you are waking up the masses in an amusing fashion.
Getting be the typical day for me. Start out confused and it goes downhill from there
Morning, pops and peeps. Our forecast is perfect golfing weather today, so that's my plan.

I intend to make little animals and figures out of nuts, bolts, silverware etc. as supplements to the Christmas gifts we are giving. What I've learned is that I am terrible at soldering and welding. Gonna take a lot more practice. Here are some examples:
https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?rs=ac&len=2&q=nut and bolt art ideas&eq=nut and bolt a&etslf=10890&term_meta[]=nut and bolt art ideas|autocomplete|1
Morning, pops and peeps. Our forecast is perfect golfing weather today, so that's my plan.

I intend to make little animals and figures out of nuts, bolts, silverware etc. as supplements to the Christmas gifts we are giving. What I've learned is that I am terrible at soldering and welding. Gonna take a lot more practice. Here are some examples:
https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?rs=ac&len=2&q=nut and bolt art ideas&eq=nut and bolt a&etslf=10890&term_meta[]=nut and bolt art ideas|autocomplete|1
Ironic. I helped my niece with a similar project, except she used two part epoxy.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Good Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to visit the thread today.

So, big day for everybody today I guess. Honestly, I'm glad that it's almost over. So tired of all of this stuff but hey, I guess it's just another brick in the wall right?

So, what's everybody up to today? Me, I have the Grandson coming over today. He has teachers who come to the house to teach him so today, he is coming to Gramma and Grampa's to have his studies. ABQJr. figured it would be better if we started this now to get him used to it. Eventually, he will be here with us on Tuesday's, I will pick him up from Pre-school and then he will have his afternoon classes here so this is kind of the dry run. Wish me luck!

I figure I'll start this thing off with some home made Chicken and Stars Soup and maybe a PBJ Sandwich for him. Then we can go out and jump on the Tramp and by then, hopefully, he will be ready to sit down and spend a few hours learning, I hope.

Xelda, how's that painting coming along?

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how is everybody doing this week? I hope that everybody is off to a good start.

People, have a great day. This is an important day for us so lets all celebrate it and live up to our forefathers. Peaceful transition of power is a very unique thing and it's something that we have done for a very long time. Lets show the world how and why we do that better then anybody!

OK, so in light of my earlier words, gonna leave everybody with a Tune from Pink Floyd. But instead of just linking a vid of a great tune, I want to link a video of a first time watcher of this tune. I love to watch people react to music that they have never experienced. They step out of their norm and it's cool to watch the eyes open, so to speak. So with no further hesitation, The Great Pink Floyed and Comfortably Numb.

Great video, ABQ! Watching her, I realized I've gotten to used to Pink Floyd's sound that, while I always appreciate the music, I'd forgotten how original Roger Waters' voice is.
Morning Pops and Peepholes. Eliminating caffeine has had interesting results. Hours can either fly by without me knowing they were here (at home) or drag on for an eternity (at work).

The painting is coming along, ABQ. Thank you for asking.

Morning, pops and peeps. Our forecast is perfect golfing weather today, so that's my plan.

I intend to make little animals and figures out of nuts, bolts, silverware etc. as supplements to the Christmas gifts we are giving. What I've learned is that I am terrible at soldering and welding. Gonna take a lot more practice. Here are some examples:
https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?rs=ac&len=2&q=nut and bolt art ideas&eq=nut and bolt a&etslf=10890&term_meta[]=nut and bolt art ideas|autocomplete|1
I went to an exhibit of that stuff a while back. They were so proud and charged out the wazoo for each piece. I would have liked to buy one, but I can do more with $2,000 than put up a dust collector. The different colors and sizes of each piece going into the project was wonderfully interesting. I only have nails, bolts, screws and a wind spinner which would eventually turn into a weapon when stuff got loose.

Time to start moving around and remember why I got up. Have a great Tuesday everyone.
Morning Pops and Peepholes. Eliminating caffeine has had interesting results. Hours can either fly by without me knowing they were here (at home) or drag on for an eternity (at work).

The painting is coming along, ABQ. Thank you for asking.

I went to an exhibit of that stuff a while back. They were so proud and charged out the wazoo for each piece. I would have liked to buy one, but I can do more with $2,000 than put up a dust collector. The different colors and sizes of each piece going into the project was wonderfully interesting. I only have nails, bolts, screws and a wind spinner which would eventually turn into a weapon when stuff got loose.

Time to start moving around and remember why I got up. Have a great Tuesday everyone.
Peepholes? Is that because you can't write what kind of holes you really think we are??? o_O:D
Afternoon Pops, afternoon Jobs. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all of you who decided to stop in today.

Hope everybody is doing well today. I am a little tired myself. Stayed up too late watching the election coverage. A smart man would have went to be early and woken to the same news that was available late last night. Unfortunately, I am not counted among those so I have to just suffer through the stupidity of it all. :laugh:

Are you guys all feeling well this morning? Since I know that all of you are much smarter then I, no exaggeration folks, I'm thinking all of you showed much better judgement.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you all enjoy a good rest of the week!

Everybody, have a great Wednesday. Keep looking for things that make you happy. Once you find them, enjoy them and continue to take as much pleasure out of the little things as you can. That's the type of stuff that might just get you through the though times folks!

God Bless..........

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