This is akin to the dumb babysitter going into the cellar to check out that growling noise. Don't do it! There are things in the workshop that will hurt you and it is the worst combination of competing words in the English language, work and shop do not go together, one is fun, one is not.
And you might run into Wayne Wheeler, Warlock of the Workshop and his wistful wailing waif, Wesley Wapplephat. Haven't alliterated in several days and needed that.
Now, I have several space heaters to add to my patio enjoyment when the weather is nippley and in a space that size, of course wasted on a workshop, you shouldn't need one with a fan. I picked the two up I have at Costco and they usually have them set up when you enter the store blasting your face like the breath of Satan calling your name. I told him "get thee behind me Satan, my tushy is cold".
Good to hear about your wife and let's hope she continues to have Third Eye Blind. OMG, alliteration and working bands into a sentence and it's not even Friday yet.