FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning, Cbz and good morning, Zoners. Played golf on the weekend. I just grabbed my clubs and through them in the trunk wihout checking. when I got them out, I discovered that about half of my clubs were in another bag. No 7, 5, 3 or PW. I managed to finish the round and I don't think having those clubs would make any difference.Needless to say, my game can't go anywhere but up. Have a great day.:D
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans everywhere. Atta Boy, Phil. Remember, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; it's how many new words you invent.

Morning Pops, Leon, Phil, and crew! Leon's right, Phil! BTW, I could probably keep my score the same with only those clubs in my bag!!:):)
Good morning, Cbz and the same to my fellow Zoners. I'm battling a paper monster in my office today, which is a shame, considering the great weather. Enjoy the day, all of you.:D
Morning, Pops and Zoners. I hope everyone has a great hump day. The week is getting shorter all the time.
Morning, Pops, Phil, ologan, Jobb, Barney, Bob, ABQ, etc. Today is "So Happy It's Thursday" day. Enjoy!
LOL at Leon. :)

Morning Pops. Howdy gang. Up and at 'em. It's another day in paradise. Make it a good one.
Good morning, Cbz and all Zoners. Sunny, cool and a stiff breeze from the north. Got some snow in the mountains to the west. Enjoy your day, all of you.:D
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may decide to drop in.

Man, it is getting hot here in New Mexico. Couple of days of 100 degree weather and you start kicking your own backside for complaining about the cold weather. Looks like it's going to be hot for awhile here.

Everybody, stay cool and have a good day!
Morning Pops. Morning Leon. Howdy to the rest of the gang. Everyone have a good weekend.
Morning Pops and all the gang. Have a wonderful day. I beat you today, Leon. You're slipping old man. :)
Morning, Pops and Zoners. Yeah, I slept in a little bit today, Jobb. Have a blessed day, everyone.
Good evening Pops and all weekend followers. Great weekend......good weather, good food, good friends!
Stay safe, all!

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