FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. It's going to be a long 2 weeks waiting for the next Cowboys game. Everyone have a great day.

@Trouty the rain didn't last very long. In fact I took the grand kids to the park in the afternoon.
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. 34 degrees here this morning which is not nearly as cold as you folks up north but still too cold for me. Y'all have a great day and stay warm.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and morning to all the Zoners.

Leon, for myself, out here in Los Angeles, we've been getting (by our standards) a great deal of rain the last two weeks. I have a 'rainfall total' app that I downloaded last rain season (due to El Niño, which completely sputtered by the time it made here, but I digress).

I venture to guess we've already received more rainfall thus far, than we did all of last season. I'll need to check the app. I love the rain :)
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. 26 degrees here this morning. That's too cold for me. TGIF for all you working guys. Have a great day.

Morning Pops, morning friends, and morning to all the Zoners.

Leon, for myself, out here in Los Angeles, we've been getting (by our standards) a great deal of rain the last two weeks. I have a 'rainfall total' app that I downloaded last rain season (due to El Niño, which completely sputtered by the time it made here, but I digress).

I venture to guess we've already received more rainfall thus far, than we did all of last season. I'll need to check the app. I love the rain :)

I love the rain too, Trouty. Always have. Our Texas drought ended last year and I hope this signals the end of the California drought. I grew up in Northern California just north of Sacramento about 40 miles, so we normally had a fair amount of rain per year. When I lived on the rainforest side of the Big Island, just above Hilo we got rain nearly every day year round. I loved it.
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and good morning to all the Zoners. TGIF :)

@LeonDixson, as Johnny Cash would say, "you've been everywhere, man". :) If you don't mind me asking, what city in Northern California? Central or coastal? Beautiful country up there in certain parts. Hawaii, too! Wow, sir. You've had some choice living environments in your time, Mr. Dixson. I've been to several parts of our glorious country due to the military (and places not so glorious, outside of it lol), but I never got a stay in Hawaii. :)

Everyone have a blessed and safe Friday. We get some much needed football this weekend, and a big Championship game this Monday.
Morning Pops and a big howdy to all of you. Old man's sleep last night. Very cold here (for this area) with snow forecast. Man I can't wait to get back home. Leaving on 13th. Just about thru with my visiting and business. Slow week with no game. Looking forward to the GB game though. Hoping for a Giants and Lions win this week. Best thing for us I think. You people have a good weekend and be safe.
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Welcome to the Weekend! We're sitting here at 13 degrees this morning so I'll be staying inside again today. At least I have football to look forward to and I can relax and enjoy it without the angst I feel when the Cowboys are playing. Have a great weekend everyone.

@Trouty I lived in the Marysville & Yuba City area in California in the Sacramento Valley. I was born here near Dallas but my family moved to Cali when I was two, so I grew up and worked there until I retired.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and morning to all the Zoners. Picking up my boy today, we're gonna go see the new Star Wars movie, we were supposed to see it last week, now I have no choice, Lol :D

That's awesome @LeonDixson, not much familiar with those areas, sir. I wish you a continued excellent and fun retirement, like it seems you are doing. Keep enjoying those grandkids and golf, sir (and Cowboys!) :D

@jobberone you're almost their, Doc, just 6 more days :) I know that seems like forever when it's home we're talking about, here. But my thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Everyone have a warm, blessed, and safe day, today :)
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Well, the Pack won. We probably would have been better off facing the Giants, but I just could not root for them to win. Ain't scared of the pack though, so bring 'em on. Have a great Monday, everyone
Morning Pops. Morning fellas and good morning to all who may stop in to check out this thread.

Gotta be honest, wanted to kinda see NY again but hey, not complaining. Looking forward to GB next weekend. Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. We will be warmer the next few days. From 13 degrees 4 days ago, it is supposed to be in the mid to high 70s tomorrow. Have a great day, folks.

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