FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in later.

Working on what we are going to make on Thursday. First Cowboy Football of the season, first football with the GrandBaby! Gotta to find the perfect Jersey for him!

Everybody, have a great day!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Nothing on the docket for me today so I guess I'll just have another cup of coffee, relax, and play computer games.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who may stop in a little later.

Hope everybody is doing well today. On this day in history, quit a few things happened.

Columbus actually landed in South America.

The First World War Erupted in Europe.

JFK got the PT 109 shot out from under him.

But most importantly, MTV aired their first Broadcast on August 1st, 1981. The Big M with the little tv were the insignia and the very first video played was "Video Killed The Radio Star" by The Buggles. How right they were yeah? Little did anybody know that something as simple as coming inside your home and turning on the Radio to simply listen to music died then and there. Things like Wifi Stereo and Turn Tables became a thing of the past in a single day.

Please start your day off right by watching and listening to the very first video ever aired on Mtv.

Everyone, have a great day!
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you wonderful Zoners out there.

ABQ, good stuff! Love the song, haven't seen or heard it in ages! Thanks for sharing the "this day in history" with us.

Everyone have a blessed and safe day, today.
Morning Pops and a big howdy to you all. Hope this is a wonderful day. Two more days until some action although I suspect all we'll see is backups for the most part.
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you wonderful Zoners out there!

Happy hump day! Everyone, my blessings and prayers from my heart to yours
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Football is finally back!! I don't care if it is just pre season and the starters won't play much, if at all. Football is finally back!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who may stop in later.

Game Day! Football is finally back and not a moment too soon.

Everybody, enjoy!
Morning Pops and Pen Pals and TGIF! I was impressed with Rod Smith and Rico last night. Cooper Rush did more than I expected. Butler was very good and did what he should have done against backup players. Have a great day all of you!
Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. Welcome to the Weekend! I got my Cowboys season tickets in the mail yesterday. Into the gun safe they go! Have a great weekend, Y'all.
Morning Pops and a huge howdy to all my friends. Have a wonderful and safe weekend. My wife went to the movies with me yesterday and leaned over and said, "College ball starts this weekend". Yes is a western girl now.
Afternoon Pops, afternoon friends, and good afternoon on this beautiful Sunday to all you Zoners out there

I can't express how much I missed this thread and my fondness for all of you. Each and everyone of you.

Fellas, have a blessed and peaceful day :star: