FEATURED Morning Pops!

Evening Pops --Evening folks. Hope everyone is well. Glad to see Pops thread still going strong. Mondays is coming -you guys have a good week.
Morning Pops, morning ABQ, Leon and the rest of the Zoners. It's Monday, back to the grind. We get our Boys back in a week, so I am so looking forward to that as I'm sure we all are. Everyone have a blessed, safe day.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in later.

Bob, good to see you posting my friend.

How bout those Cubs guys?

Have a great week everybody!
Morning, Pops and Pups. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Mine will almost certainly be better than yesterday. I got rear ended while stopped in traffic. Not injured so it's all okay.
Morning Pops, morning Zoners. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. God bless everyone's Tuesday.

Leon, I'm so sorry to hear about that, so very glad you weren't hurt -- in the grand scheme of things, that's the most important thing, sir. You'll get your car fixed and be back on the road in no time (think positive!). Have a blessed, safe day @LeonDixson.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may have the good fortune of stopping in later.

Leon, WTH? All is good sounds like but that's a bummer. Glad everybody is OK but it's still a pain. I'm sorry man.

That sucks.
Morning Pops, morning ABQ, morning Leon (I hope everything is coming along with your car repair Leon), and all the other Zoners here at CZ.

Happy "hump day," as Leon always says, to all :)
Afternoon, Pops, ABQ, Trouty and everyone. Thanks for the well wishes. Played golf this morning but didn't keep score. Had a great time.
Morning, Pops and all of Y'all. Make it a great and safe day. The weekend grows ever closer.
Morning, Pops. Morning, folks. TGIF!! Anyone have any big plans for the weekend? I've got nothing planned except watching football on Sunday.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may stop in a little later.

Hope everybody has a great plan for the weekend. Wife is leaving for Cali tomorrow to visit with her Sister and then work next week so, I'll be eating a lot of Ravioli from the can I think. LOL...... Maybe I'll make something real on Sunday for the game.

Be well everybody and have a great weekend!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all, who may be dropping in a little bit later.

Pops, I want to take this opportunity to thank you. I am not sure if you are responsible for helping to facilitate the start our Boys have had this year, or not, but I know I've been asking you to do what you can for a long time now. I'm gonna choose to believe that you have and thank you for it, either way!

I miss you Pops.

Everyone, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and the whole gang. Welcome to Victory Monday! That was a beautiful sentiment, ABQ.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may show up later.

Are you all candied out? I am, for sure and I don't even eat candy. Everybody, have a great week!
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone. Happy hump day! I'm still basking in the warm glow of victory over the Eagles. Have a wonderful day and stay safe, folks.
Morning Pops. Morning Leon and good morning to all. Hope everybody has a great day today.

Que tengas un gran día! Adios.

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