FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops! Howdy boys. 5 and a wake up till wife gets home.

Saw Doc today. Says right rotator cuff is torn off bone. Great now I have two tears for sure although I knew the diagnosis when the right happened. Not a hard one. Will fix in a few weeks then do the left in about 8 months. Wanted to get it done yesterday but have to wait on insurance. Humana sucks.
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Happy hump day. Our forecast today is 84 degrees in Granbury. Unreal for February.

Good luck with shoulders, Jobb.
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and good morning to all you Zoners out there.

@jobberone, if you don't mind me asking, how the heck did you do this to yourself? Are you pitching/playing for a local softball league, Doc? I know that a lot of fellas get injured in those types of leagues.

@LeonDixson, enjoy that rare February weather, sir! Go play 18! :)
Prior surgeries on both. Reattached tendon on left remotely. Clean up on rights remotely. Left just wore out chronically. Right was injured lifting. Wasn't ready for this.

But I'm going to be a Grandpa again....number 7 coming around June. Taaaaa Daaaa!!!
Morning. Pops and Pen Pals. I've some minor fence repairing to do today. Other than that the docket's clear. Have a glorious day, Y'all.

@Trouty I did go play 18 yesterday and had a great time. Weather was perfect.
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and good morning to all you Zoners out there.

@LeonDixson, great to hear you took advantage of that weather, sir.

Everyone have a glorious and blessed day, today.
Morning Pops. Morning fellas and good morning to all who have the good fortune of checking out this thread.

Shoulders are tough Jobs. I really hope you have good luck on this one.

Leon, fence mending or 18 holes? Humm......

Trouty, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. TGIF!

I got a hundred dollars smoking in my bill fold
I know I outta save it but it's burning a hole
Right through my pocket and into my skin
come Monday morning i'll be broke again

Cause It's finally Friday, I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday, i'm outta control
forget the workin blues and let the good times roll

I got a little sugar baby down the road
She's sittin' on ready and rockin' on go
we'll dance up a storm and later on tonight
we'll be working on a doing all the wrong things right.

Cause It's finally Friday, I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday, i'm outta control
forget the workin blues and let the good times roll

Monday i'll be hurtin with my head in a vice
Tuesday i'll be wondering if i'll ever survive
Wednesday and a Thursday i'll be slowly tuning in
Friday i'll be rev-in up my motor again

finally Friday, I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday, i'm outta control
forget the workin blues and let the good times roll

finally Friday, I got my motor running for a wild weekend

It's finally Friday,
forget the workin blues and let the good times roll
Myorning Pops. Good Morning Fellas and to any who may stop in later in the day.

Leon, George said it best, you are right. Old saying, "You can't improve on perfection."

That song is the perfect Friday song my friend!
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and good morning to all you fine Zoners out there. TGIF!

Everyone have a blessed and safe day, today!
Afternoon Pops and howdy guys and girls. Hope you are all having a great day. Have an even better weekend.
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and good morning to CowboysZone!!

Everyone have a blessed and safe Saturday :)
Afternoon Pops. Same to all the regulars and any who may stop in later.

Hope everyone is enjoying the day. It's as good as you make it, even when it starts bad.

Be well everyone!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Have a blessed day.

@jobberone I bet you're excited about the Mrs. getting home in the next couple of days.
Morning Pops, morning fellas, and good morning to all of you fine Zoners out there.

Everyone have a blessed and safe Sunday.

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