Morning Pops, Leon, Jobb, ABQ, and other loyal fans. Cold your way, Leon? I left a message for Pfrozen to close the gate, but he must be snowed in and can't get to it!
Morning Pops, Leon, Jobb, ABQ, and other loyal fans. Cold your way, Leon? I left a message for Pfrozen to close the gate, but he must be snowed in and can't get to it!
It's been somewhat cold, but bearable. However I just got e-mails from both our golf courses saying they are going to cover the greens Saturday and may not re-open until Wednesday. Translation: Another cold front is on the way. We're expected to get down to 19 on Wednesday.
Morning Pops, Leon, Jobb. Need to put out an APB for Pfrozen Phil...gate's still wide open....hope he doesn't have his tongue frozen to a pipe up there! Going to be 2 on the porch Monday morning!!!
Morning Pops, Leon, Jobb and all huddled around the pot belly stove. Not bad this morning, only 25 on the porch, but supposed to drop to 0 in the morning, with wind chill in the minus double digits.Pipes covered....check! Pet inside....check! Vehicles gassed up....check! Chain saw ready....check! Extra coffee made and put aside (in case we lose power we can heat it on the propane stove in the living room)....check!
It would most likely be far worse if we had gotten the moisture stacking up as ice on the trees, but the extreme cold and projected wind will bring some trees down. I guess that's why they call it wintertime!